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Archivo de Estudios Campesinos

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  • Contributing $ 213


    Una mención de agradecimiento como mecenas del proyecto en nuestra página web. Gracias a ti las puertas de este archivo estarán abiertas a todas las personas.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 319


    Una mención de agradecimiento como mecenas del proyecto en nuestra página web además de una chapilla del Archivo de recuerdo.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425

    Agradecimiento + Poster

    Una mención de agradecimiento como mecenas del proyecto en nuestra página web + Póster con reproducciones de imágenes del archivo

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    Camiseta del Archivo oral y documental de luchas campesinas

    Por una colaboración de 25 € recibirás, además del agradecimiento por tu apoyo, la camiseta oficial del Archivo de luchas campesinas, edición limitada. Incluye envío postal a los territorios del Estado español.

    > 31 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    Agradecimiento + Chapa + Póster

    Por tu contribución te mandaremos dos recuerdos exclusivos: chapa y póster con reproducciones de imágenes del archivo + una mención de agradecimiento como mecenas del proyecto en nuestra página web.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,276

    2 Obras de Eduardo Sevilla Guzman Pensamiento Social Agrario y Agro-ecología

    Nuestro agradecimiento como mecenas del proyecto y recibe en tu casa las Obras Escogidas de Eduardo Sevilla Guzmán Tomo I:

    -Perspectivas agro-ecológicas desde el pensamiento social agrario
    -De la sociología rural a la Agro-ecología.

    O Tomo II:
    -Ecología, Campesinado e Historia.
    -Origenes de la agro-ecología en el pensamiento marxista y libertario.

    Envíos dentro del Estado español.

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,489

    Aceite de la Cooperativa El Humoso

    Una mención de agradecimiento como mecenas del proyecto en nuestra página web, dos recuerdos exclusivos: chapa y póster con reproducciones de imágenes del archivo y una camiseta del Archivo de Estudios Campesinos. Además recibirás en tu casa una garrafa de aceite de la Cooperativa el Humuso de Marinaleda.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Obras escogidas de Eduardo Sevilla Guzman: cuatro libros

    Nuestro agradecimiento como mecenas del proyecto y recibe en tu casa las Obras Escogidas de Eduardo Sevilla Guzmán:

    -Perspectivas agro-ecológicas desde el pensamiento social agrario
    -De la sociología rural a la Agro-ecología.
    -Ecología, Campesinado e Historia.
    -Origenes de la agro-ecología en el pensamiento marxista y libertario.

    Envíos dentro del Estado español.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Visita Guiada

    Para 0-10 personas. Visita guiada al Archivo y muestra de sus materiales, así como exposicíón de la evolución de Archvivo. Impartiremos además una clase sobre Historia del movimiento campesino y jornalero en la Andalucía contemporánea.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,254

    Taller educativo: "Soberanía alimentaria y movimientos sociales"

    A vuestra disposición un taller educativo sobre Soberanía alimentaria y movimientos sociales para grupos de entre 12 y 16 años en escuelas e institutos públicos de Andalucía, asociaciones o espacios educativos.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 8,509

    Digitalización de Archivos documentales a organizaciones, asociaciones y colectivos sociales

    Proponemos realizar la digitalización de el Archivo documental para organizaciones, asociaciones y colectivos sociales. Se trata de aprovechar la infraestructura con la que trabajaremos en el Archivo de Estudios Campesinos para ofrecer el servicio de digitalización de documentación a otros colectivos y asociaciones.

