🌏 Social inequality is the condition by which people have unequal access to resources of all kinds, to services and to positions that society values. This social inequality is strongly associated with social classes, gender, ethnicity, religion ... Three examples of circumstances that maintain an unequal world are access to education, food and health, since it is more accessible for some to get them and for others it is more difficult.
📬 In this newsletter we bring three initiatives that take place in unequal territories. By land, wanting to ensure food in a refugee camp; by sea, facilitating access to electricity for women on the island of Madagascar; by air, touring the Iberian Peninsula to preserve the cultural richness of a fundamental instrument in the transmission of feelings and regrets. In their inequality they all bring a message and we hope you receive it in its entirety.
Food for the Sahara 🏜

🐪 More than 175,000 people have lived in the Sahrawi refugee camps for more than 40 years. The covid pandemic has paralyzed many international cooperation projects in the camps. The Sahrawi population has suffered a double confinement these months: not being able to leave home, and being abandoned in refugee camps.
🧕🏽 With this project, families receive a basic food basket provided by the Saharawi Red Crescent, an organization that operates in the Camps through international contributions. This organization has issued a statement asking for help to guarantee this basket due to the current situation. With ACAPS we are going to collaborate with the Red Crescent to achieve this goal and that no family is left without food. With a contribution of € 20 we can guarantee food for a family of 5 members for a week.
👉🏽 If you also want to contribute, do it in Food for the Sahara
Female empowerment in Madagascar ✊🏽

☀️ SunNomads is a non-profit association that fights against energy poverty in developing countries using solar energy.
🇲🇬 At the moment its country of operation is the Republic of Madagascar, which belongs to the group of less developed countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Affected by various economic and social crises, there is a population affected by poverty in more than two thirds and only 10% have access to electricity. In rural areas this data is even more alarming, only 5%, with its respective consequences on society and cultural evolution.
🧑🏽 Its mission is to improve the situation of the women of Madagascar, who are the linchpin of Malagasy society, responsible for both agricultural work and childcare and household chores. To do this, two women's centers of the association will install two solar water pumping systems and you can support them by collaborating in Female empowerment
It has a mouth and knows how to speak 🎼

🎼 The traditional guitar is the style of playing that has been transmitted mainly by oral tradition in a good part of the Iberian Peninsula and its islands for many generations. Although it is not a virtuous style, it concentrates a series of techniques that are worth studying and revaluing.
👵🏻 Currently this style is the heritage of very few people The places where traditional touches are still practiced in a natural way are far from large capitals, and are usually family contexts or small communities.
👉🏽 With this crowdfunding campaign it is proposed to travel the peninsula and islands to record up to 10 guitar artists and tell their stories with this precious instrument. Join us to say loud: It has a mouth and knows how to speak
With crowdfunding we transform the world 😌

Crowdfunding is already transforming the way that many entrepreneurs & enterprises around the globe think about how they engage their community and fundraise for various causes. We believe that policy makers, public servants and various governments, municipalities & regions can benefit significantly from this fascinating trend – employing crowd related mechanisms within their frameworks and begin to use their crowd as an asset - a crowdasset.
For this reason, the Goteo Foundation has collaborated in the book Crowdasset that explores the opportunities presented by crowdfunding and crowdfunded innovation, and how major policy makers are already using crowdfunding and crowd mechanisms and how it is radically accelerating innovation, engagement and community transformation.
Specifically in the article "Match-Funding Calls for Open Crowdfunding: The Experience from Goteo.Org in New Policies for Crowdvocacy" prepared by Enric Senabre Hidalgo, Mayo Fuster Morell, Cristina Moreno de Alborán and Olivier Schulbaum.
We encourage you to take a look at the first chapter and get the book if you want to know even more. We, you know, we keep moving forward thanks to your contributions and collaborating on each project.
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!