ALTER NATIVAS: Hacia un futuro sostenible

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Finished 01 / 06 / 2019
$ 20,498
$ 17,853
$ 33,474
323 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 17

    'Solidarity' pack
    • Appearance in the documentary credit lines

    > 48 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 28

    'Collaboration' pack
    • Appearance in the documentary credit lines
    • Free download link of the documentary

    > 136 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 56

    'Commitment' pack
    • Appearance in the documentary credit lines
    • Free download link of the documentary
    • Free access to the premiere of the documentary (in person or online)

    > 50 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 112

    'Resilience' pack

    > 37 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 223

    'Transition' pack

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 335

    'Experience' pack
    • Appearance in the documentary credit lines
    • Free download link of the documentary
    • Free access to the premiere of the documentary (in person or online)
    • Possibility to participate in one shooting days with the documentary's team (travel costs not included)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 558

    'Co-production' pack (for organisations)
    • Possibility to appear as a co-financing organisation of the documentary
    • Organisation of a screening of the documentary with the presence of some of the team members

    > 03 Co-financiers