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Aztarnak - Huellas. Un documental sobre el inicio de la vida.

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  • Contributing $ 5

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    Thank you on our website + watch the film online after film releases

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Final credit as "Funder"

    Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film + watch the film online after film releases

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online

    Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    You are invited to the film premiere!

    Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 36

    Tratamiento de cosmetica natural

    Tratamiento de lifting facial de Cosmoetica en sus centros de Pamplona, Zamora, Palma de Mallorca, Santiago, León, Salamanca y Huelva + Lo anterior (lo de 30 euros), ¡a disfrutar antes del 30 de noviembre!

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 38

    Purchase voucher at "Crianza Natural"

    Purchase voucher for 20 euros at "Crianza Natural" online + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43

    Do you want to read more?

    Book purchase voucher for max. 25 euros at Editorial Octaedro (education, languages and health) + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 49

    Purchase voucher at "MeitaiMaitie"

    Purchase voucher for 30 euros at "MeitaiMaitie" + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Film premiere invitation for 2 people

    Invitation for 2 people for the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    You are a superfan!

    Invitation for 2 people for the film preview in San Sebastian + Book purchase voucher for max. 25 euros at Editorial Octaedro (education, languages and health) + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing + Thank you on our website and final credit as "Funder" at the end of the film

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 216

    Promote your company or association with us!

    The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 540

    Film screening in your place (Basque Country)

    Exclusive screening for the sponsor with Q&A with the team (in the Basque Country) + The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 648

    Film screening in your place

    Exclusive screening for the sponsor with Q&A with the team (outside Basque Country) + The logo of your brand or association as sponsor in our website, social networking sites and film credits + Invitation to the film preview in San Sebastian + Watch "Aztarnak-Huellas" online before releasing

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Aztarnak- Huellas (Imprints). Is the seed of happiness sown in childhood? A documentary about the early phase of life and the imprints it leaves on us.

Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Director of Photography
To shoot one part of the documentary
$ 1,620
Sound recordist
To shoot one part of the documentary
$ 1,080
Design and realization of the web page
$ 324
Production staff
He/she will search for fundings, organize the preproduction, shooting and postproduction of one part of the documentary
$ 1,620
Communication and diffusion
Communications, press, website management
$ 756
Teaser and interviews editor
Edition of the teaser, interview and other materials for the web and social media
$ 1,080
Edition of the first cut or of a first part of the documentary
$ 1,620
Sound postproduction technician
Cleaning, editing and mixing of the sound of a part of the documentary
$ 1,080
Original score
Composing of a part of the score for the film
$ 540
Traslation of the project contents and subtitles in basque, spanish and english
$ 540
Promotion expenses
Communications, press, publicity, website and social media management in a later stage of the project
$ 1,080
Additional charges
Additional Goteo, bank and Paypal charges
$ 324
Credit design for a first part of the movie
$ 324
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Equipment hiring
Hiring of camera, light and sound equipment to shoot one part of the documentary
$ 1,080
Travel costs in Gipuzkoa
Travel costs and meals for shootings in the province of Gipuzkoa
$ 864
Expenses for the rewards for the crowdfunding campaign, video materials, books, shipping...
$ 1,080
Recording materials
Memory cards and hard disks
$ 540
Travel expenses abroad
Travelling, hotel and meal expenses for the shooting of interviews in Barcelona, London and Paris
$ 3,239
Additional rewards
Expenses for the additional rewards
$ 216
Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
Goteo, bank and Paypal charges
$ 540
Infrastructure expenses of the production company
Office supplies, telephone, etc. expenses during the production of the first part of the documentary
$ 540
Sound studio
Hiring of a sound studio for the sound postproduction of a part of the documentary
$ 756
Image postproduction
Hiring of a studio for color grading and postproduction of a part of the documentary
$ 756
Total $ 11,121 $ 21,594

General information

The early years of our life, those we do not remember, leave deep marks on us. But, do they last forever? Do they evolve? This is a personal journey to that forgotten place, from the mother I am now to the baby I once was.

As a baby I enter the world for the first time. In the uterus I am already able to feel and experience my first sensations and emotions. Birth is a big step in my life. My first years involve a complex sensorial world. Later, I won’t be able to remember any of this, but, won’t it leave an imprint somewhere?

The baby that I once was will seek out and questions the “archaeologists” of early childhood: neurobiologists, psychologists and medical professionals to analyze the origins and consequences of these imprints in our lives.These experts include Laura Gutman and Michel Odent as well as Xavier Serrano, Eulàlia Torras de Beà and María Montero Ríos.

In my journey as a mother I will also meet passionate professionals, like Cristina Aznar and Ramón Mauduit from the "Hazi Hezi" center in the Basque City of San Sebastian who guide families through pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. They view infancy as a sacred period, when we must provide for and respect every infant’s needs. These families, like me then, desire that their children experience a healthy and nurturing childhood, better than that which we experienced.

