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ALTER NATIVAS: Hacia un futuro sostenible

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Finished 01 / 06 / 2019
$ 392,315
$ 341,682
$ 640,653
323 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 320

    'Solidarity' pack
    • Appearance in the documentary credit lines

    > 48 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 534

    'Collaboration' pack
    • Appearance in the documentary credit lines
    • Free download link of the documentary

    > 136 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,068

    'Commitment' pack
    • Appearance in the documentary credit lines
    • Free download link of the documentary
    • Free access to the premiere of the documentary (in person or online)

    > 50 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,136

    'Resilience' pack

    > 37 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,271

    'Transition' pack

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,407

    'Experience' pack
    • Appearance in the documentary credit lines
    • Free download link of the documentary
    • Free access to the premiere of the documentary (in person or online)
    • Possibility to participate in one shooting days with the documentary's team (travel costs not included)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,678

    'Co-production' pack (for organisations)
    • Possibility to appear as a co-financing organisation of the documentary
    • Organisation of a screening of the documentary with the presence of some of the team members

    > 03 Co-financiers

El rodaje sigue, la aventura avanza!

11 | 11 | 2019
El rodaje sigue, la aventura avanza!

(ESP, CAT and ENG below)

Querida comunidad del proyecto documental ALTER NATIVAS,

Hace un tiempo que no nos ponemos en contacto contigo. Sentimos el silencio. No, no nos hemos olvidado de tí, os tenemos muy presentes y nos compañais en cada nuevo lugar que vamos. Los últimos meses estan siendo muy intensos con el rodaje del documental. Gracias a vuestro apoyo hemos grabado ya 2/3 de todo el material, viajado a Mallorca, Madrid, Navarra, País Vasco, Granada y Almería y varios lugares de Cataluña. Hemos preparado un diario de rodaje que resume las experiencias que hemos visitado y que esperamos te guste. Seguiremos con el rodaje los próximos meses y esperamos compartir noticias pronto. Pasito a pasito avanzamos en esta larga aventura, ¡gracias por acompañarnos! Un abrazo de todo el equipo del documental.


Estimada comunitat del projecte documental ALTER NATIVAS,

Ja fa temps que no ens possem en contacte amb vosaltres. Sentim el silenci. No, no ens hem oblidat de vosaltres, us tenim molt presents i ens acompanyeu a cada lloc nou que anem. Els darrers mesos estan sent molt intensos amb la filmació del documental. Gràcies al vostre suport, ja hem gravat 2/3 de tot el material, viatjat a Mallorca, Madrid, Navarra, País Basc, Granada i Almeria i diversos llocs de Catalunya. Hem preparat un [diari de filmació] (http://www.reddetransicion.org/diario-de-rodaje-de-alter-nativas/) que resumeix les experiències que hem visitat i que esperem que us agradin. Seguirem rodant en els propers mesos i esperem poder compartir notícies aviat. Pas a pas avancem en aquesta llarga aventura, gràcies per acompanyar-nos! Una abraçada de tot l'equip del documental.


Dear ALTER NATIVAS documentary project community,

We haven't contacted you in a while. We are sorry for the silence. But no, we have not forgotten you, we have had you very present and you are with us in each new place we go. The last months have been very intense with the filming of the documentary. Thanks to your support we have already recorded 2/3 of all the material, traveled to Mallorca, Madrid, Navarra, Basque Country, Granada and Almeria and several places in Catalonia. We have prepared a [shooting diary] (http://www.reddetransicion.org/diario-de-rodaje-de-alter-nativas/) that summarizes the experiences we have visited, and we hope that you like it. We will continue filming in the coming months and hope to share news soon. Step by step we advance in this long adventure, thanks for joining us! A hug from the documentary film.


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