🌧 Most children's songs carry in their lyrics truths like fists, which are only revealed to us after a while and when we grow up. Like when we understand that when it rains in our backyard, it gets wet "like all the others". Growing up, we believe, is discovering that everything is connected and our joint actions allow us to move forward or backward in the goal of a better life. That is why today we want to bring you a selection of projects that invite us to act maturely in the world, reminding us that nature sustains the universal life of all beings, that it is not a place to visit but our home and that the way we relate to it will never receive rewards or punishments, but consequences.
📬 In this newsletter you will discover a call from Malaga to the sustainable development of our coasts, an initiative from Zaragoza to facilitate school recreational spaces for the development of multiple intelligences and an invitation from Igualada to recover synergic livestock farming as a form of symbiosis between different species. We hope you find it as encouraging as we do.
Málaga plastic free ♻️

🏡 Do you think it is urgent that we learn to live in balance with the systems that support life and it is necessary to demand that they are protected? If you are a person in love like us with this planet, feel it as your home and want to continue living on it as we know it so far (even better), you can help to carry out this project.
🌊 The goal is to bring the message of sustainable development to as many people as possible, raise awareness about the need to reduce the use of disposable plastic, learn about the state of the coast, the projects that are being carried out to protect the environment and promote a sustainable and healthy form of tourism.
😊 Find out more and support them at goteo.cc/malagasinplastico.
The patio is ours 🏫

🎒 The La Purísima educational center for Deaf Children has been committed to pedagogical innovation for many years; a constant path, in which the time has come to stop and reflect on the playground space.
😌 That is why they want to transform these spaces and make them habitable and make the playground a place where multiple intelligences are developed, attending to growth and not deficit, to advance in inclusive educational practice. An educational space where things happen beyond the 30 minutes of recess, where the acquisition of vital, human and competent learning will be facilitated.
👧 Collaborate today in goteo.cc/elpatioesnuestro.
Dairy cows in Ecomercaderet 🐮

🌾 Small farms have been disappearing for decades and with them peasants. With a highly mechanized conventional agriculture and 100% dependent on oil, we indirectly eat the oil seasoned with pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Industrial livestock farming has turned many farms into meat factories, where animals live completely isolated from ecosystems and nature.
💪 Ecomercaderet wants to vindicate mixed, synergetic farms, bring them back into existence and make them visible. Applying new knowledge and technologies, and democratic tools, to the model of sustainable agriculture practiced by our great-grandparents.
👉 Find out how they will do it and take part in goteo.cc/ecomercaderet.
FEM Channel! 💜

What do you think about our new space on the platform dedicated exclusively to feminist projects? What? You have not yet entered Feminisms Channel?
Do it now and discover almost a hundred entities and celebrate it with us, making it known to welcome any feminist organization that wants to launch a campaign to make itself known, strengthen itself or expand its network.
All new projects submitted before March 7, will have at their disposal: 2h of personalized advice in video call format, inclusion of the initiative in the thematic channel and the possibility of being part of the joint launch on 8M (you can also publish later if you prefer).
We've already received a number of cool proposals and we'd love for you to join them!
See you in 15 days! 😜
Up to here we arrive. We hope that this newsletter has encouraged you to continue walking towards the society of all and for all that we are approaching, little by little. Until next time!

Following our aim to help develop the commons economy and the power of open source tools, we are now members of Meet.coop! An online meeting cooperative that cares about privacy and allows people and organisations to have quality online meetings with ethical tools.