Contributing $ 106
Eskerrik asko, gracias, thank you!
Thank you on our website + watch the film online after film releases
> 13 Co-financiers
Kullanıcı deneyiminizi ve hizmetlerimizi geliştirmek için kendi ve üçüncü kişi çerezlerini kullanırız.Web sitemize göz atın. Göz atmaya devam ederseniz, kullanımına izin verdiğinizi düşünürüz. Çerez Politikamızda daha fazla bilgiyi bulabilirsiniz.
Goteo topluluğuyla etkileşim kurmak için oturum açmanız gerekmektedir.
Aztarnak - Huellas. Un documental sobre el inicio de la vida.
AZTARNAK-HUELLAS dokumentala 2018an hasi zen finantzatzen Meta! Kultura matchfunding kanpaina honi esker, Goteo plataformaren eta Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiaren bitartez.
Ondoren, 2019tik 2021era, proiektuak...
[Read more](En castellano abajo)
Kaixo lagun eta laguntzaileak:
Aspaldian zuei idatzi gabe, ikasturte honetan berriz gainezka gatoz.
2019 urtea berri oso triste batekin hasi genuen, Cristina Aznarren heriotza alegia. Zuetako askok ezagutzen zenuten, eta...
[Read more]As you know, the crowdfunding campaign has just finished. With the amount achieved, we intend to carry out the documentary recordings and, as far as possible, pre-assemble to obtain funding for post-production. We greatly appreciate your...
[Read more]Thanks to your donations, we have reached our minimum goal! Now we wil be able to shoot a big part of the movie and continue looking for funding.
Today we start the second round of this campaign, where we will try to reach our optimum goal. With...
[Read more]Egun on,
tras la lluvia de aportaciones que tuvimos la semana pasada, el equipo y yo estamos muy orgullosos de poder decir que ya tenemos más de 100 cofinanciadores!
Hemos agotado el presupuesto de la Diputación de Gipuzkoa para la 1ª ronda...
[Read more]Ha sido una primera semana muy intensa. El equipo de la campaña...
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