We could summarize 2018 in figures...
- 798 campaign proposals and 241 selected and 222 funded (92% success rate)
- €8,947 on average per project and €48,7 of average contribution per donor
- 29,203 donors with 3,213 multi-donors (contribute to more than one project)
- €1,933,938 of collection
- and so on... (here in The accounts of Fundación Goteo in 2018)
It's very good, right? But do you know what data fills us with joy and tells us that we are doing things right? That in Goteo it is possible to make non-monetary contributions (translations, accompaniment to people ...). And this year:
- 142 people have contributed their talent to projects they did not know.
Why are we different?
Fundación Goteo's mission goes beyond financing social projects. We have a horizon as broad as life and we want to leave a positive footprint in the world. And how we do it? Well with your feet on the ground, your head wide open and a destination map.
In that map we have three engraved symbols that represent three tracks: 🐾 democratic, 🐾 social and 🐾 ecological.

Everything we love most is there: gender equality and LGTBIQ + rights, sustainable rural development interconnected with the city, the Social and Solidarity Economy, environmentalism ...
We love making these annual summaries here, because we realize how much we have advanced and we can contemplate these new lands and new landscapes that have become visible.
Some were already there, very close (what they call immediate local level), others a little further (extensive territorial level) and others there in the distance (what since there are political borders 😅 is called "international")

So this is the point of this article 😊, of remembering together those oases in the capitalist desert or those cooperative islands in the vast ocean full of clueless sharks.
If Sappho ever said "I was looking for you, and you came, and you have refreshed my soul that burned with absence", we could say the same thing to the women of La Marea que impulsaron la campaña #PorTodas, with the aim of carrying out 55 reports on 55 women murdered in Spain.
Around 3,000 people -with contributions from one euro- supported this project, reaching between them all the sum of €88,948.
This would be a clear example of an initiative with the intention of leaving a democratic and social mark, facing the challenge of machismo on several fronts such as the media, institutions and educational centers, among them.
The comrades of the Popular Union of Street Vendors of Barcelona, in turn, illuminated a dark horizon with a huge bonfire 🔥, lit with a great idea.
Which was? Well, turn around your status as street vendors of counterfeit clothing capitalist brands ... and create your own brand with a design at the highest level.
Top Manta · Ropa legal hecha por gente ilegal fue the proposal of a fashion line with the aim of visualizing the living conditions of the group, as well as the search for opportunities for regularization and work.
A total of 2,465 co-financiers contributed the total amount of € 67,184 and so not only was it possible to manufacture cool shirts but the collective received and took advantage of the focus to put the debate on the table 😎.
"If I can not dance, it's not my revolution", we know of the truth that Emma Goldman said. It's funny how some phrases we hear them over and over again, and not only do they not lose their strength, but they seem to grow inside of us.
We felt something similar when, for the fourth year in a row, the Festival Reina Loba He chose us to finance a free meeting of arts, music and ecology in a town in Ourense.
Commitment and Joy Politics and Happiness. At Fundación Goteo we also believe that not only can they go hand in hand, but it is also desirable that they embrace each other ... as much as possible!
And how difficult it is to make a summary when, if you remember correctly, 242 projects were financed!
So in order not to extend too much we will compress, in this single paragraph, three projects that have left a positive ecological footprint this 2018 😜: #AcompañaCSA: Produciendo en comunidad made real the dream of promoting the model of Agriculture Sustained by the Community , based on producing their own food, supporting risks and benefits of agricultural and livestock activity; MadAIRE developed a collaborative pollution map for the Arganzuela neighborhood of Madrid; and the platform Defensem el Castell could start a legal battle to safeguard the Castelldefels pine forest against real estate speculation.
🔍 If you have not had enough, remember that you can access our stats and our discover, where you have many more data and campaigns.
We are not alone: building alliances with Matchfunding and Canales Goteo
Together we are stronger and in 2018 we continue to build alliances and create complicities with public and private institutions, among other things, to strengthen the matchfunding, a hybrid financing model that multiplies the citizen contributions thanks to funds provided by municipalities, county councils, universities , etc. The matchfunding has many advantages for the different agents involved. And it is that, beyond facilitating the financing of an initiative, thanks to the coresponsibility between citizens and institutions, it also provides double-thread legitimacy: on the one hand to the institution, which distributes funds to initiatives supported by society, and on the other to the same projects, which gain more support and visibility.
Checking the map we love to see that we have friends in several cities and we are fascinated by how different and beautiful each one is when meeting to improve their lives.
- In Barcelona we are part of Conjuntament: the first call promoted by the City Council, which allowed to support 22 initiatives of the city linked to the economic development of proximity. €135,336 of citizen donations were collected and the institution contributed another €96,000. It was on this occasion that they agreed to meet Lendi, Posem en marxa Som Mobilitat a Barcelona o Katuma, among many others.
- In Gipuzkoa ... they already knew what we were coming from 🤗. Meta!, the call that supports cultural projects located and promoted by agents and groups of Gipuzkoa, was held for the third consecutive year and in fact, you have already opened the deadline to apply for the 4ª this 2019. But to which we were going, on this occasion 14 of the 15 projects in the campaign were successfully financed (success rate of 93.33%) and a total of €147,619 was collected, taking advantage of the total of €70,000 made available by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa as a matchfunding.
In this edition, we also premiered the gamification, a resource to encourage donations that consisted of activating specific periods of triplication 🙉🙉🙉 of the matchfunding. Thanks to this tripling, in just 24 hours, the campaign projects raised €42,375!
Successful projects such as Käffka, Zinebai: por un cine accesible en euskera and Miles Along, ALL ROADS.
Los Canales Goteo is another specialty of the house 😋 that, once it is tested, makes you want to repeat it very soon. This other form of collaboration that we promote in Goteo are spaces dedicated, within the platform, to organizations that promote the continuous creation and launching of new projects, driven by different agents.
- Canal Goteo Barcelona is the one used by the City Council of Barcelona and is reserved for projects that have an impact on Barcelona, such as 'City for sale' or 37 històries, among others. As in the other projects, the Goteo Foundation makes available all its channels of dissemination (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter y LinkedIn and NewsLetters) so that our community of donors know and can give their support to these cultural and social community initiatives.
- Canal Ahora coMparte is driven by Ahora Madrid and was born with the aim of using 20% of the donations from its elected officials and personnel hired to finance social initiatives for the common good and the development of the neighborhoods of Madrid. With the € 100,000 made available, 22 projects were cofinanced, La Horizontal and Enchufa La Corriente, among them. In total, €249,416 was raised and 2,771 patrons participated.
- Canal I-UMA this 2018 was launched, launched by the University of Malaga with the aim of co-financing and sharing research projects that contribute to social progress, as it has been Corazonada.
- Canal Fiare Banca Etica It was the icing on the cake and a great way to end a good year, offering the channel as a new tool for the partners and customers of this ethical and cooperative bank, being Geltoki his first success.

And this is the first day of travel ... It's already dark 🌄 and we're going to rest 😴.
Do not miss the next article, where we will tell you about the lands of Crowdfunding and Crowdanthropy, the meadows of FundLab and other wonders waiting for you to discover them 😉.