
💜 In March, feminists reclaim the struggles of a whole year, of a whole life and of all those who have brought us this far. Although this 8th March has already passed, we continue to reap the fruits of past struggles, which sowed the seeds of emancipation and created a collective memory. An example of this is the Feminisms channel where more than 100 projects have been co-financed thanks to people like you.

✊🏽 As always, we reaffirm our commitment to the dissemination and promotion of new feminist initiatives: in the face of the neoliberal and misogynist reactionary wave, you will find us in the streets and in shared spaces, promoting other futures free of oppressions.

📬 In this bulletin, we propose a space for reflection and action. We put on the table our bets for the memory of feminisms, for the defence of the rights of lesbian, bisexual and trans women, and for a fairer economic system that promotes equity, justice and dignity for all. Will you join us?


👉🏼 The Nomdonalagana SCCL cooperative runs a project that combines the fight against gender-based violence with the production of artisanal jams made by women survivors of violence.

🗣 With a strong commitment to sustainability, each jar of jam symbolises more than a product: it is an opportunity for women to generate employment, improve their self-esteem and, above all, empower themselves.

💸 However, the project faces financial challenges, so they need your support to keep the cooperative afloat and break even in 2025. Check out the wonderful rewards they offer and donate here.

Save the Prole!

⚠️ In Barcelona, a space of cultural and activist resistance is at risk due to real estate speculation: the Prole bookshop.

📚 This transfeminist bookshop and meeting space wants to be transformed into a worker cooperative to remain a point of support and creation for emerging publishing and cultural projects.

🤗 By saving Prole, we are not only protecting a place for literature and critical thinking, but also an active community that fights for freedom, equality and feminism. Support the campaign here.

Documentary Western Sahara: ‘Aminetu’.

🇪🇭 Sahrawi activist Aminetu Haidar is a global symbol in the struggle for human rights and self-determination for the Sahrawi people. Her historic hunger strike in 2009 highlighted the injustice of her expulsion from Western Sahara.

🎥 The documentary ‘Aminetu’ aims to give a voice to this brave woman and to make visible the struggle of an entire people who have been resisting occupation and abandonment for more than 50 years.

Through personal and intimate testimonies, this project highlights Aminetu's crucial role as a woman activist in a context of conflict. Join us in bringing this story to the world, participate here.

What about you? What are you interested in?

😙 At the Platoniq Foundation we are dedicated to disseminating innovative democratic initiatives that add value for citizens, as well as to promoting crowdfunding for projects with social impact through our platform Join us at our events and continue promoting democratic transition and collective empowerment.

🥰 Join this transformation! Let the social and solidarity energy flow, because in a seemingly devastated world, we can still build change. Donate to our campaign and participate in the new version of Goteo.

See you in the next newsletter! 😜

That's as far as we go. We hope this newsletter has encouraged you to keep walking towards the society of all and for all that we are gradually approaching. See you next time!

In order for us to continue our work so that more civic initiatives take place


Our projects

Documental Sahara Occidental: "Aminetu" Documental Sahara Occidental: "Aminetu"

By: EntreFronteras

To strengthen democratic values

50 años de abandono y resistencia en el Sahara Occidental

€ 6.828 received

25 days Remaining

Salvemos la Prole! Salvemos la Prole!

By: Salvemos La Prole

Creating culture

Evitemos juntes el cierre de la librería (y construyamos un centro social de resistencia!)

€ 6.147 received

19 days Remaining


By: Nomdonalagana, SCCL

Creating employment

Tarros de libertad contra la violencia machista.

€ 6.325 received

5 days Remaining



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An initiative of:

Fundación Goteo