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Historical archive of documents and testimonies of peasant struggles

Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Digitalización del Archivo de Estudios Campesinos
Nuestro primer objetivo principal del proyecto de Archivo de Estudios Campesinos es poner en valor y a disposición del colectivo los documentos que contienen una información clave para reconstruir una parte de la historia andaluza muy necesaria para construir los cimientos sobre los que apoyar nuestros proyectos sociales y políticos futuros. Sería el primer y mas grande archivo de este tipo a nivel europeo y por ello es muy importante que este a disposición de la comunidad internacional mediante su digitalización y catalogación en una plataforma on-line.
$ 31,907
Recogida de testimonios orales de luchas campesinas para el Archivo Oral
Una tarea fundamental es la crear un Archivo Oral de luchas campesinas en el que se registraran entrevistas en profundidad con metodología de Historia de vida de personas cuyo papel ha sido importante tanto en los movimientos campesinos como en los Estudios Campesinos, y otros testimonio también importantes sobre las luchas campesinas y jornaleras durante la historia reciente de Andalucía.
$ 31,907
II Jornadas de Estudios Campesinos e Historia contemporánea de Andalucía
Para seguir fortaleciendo los espacios de investigación, formación, reflexión, inter-cambio y debate en Estudios Campesinos y si superamos el umbra mínimo del proyecto proponemos organizar las II Jornadas en Estudios Campesinos e Historia contemporánea. Ese espacio será la continuidad de la I Jornadas en Estudios Campesinos y Soberanía Alimentaria que se van a celebrar entre los días 16 y 17 de Abril, con motivo del día internacional de las luchas campesinas en la Universidad de Granada organizadas por diferentes actores y sujetos tanto sociales como académicos y e investigación. Dar continuidad anual a estos espacios supone fortalecer los vínculos y diálogos que surgen entre diferentes agentes en la construcción de espacios de investigación desde la acción y los saberes campesinos hacia la soberanía alimentaria.
$ 21,271
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Plataforma web para alojar el Archivo digital
Otra de nuestra necesidades fundamentales es poder alojar la documentación digitalizada en una Plataforma web. Para ellos necesitamos los recursos precisos para crear un dominio y una página web. Esta página web tendrá a disposición de todas las personas interesadas la documentación del Archivo.
$ 12,763
Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Estudios Campesinos: Tierra y Libertad
La revista Tierra y Libertad pretende ser además una publicación académica digital para dar espacios y voz a todas aquellas investigaciones sobre historia de las luchas campesinas tanto en Andalucía como el el resto del contexto global. Se trata también de dar difusión a los trabajos que se realice al calor de la documentación y los testimonios orales registrados en el Archivo. Para nosotros es fundamental el crear espacios y lugares de empoderamiento para la investigación de la Historia de las luchas campesinas y rurales desde perspectivas transformadoras y emancipatorias. Esta revista seria digital y estará al alcance de toda la comunidad universitaria, científica e investigadora.
$ 10,636
Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
Ordenador + escáner+ cámara de fotografía y vídeo + trípode
Para poner en marcha el proyecto necesitamos una infraestructura y herramientas básicas. En primer lugar un ordenador donde poder almacenar la documentación digitalizada. En segundo lugar un escaner con el que poder digitalizar la documentación y pasarla al Archivo Digital y por último una cámara de fotografía y trípode con la que realizar las entrevistas y las recogidas de testimonios.
$ 25,526
Total $ 102,103 $ 134,010

General information

In a global context of change and transformations toward a more equalitarian and sustainable model, respectful with nature, the speech and memory of land workers is land’s speech. Fights in Andalusia for land’s rights have been a continuum for a long time. Especially during the last two centuries of rural workers’ fights for land rights to face the agrarian capitalism in a territory which has mainly a communitarian and rural tradition. Memory and speeches of social and rural movements asking for a life in rural areas are a social and cultural patrimony which is very rich and essential for nowadays ecological social movements but also in rural and labor movements. This historical archive has been created for all these reasons. It is the first one related to rural fights and processes in Europe. We conceive it as a seed which can give strength to processes of social thinking towards food sovereignty as well as agro-ecology, not only within Andalusia but also in an international context.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The first Archive of Rural Studies in Europe is a project of organization and cataloguing of very document conserved of social and politics fights in rural areas, social movements in defense of food sovereignty and agro-ecologic investigations developed since the second half of the 20th century until present times here, in Andalusia. It aims to be a common place for the digital storage of photographs, documents, spoken interviews, bibliography and all sort of material which would be available, for any researcher or social movement, on the internet. The headquarters will be located in the Instituto de Sociología y Estudios Campesinos (ISEC) (Sociology and Rural Studies Institute) in Universidad de Córdoba. Its major goal is, however, to digitalize its contents and to catalogue them in the website in order to make it useful for researchers and social movements which are cooperating to achieve food sovereignty, but also for the general public. The final aim of this archive of rural studies is to give value to all the historical documentation, written and spoken, in favor of current investigations and professionals concerned with this subject as well as for social movements which are fighting for agro-ecology and food sovereignty as this archive can offer an unique testimony of the fights over land rights and investigations on food sovereignty. Access to the sources of information for rural fights would become easier due to the information which is already gathered in the ISEC plus the contributions of researchers and social rural movements. Furthermore, the archive would also contain a section with spoken testimonies of people who carried out these fights for land rights and democracy in rural areas of Andalusia. Therefore, the file will have a triple function:
As a formation tool for social movements towards agro-ecology and food sovereignty
As a bank of ideas and documents where researchers can take advantage of other investigations.
As a mean of union between a physical and virtual site, containing documents and academic works of rural social movements in order to build bonds and shared opinions.


