📚 Today we remember the doctoral thesis of Roberto Sancho Larrañaga where he explained that political violence in the mid-nineties in Spain, Algeria and Chiapas, although it did not come directly from access or blocking the power system, did create the necessary conditions for a sector of the population perceived "the path of arms" as the only possibility of channeling political and social demands.
📬 In this newsletter we want to disseminate three projects in these territories that advocate collective will and from below to overcome the difficulties contracted by the institutional actors in conflict. Agrarian reform, logistics for humanitarian aid and reforestation according to the principles of permaculture are the three proposals to unite and multiply that transformative Spain-Algeria-Chiapas connection. Let's go there!
First Extremadura Congress 👨🌾

👨🌾 From the March 25th Association they consider it essential to implement an Agrarian Reform in Extremadura, understood as a profound transformation of the structures and of the whole of the economic reality of the region.
🗓 For this they organize from March 20 to 22, 2020 the I Congress of Agrarian Reform Extremeño where to have different roundtables with regional, state and international presence, in addition to many more very interesting activities, to make this reform an integral initiative and participatory for an ecological transition that guarantees food sovereignty.
💚 Enter and be part of this project in Reforma Agraria.
CuatroVientos for the Sahara 🇪🇭

🚛 The logistics of humanitarian aid in the Sahara desert is hard, but especially vital for the 173,500 Sahrawi refugees who depend for their livelihood on humanitarian aid. Delivered mainly by the United Nations World Food Program, it arrives on a regular basis through a complex distribution program and the Saharui Red Crescent Transportation Base (BdT), promoted and managed since 2004 by the Workers Association Technicians Without Borders (ATTsF) NGO based in Navarra.
🔨The proper maintenance of these vehicles has been key so that the distribution of humanitarian aid has never failed and even in times of emergency situations such as the floods of 2015, have been decisive in maintaining the flow of that aid. The students of the Formative Cycle of Higher Degree of Transportation and Logistics of Integrated Winds Center, have been collaborating for 3 years on different projects and now face an attractive and ambitious project such as the reconditioning of the warehouses of the transport base.
❤ You can join them in Ayuda Humanitaria Sáhara.
Lum Ha': Environmental Odyssey 🌈

🌳 Lum Ha' is a multicultural family project that is developed on a seven-hectare property in the Carmelito community, in the southern highlands of Chiapas, southeastern Mexico, in a rural context with acute environmental problems: deforestation, drought, exhaustion of the springs, contamination by agrochemicals and mining are combined in an accelerated degradation of the environment.
🌺 So far there are no initiatives at the height of this situation, but at Lum Ha ’they have been dedicated to creating an ecological oasis for four years, putting into practice the principles of permaculture.
💛 Only with the theory is it very difficult to convince and that is why at Lum Ha’ they have started to work, inviting you to participate! Rancho Lumha!
January readings 📚

These projects have aroused a lot of curiosity, so if you want to go deeper, here are some recommended readings:
- El 25 de marzo de 1936, más de 60.000 campesinos ocuparon 3.000 fincas de grandes terratenientes.
- Hablemos de lo que pasa en el Sáhara Occidental
- Coca-Cola seca los pozos de Chiapas a cambio de 150 dólares anuales
See you in 15 days! 😜
In Goteo we like to innovate and we would also like to know what you would like to be told in these newsletters.
So we encourage you to write us in info @ drip and ask us what you consider most interesting. We will love to hear from you.
Without more, see you here in fifteen days!