Aller Simple

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Finished 09 / 10 / 2021
€ 8.380
€ 6.390
€ 10.150
112 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    A hug and your name in the credits

    You will be entitled to a big hug (face-to-face or from a distance) from the entire team. Also, your name will appear in the credits , so it will be read by millions of viewers who will enjoy Aller Simple through online platforms and festivals.

    • Your actual spending will be € 2 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 8 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    Link to the movie

    In addition to the hug and thanks in the credits, we will send you the link to the movie so that you can watch it non-stop (or go straight to the end credits to show everyone your participation!).

    • Your actual spending will be € 5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 20 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 32 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Script in pdf

    In addition to all of the above, we will send you our eternal thanks and the PDF of the Aller Simple script, signed by their authors (if you don't speak French, that will be the excuse to start!).

    • Your actual spending will be € 10 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 40 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Invitation to the preview

    In addition to all of the above, we will invite you to attend the preview (in Tolouse or in Barcelona ), to see the movie on the big screen, meet our fabulous team and eat peanuts while we talk about movies.

    • Your actual expenditure will be € 20 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 80 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200

    Movie poster

    In addition to all of the above, one day not too far away you will find the magnificent poster for Aller Simple (designed by the great Tristan Houllemare and signed by the entire team).

    • Your actual spending will be € 62.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 137.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 300

    Mysterious USB memory stick

    In addition to all the above, one day you will receive a mysterious USB memory stick with the movie, the making of, souvenir photos and many GB of kisses.

    • Your actual spending will be € 127.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 172.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 400

    DVD of “Aller Simple”

    In addition to all the above, you will receive the Aller Simple DVD , recorded on a film by Nicolas Cage (a unique item that will increase in value over the years and pay off your children's mortgage!).

    • Your actual expenditure will be € 192.5 if donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 207.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Associated producers

    In addition to all of the above, you will appear in the film credits as associate producers (don't be surprised if in a few weeks Stanley Kubrick's manager calls you).

    • Your actual spending will be € 257.5 if you donate from Spain. The Treasury will return up to € 242.5 in the income statement. + info here: Tax calculator *
    > 02 Co-financiers

2022, l’année, year, año, anno, any d’Aller Simple!

07 | 01 | 2022
2022, l’année, year, año, anno, any d’Aller Simple!



Bonjour à toutes et à tous !

L’équipe d’Aller Simple espère que vous avez passé de super fêtes, et vous souhaite une année 2022 merveilleuse et pleine de rebondissements !

Pour nous, l’année 2022 sera bien entendu l’année d’Aller Simple. Pour des raisons d’espace de travail, le commencement du travail de montage a été un peu freiné, mais heureusement nous commençons l’année avec un super bureau, un super ordinateur, et surtout un super matériel filmique qui sans vous n’aurait jamais existé !

Certains et certaines d’entre vous doivent peut-être se demander quand sera finalisé le projet, il est difficile à vrai dire de donner une vraie date mais nous espérons pouvoir vous montrer le résultat avant l’été qui arrive. Car oui, le montage d’un film comme celui-ci prend du temps, car tous les détails comptent. Du montage à l’étalonnage en passant par le mixage sonore, nous souhaitons être pointilleux sur tous les aspects, afin de pouvoir vous livrer le maximum, car vous avez donné le maximum.

On vous tiendra bien sûr informé.es! En attendant, nous vous souhaitons encore une fois bonheur, santé, amour, et création fructueuse pourquoi pas! Vive le cinéma ! Merci encore à vous.


Bon dia a tothom!

Tot l'equip d'Aller Simple esperem que hagueu passat unes vacances excel·lents. Us desitgem un meravellós i emocionant any 2022!

Per a nosaltres, aquest any que comença serà, evidentment, l'any d'Aller Simple. El muntatge de la pel·lícula s'ha endarrerit una mica perquè hem tingut problemes d'espai de treball, però afortunadament hem arrencat el 2022 amb una nova oficina, un gran ordinador i, sobretot, un material audiovisual meravellós que no hagués existit sense vosaltres.