Why this is important

This project is addressed mainly to two different groups: to social movements and to the academic sector, but also to any group whose aim is to contribute with memories, faces and oral account of the history, which during centuries has been defending food sovereignty and whose testimony is World Heritage. Our aim is to transform this Heritage in a digital and collective heritage for free access. This is a project of management of different files and documents. It comes from the necessity of management, description, reproduction, maintenance, restoration, identification, valuation and recovery of historical documents gathered and which are the result from previous investigations and which are supposed to have high historical and patrimonial value. This necessity comes from the lack of previous archives about rural studies and investigations about agro-ecology, which are important nowadays in Andalusia as well as in other countries and which deal with the economic, social and employment conditions of Agrarian and rural union trades in Andalusia from the moment of Franco’s dictatorship and the process of democratization to present days, as well as other international sceneries and different historical periods. The Rural Studies Archive is addressed to researchers, to every student, professionals and researchers on Social Sciences from a new perspective towards freedom and emancipation, especially to those who work on rural, ecological or food sovereignty issues. This archive is also directed to every person who works for the Democratic Memory in Andalusia, for the memory of the development of democracy in rural areas as well as in cities of Andalusia. Our archive is also suitable for every person whose aim is to enrich rural and agrarian memory from social activist groups in rural lands and their fights over land rights, for social basic services, for the preservation of the environment, to sum up for those who are fighting for a living rural world. It aims to be a self-training tool for social activism as well as a site were different ecologic fights and experiences will be shared.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The Rural Studies Archive can’t become a reality without a collective project of support given by all those people who are aware of the necessity of recovering our rural and labor memory coming from social activism of rural areas, and who have fought thoroughly to change an unfair reality. We are asking for support in order to get the minimum conditions to be able to work on the project, until it can become a reality. We would need funding to purchase a computer, scanner and a camera in order to digitalize our materials, among which we count more than 200 boxes full of documents. Furthermore we would also need to create a web site functioning as digital platform and where all these documents and information will be uploaded.

We would also need support to move around Andalusia in order to make interviews to those people who starred different activist processes in different parts of Andalusia. We would also require means of transport as well as assistance for life expenses in order to be able to face a search for lost testimonies.
If we can overtake the economic obstacle and get the funding needed for this project, we would also spread this project internationally as we will be editing a digital publication every year. It would be an annual magazine about social sciences and rural studies, and in which investigations on rural and agrarian history in Andalusia as well as activist and resistance social movements will be published, not only in Andalusia but at a global level.
The last of our main objective is to organize meetings of young people who are investigation on social sciences related to rural activism. These meetings would be useful for critical thinking and debate.

