🏛️ There are key turning points in human history that set a clear course for years and even decades. Today we always carry a surgical mask with us and the most natural thing is to ask ourselves how long? At Fundación Goteo we don't have the answer to the "when" either, but we have thought a lot about the "how".
✊ Instead of letting the feeling of helplessness immobilize us, what we are going to do is continue to focus our energies on everything that we can do better to continue sharing with you initiatives that accompany your spirit to continue living with conscience, optimism and purpose.
🔥 Humanity is somewhat fragile and always has been ... but also much wiser and more resilient. In this new year we want to continue moving forward with you, flash after flash, giving strength to those initial sparks of living uncertainty with which everything begins.
📬 In this newsletter you will learn about three projects that are born out of fear and respond with collective action: the promotion of community gardens for an excluded and degraded neighborhood; the making of a short film about the feeling of guilt over the death of a close relative; the struggle to carry out a Popular Legislative Initiative to stop the privatization of Healthcare and make it universal.
Crowdplanting 🌿

🌿 The Barrio del Cementerio is a particularly degraded area of the city of Alicante with a significant presence of sub-housing. Inhabited by some 200 families, cultural and community invisibility are added to the social and historical invisibility, since being part of a peripheral district, occupied mainly by industrial facilities, the area does not have close access to facilities.
⛏ Aspects that contribute to vulnerability are subjective perceptions, such as the presence of outside noise, pollution, lack of communication with the rest of the city or the absence of green areas. In the case of housing, the presence of humidity, the lack of resources to maintain an adequate temperature or the scarce natural light increase the risk of respiratory problems, difficulties in falling asleep or the appearance of musculoskeletal disorders.
🌼 With this campaign the aim is to put the necessary means at the disposal of a motor group, made up of neighborhood residents and technicians to create community gardens. Support them in goteo.cc/crowdplanting.
Night shift 🏨

🏨 This short film wants to convey the mental and psychological difficulty that health workers suffer after the death of their first patients, so learning to fight against their ghosts and get rid of the guilt that accompanies them is a learning that is as hard as it is necessary.
👩🔧 It will be directed by Claudia Silva who tells us "A few months ago I lost my favorite person in this world, my yaya. In the summer of 2020 she was detected metastatic pancreatic cancer. [...] During most of those months I wasn't really aware of what it meant for my grandmother to have that big bug inside. My unconsciousness was so great that I almost forgot I had it. I feel like I didn't take advantage of the time she had to spend as much time with her before she left ".
🎥 This story is directed to all those people who have ever been afraid of losing someone. To all those people who have felt a great feeling of guilt and that has blinded them. If you want to collaborate, you can do it in goteo.cc/turnodenoche.
ILP Recovery of the National Health System 🗳

🗳 Since 2004, the Anti-Privatization Coordinator of Health has been working, without subsidies of any kind, to defend the National Health System. There are hundreds of militants distributed in different nuclei of the state denouncing how the commercialization of health care, in all its dimensions (hospital, out-of-hospital, pharmaceutical, etc.) perverts the essence of the operation of the health system, deteriorating the quality of care and increasing enormously social inequalities
⚖️ Its manifesto "Never more preventable deaths, never again business with health" has been signed by 172 organizations and since the pandemic broke out they have held 4 decentralized demonstrations in the state, the last on June 12, 2021 in more than 40 cities.
👉 Now it is time to disseminate and obtain signatures for the ILP presented that intends to repeal Law 15/97 and eliminate all the articles of the General Health Law that allow private concerts and the transfer of public funds to private companies while direct management centers they are dying for lack of means. Hospital centers would be given a second shift, in those specialties necessary to avoid referrals to private centers. You can collaborate in goteo.cc/ilpsalud.
## MatchImpulsa 2021 finishes! 🤗

🏭 This past Sunday, December 19, MatchImpulsa ended, the Open Chair initiative launched on November 11 to collectively finance the activity of a dozen projects in Barcelona for digital platformization with free software and a feminist and commons approach.
ℹ️ In this first call we can be very satisfied, since it has been verified that this formula continues to work at full capacity as a co-responsible support tool, and has served so that citizens could show their support for this initiative.
👍 There have been 8 projects successfully financed, with a total collection of € 125,312, of which € 40,312 corresponding to the "Crowd" (amount donated by citizens) and € 85,000 to "Match" (contributed by MatchImpulsa), which meant 68% of total funds raised. Once the campaigns had concluded, the remaining € 8,500 that MatchImpulsa made available to them was distributed among the 8 projects, taking into account the number of donors reached and the funds raised. You can take a look at the datasets here and to a longer article here. Long life to goteo.cc/matchimpulsa!
BlueCrowd Meting in Mallorca 🚀

🌊 More and more countries discover the strength of coordinating and collaborating through joint policies and actions in the blue economy. At Fundación Goteo, together with the European Regional Development Fund, we promote the Blue Crowdfunding Interreg MED project that incorporates the use of crowdfunding in the Mediterranean, supporting the launch of campaigns, establishing international training and combining public funds with crowdfunding to finance, test and validate initiatives that take advantage of and they take care of the natural wealth of our beloved sea.
🤗 After launching three successful calls to promote projects in Spain, Cyprus and Greece, we decided to meet with representatives of the Central Macedonia Region at our offices in Palma de Mallorca to share good practices and establish bridges with other related entities that work in the islands. Discover how were those two wonderful and fruitful days in this post.
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!

Following our aim to help develop the commons economy and the power of open source tools, we are now members of Meet.coop! An online meeting cooperative that cares about privacy and allows people and organisations to have quality online meetings with ethical tools.