Imaginem que potser us estareu preguntant quan acabarem el projecte. No és fàcil concretar una data, però esperem que abans de l´estiu us puguem mostrar el resultat. Editar una pel·lícula com aquesta requereix de temps, perquè cada detall és important. Volem ser molt exigents en tots els aspectes del procés, des del muntatge, a l'etalonatge i a la mescla de so, és el que us mereixeu després de l'esforç que heu dut a terme.

Us anirem informant dels avenços. Mentrestant, us desitgem una vegada més felicitat, salut, amor i molta creativitat, per què no! Visca el cinema i gràcies de nou!


¡Buenos días a todas y a todos!

Todo el equipo de Aller Simple esperamos que hayáis pasado unas excelentes vacaciones. ¡Os deseamos un maravilloso y emocionante año 2022!

Para nosotros, este año que empieza será, por supuesto, el año de Aller Simple. El montaje de la película se ha retrasado un poquito porque hemos tenido problemas de espacio de trabajo para llevarlo a cabo, pero afortunadamente hemos arrancado el 2022 con una nueva oficina, un gran ordenador y, sobre todo, un material audiovisual maravillosa que no hubira existido sin vosotros.

Imaginamos que quizá os estaréis preguntando cuándo acabaremos el proyecto. No es fácil concretar una fecha, pero esperamos que antes del verano os podamos mostrar el resultado. Editar una película como ésta lleva tiempo, porque cada detalle es importante. Queremos ser muy exigentes en todos los aspectos del proceso, desde el montaje, al etalonaje y a la mezcla de sonido, es lo que os merecéis después del esfuerzo que habéis llevado a cabo.

Os iremos informando de los avances. Mientras tanto, os deseamos una vez más felicidad, salud, amor y mucha creatividad, ¡por qué no! ¡Viva el cine! y gracias de nuevo.


Hello everyone!

Aller Simple’s team hope you had a great holiday, and wish you a wonderful and exciting new year 2022!

For us, the year 2022 will of course be the year of Aller Simple. These last few months, we have been looking for a workspace so the beginning of the editing work was a bit slowed down, but luckily we are starting the year with a great desk, a great computer, and above all great film material that without you would never exist!

Some of you may be wondering when the project will be finalized, it's hard to give a real date, but we hope we can show you the result before the summer arrives. Because yes, editing a movie like this takes time, because every detail matters. From editing to color to sound mixing, we want to do our best in all aspects, so that we can deliver the maximum to you, because you gave the maximum.

We will of course keep you informed! In the meantime, we wish you once again happiness, health, love, and fruitful creation! Long live cinema! Thanks again to everyone of you.


Buongiorno a tutti!

Tutto il team di Aller Simple speriamo che tutti voi abbiate trascorso una vacanza eccellente. Vi auguriamo un meraviglioso ed entusiasmante anno 2022!

Per noi, il prossimo anno sarà, ovviamente, l'anno di Aller Simple. Il montaggio del film è stato un po' ritardato perché abbiamo avuto problemi con lo spazio di lavoro per realizzarlo, ma fortunatamente abbiamo iniziato il 2022 con una nuova sede, un grande computer e, soprattutto, meraviglioso materiale audiovisivo che non sarebbe esistito senza di voi.

Immaginiamo che vi stati chiedendo quando finiremo il progetto. Non è facile specificare una data, ma speriamo che prima dell'estate possiamo mostrarvi il risultato. Il montaggio di un film come questo richiede tempo, perché ogni dettaglio è importante. Vogliamo essere molto esigenti in tutti gli aspetti del processo, dall'assemblaggio, al color grading e al mixaggio del suono, è quello che voi meritati dopo lo sforzo che hai svolto.

Vi terremo informati sui progressi. Nel frattempo, vi auguriamo ancora una volta felicità, salute, amore e tanta creatività, perché no! Viva il cinema! Grazie ancora.

(Ci scusiamo per eventuali errori, i nostri traduttori italiani sono in vacanza!)


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