Agrari, the fastest delivery direct from the farmer in the city

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Finished 12 / 11 / 2022
£ 6,030
£ 4,693
£ 13,612
91 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4

    Be part of the Agrari family

    🤗 Become part of the Agrari family

    🗞️ Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest news.

    💖 A hug from the team!

    **This contribution is tax-deductible! By donating 5€ your real contribution becomes only 1€!

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Cloth bags

    🛍️ An Agrari cloth bag

    📅 A calendar of seasonal fruits and vegetables

    🗞️ Sign up for our newsletter to keep you up to date with the latest news

    💖 A hug from the team!

    Shipping costs to Spain included.

    *This contribution is tax-deductible! By donating 20€ your real contribution becomes 4€!

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 29

    Bike tour - 1 person

    🚲 Bike tour through the orchard of Alboraya (Valencia)

    🗞️ Sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news.

    💖 A hug from the team!

    **This contribution is tax-deductible! By donating 35€ your real contribution becomes only 7€ !

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Gift basket

    🧺 Gift basket with seasonal products, direct from the farmer

    🗞️ Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with the latest news

    💖 A hug from the team!

    *Shipping costs to Spain included.

    **This contribution is tax-deductible! By donating 50€ your real contribution becomes only 10€ !

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 63

    Permaculture training

    🏕️ Permaculture training for beginners, learn what it is, how to do it and where to find it.

    🗞️ Sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news.

    💖 A hug from the team!

    **This contribution is tax-deductible! By donating 75€ your real contribution becomes only 15€ !

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 63

    Camping for 2 persons

    🏕️ Priority access (with tent included) to the next camping organised by Agrari together with the company Sí o Qué Turismo Rural (Province of Valencia).

    🗞️ Subscription to our newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news

    💖 A hug from the team!

    Yes or What is a rural tourism company with which Agrari collaborates in its campsites by offering local products at the dinner of the excursion.

    **This contribution is tax-deductible! By donating 75€ your real contribution is only 15€ !

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 100

    Sponsor an orange tree

    🍊 Receive a 10kg box of Valencian oranges per month for three months!

    🗞️ Sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news.

    💖 A hug from the team!

    *Shipping costs to Spain included.
    **This contribution is tax-deductible! By donating 120€ your real contribution is only 24€!

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 125

    Excursion to the orchard, visit to a farmer and tasting of Valencian avocados. 2 persons

    🧑🌾 Guided excursion to an avocado orchard for 2 persons

    🥑 Avocado tasting with panoramic view of the Vall de Segó (Valencia)

    🗞️ Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news

    💖 A hug from the team!

    **This contribution is tax-deductible! By donating 150€ your real contribution becomes only 30€ !

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 175

    Sponsor a premium avocado tree

    🥑Receive a 5kg box of premium Valencian avocados every month for three months!

    🗞️ Sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news.

    💖 A hug from the team!

    *Shipping costs to Spain included!
    **This contribution is tax-deductible! By donating 210€ your real contribution becomes only 69€!

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 417

    Major sponsor

    🧺 Subscription to 1 basket of seasonal fruit and vegetables per month for 1 year

    🌟 A special mention on our website

    🗞️ Subscription to our newsletter to keep you up to date with the latest news

    💖 A hug from the team!

    *Shipping costs included.

    **This contribution is tax-deductible! By donating 500€ your real contribution becomes only 257.5€!

    > 04 Co-financiers

¡Hemos conseguido nuestro objetivo mínimo! 🍾

20 | 10 | 2022

¡Hola Agrariers!

Gracias a vosotros, ¡hemos conseguido nuestro objetivo mínimo! 🥳

Estamos muy felices y muy agradecidos por vuestro apoyo al proyecto. Ahora, AGRARI puede pasar a la siguiente fase de su desarrollo ¡y esto es gracias a vosotros!

Nuestro objetivo es de ser capacez de realizar los envíos de pedidos en el mismo día. De esta manera, hacemos más accesible el consumo local, y nos permite trabajar con más agricultores que reciben un pago justo por su trabajo.

Ahora, se abre la segunda campaña 🙌

Durante 30 días, seguimos con el crowdfunding con el objetivo de poder mejorar nuestra plataforma web y que sea mas fácil realizar un pedido; y también mejorar nuestra logística y ampliar nuestra red de agricultores asociados.

¡Contamos con vosotros para difundir nuestra campaña entre amigos y familiares!

¡De nuevo, muchas gracias por vuestra confianza!

El equipo AGRARI - Jesús, Jaume, Arturo, Ludi e Iván 🌿

AGRARI - por un modelo de consumo más social, sostenible y saludable


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