Previous experience and team

It is worth mentioning the collaboration during a long period of the Instituto de Estudios Campesinos y Sociologia and Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (Andalusian International University) in the development of post degree studies such as Post degree on Agro-ecology: an Approach for rural sustainability or a course on International Food Sovereignty and Rising Agro-ecology. This initiative has been driven by the Group of Rural Studies of Juan Díaz del Moral and as a result of his academic relationship with professor Eduardo Sevilla Guzmán and his teaching and researchers colleagues from the Instituto de Sociología Estudios Campesina at Universidad de Córdoba as well as of the activist and vital particpation from the members of The Group of Rural Studies of Juan Díaz del Moral and the labor rural activism in Andalusia, which all of them belong to.
The ISEC as well as many land activists have the will of giving free access to files and historic documents addressed to anyone who is willing to investigate and know more about our history.


Team and experience

Group of Rural Studies Juan Díaz del Moral

Angel Calle is researcher and member of the Instituto de Sociología y estudios Campesinos of Universidad de Córdoba and from Universidad Internacional de Andalucía. He is a professor on rural sociology and agro-ecology. He works on issues such as political agro-ecology, common wealth and new global activism. Among his publications we find Nuevos Movimientos Globales or Democracia Radical. He has also participated in many collective works related to agro-ecology, social activism, democracy as well as different participative social movements.

Curro Moreno, from Jaén, is an historian and an activist in the Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores, SAT (Andalusian Workers Union Trade). He is a member of the Grupo de Estudios Juan Díaz del Moral. He has a degree in history at Universidad de Granada and he has done a post graduate on Formación de Pofesorado de Secundaria obligatoria y Bachillerato (Secondary teacher formation). He has researched on a didactic purpose for developing Food Sovereignty and investigating on La Democratización del mundo rural andaluz: El caso del Sindicato de Obreros del Campo. (Andalusian rural areas: The case of Sindicato de Obreros del Campo [Andalusian labor trade union]).

Nestor Salvador, historian from Granada and activist in the Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores (SAT). He is a member of the study group of Juan Díaz del Moral. He is doing his Doctoral thesis at the Contemporary History department of the same university. His thesis deals with the democratization of rural and labor movement in Andalusia. He carried out his post degree on ‘Claves para el mundo contemporaneo’ (Keys for contemporary world) at Universidad de Granada, doing a research on the democratization in La Democratización del mundo rural andaluz: El caso del Sindicato de Obreros del Campo (Andalusian rural areas: Sindicato de Obreros del Campo [Andalusian labor trade union]).

Coline Souzion is an anthropologist from Lyon as well as a researcher on rural fights in Andalusia. She has a degree in Politics and anthropologist science at Lyon University. There she did her final project of the degree on ‘la “Historia de las lucha por la tierra en el pueblo de Jódar” (History on fights over land rights in Jódar). Nowadays she is studying a post degree on Anthropology, Society and Transformations at Sorbona University, Paris, and whose final project will deal with Rural Andalusian fights for the rule and rights over the land in contemporary Andalusia.

Luis Olano Ereña, has a degree in Arabic philology at Universidad de Granada and a post degree in Documental Film Edition and Montage, specialized in history. He has taken part in different activist movements, using documental films as his major tool. He co-directed the film Al Margen del Sendero: Autonomía, ruralidad y Resistencia. (Out of the Path: Autonomy, Rurality and Resistance), in which was studied economical anthropology compared to experiences in Aineto and Marinaleda. He is also an audiovisual producer and technician for music bands such as Boikot and Reincidentes as well as institutions as the Instituto Cervantes.

Javier Garcia Fernandez, from Almeria, is historian and activist in the Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores (SAT, Andalusian Workers Trade Union). He is also member of the Grupo de Estudios Juan Díaz del Moral and of the Sociology and Rural Studies Institute in Universidad de Córdoba. He has a degree on History in Universidad de Granada. He carried out a post degree study on Contemporary Spain within an international context at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia where he is developing his work of research on the History of Rural and Labor Workers Social Movement in Contemporary Andalusia. He also co-directed a documental film: Al Margen del Sendero: Autonomía, ruralidad y Resistencia. (Out of the Path: Autonomy, Rurality and Resistance). In this film was studied anthropology compared to experiences in Aineto and Marinaleda.


Social commitment