As of June 12, the Goteo commission is again 5%. Throughout this 2018 we have made a great effort giving support and affection to each of the 116 projects published on the platform, reaching a 90% success rate.
That is why we have expanded equipment, increased work hours and level salaries. Now we have a structure of coordination and direction, which previously assumed Platoniq voluntarily through presidency (Susana G. Noguero) and vice-presidency (Olivier Schulbaum), and which is now part of the functions of the co-direction of the Goteo Foundation (Cristina Moreno and Mauricio O'Brien).
We believe that recovering that 1% commission will strengthen the sustainability of the Foundation, reaching support and service to the greatest number of possible projects, reducing in turn the dependence on subsidies and sale of services to entities (workshops, training ...) .
As you can see in this infographic, the "vital" process of each project implies a solid accompaniment of attention to projects and donors, resolution of incidents, free previous advice, progressive and constant improvements of the platform, polishing of bugs and optimization of gateways of payment, among others.

Today, we are a team of 8 people: 5 contracted in indefinite and 3 autonomous collaborators. Salaries represent 78% of our annual costs and can be consulted in our accounts.
We are happy to inform you that we are working on an article where you can meet the whole team, their daily tasks in the Foundation and even those projects that have fallen in love with this 2018. We keep growing, family!