The baby’s voice will shrill together these imprints to raise questions which don’t have definitive answers but encourage us to reflect on the adults of the future.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Aztarnak-Huellas-Imprints is a creative documentary which will screen at film festivals then be released thematically in cinemas and TV, as well as online. It will be mostly shot in Basque and Spanish with interviews in English, French and German.

The aim of the documentary is to help us reflect on the importance of early childhood, beginning from in utero in a search for those silent imprints or traces we all carry with us. It is not intended to be a guide of how to best care for a child, rather it will put the focus on that stage of life which is so important for our development and reflect on how it affects us as adults.

With the crowdfunding campaign we aim to raise the funding necessary to shoot all that is need to head into editing. We also aim to build our audience so that we can prove the broad interest in such a subject.


Why this is important

When I first became pregnant with my daughter, I started questioning many of the prevalent and widely accepted notions on pregnancy and childbirth. Until then I was afraid of labour and thought it would be better to be anesthetized; the child “taken out” without pain, in the “easiest” way possible. I believed that if my body, starting with only two cells, was capable of growing a human being for 9 months, it must be able to bring this child into the world in a natural and harmonious way? Nature would have a plan, right?

It was at the “Hazi Hezi” centre with Cristina Aznar and Ramón Mauduit, I felt empowered to want to have a natural birth. But the current health system in Spain did not allow for such alternative methods; I felt betrayed by the system that way supposed to be caring for me.
I soon realized that childbirth is only one of these milestones. What happens next, during the puerperium, was ready to connect with my baby, a baby that is when born is already connected and dependent upon me?

I began to become aware of many things, reading, attending breastfeeding groups. We were supported so we also reflected on a respectful upbringing. But then I began to be aware of my own shortcomings in trying to carry out a more conscious and respectful upbringing of my daughter. I’m still struggling with this, perhaps I always will.

Are the traces of childhood everlasting? Do they transform over time? And if so, how? What can we do about them? How can we work with them? Besides, was our childhood really so terrible? Have we all suffered so much? Many say yes, although we hardly remember it, because it is in our subconscious. Is the root of many problems in our society such as violence, or lack of solidarity, based in our childhoods?

Science is uncovering the importance of early childhood, including in utero experiences and birth in adulthood. We think we know more and more, and we believe that we do it better than our parents, but do we really have happier children? Are the real needs of a child more respected today? Can we ever be a more unified and less violent society?

Why, if this relationship between early childhood and the subsequent development of the individual is scientifically proven, do we, as a society ignore it? How do we resolve its subsequent contradictions? For example, why can’t a working woman who does not want to give up her professional life also be a caring mother?

"To change the world, we must first change the way the babies are being born."
Dr. Michel Odent, french obstetrician, visionary and poet.


Team and experience

  • SCREENWRITING AND DIRECTING: MARU SOLORES. She graduated at the DFFB , Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (German Film and TV academy in Berlin). She has shot several short films, documentaries and a feature film, Camera Obscura, shown at Seminci, Valladolid (Spain), Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) and San Sebastian International Film Festival (Zinemira). Other remarkable works are Dortoka Uhartea (Turtle Island), short film which collected many international prizes, Querido Gustavo, Lieber Helmut (documentary), Nu, (experimental short film), Lass uns spielen (Let's play, short fiction film).

  • PRODUCTION: JOSÉ Mª (TXEPE) LARA, from the production company Lumiere Produkzioak. One of the most well-known basque producers, since 1986 he produced around 30 feature films and 40 shortfilms, including the first feature film in basque language, Aupa Etxebeste. He also directed and produced the FICI (Children and Youth Cinema International Festival) in Madrid during 10 years.

  • DIRECTORS OF PHOTOGRAPHY: FRANK AMANN and JAVIER AGIRRE. FRANK AMANN is a berliner DoP who already photographed Maru Solores' Turtle Island and Camera Obscura. JAVIER AGIRRE is a basque DoP with a large experience who recently won a Goya (spanish cinematography prize) for Handia.

  • SOUND RECORDING: ALAZNE AMEZTOY. With a long experience as a sound technician, she participated in many basque productions and she already collaborated in the first recordings of Aztarnak-Huellas-Imprints.

  • COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER: MAIALEN IGARTUA. Audiovisual communication degree, masters at Communication and Corporate Identity, she has worked as a journalist and she is also screenwriter.

  • COLLABORATION AT THE VISUAL DESIGN OF THE CAMPAIGN: JON BARKIN and OLATZ PEREZ, graduated from the Escuela de Cine y Video in Andoain, Gipuzkoa.

  • SUPPORT AND COACH: ASKA ASSOCIATION. A non-profit association created in Gipuzkoa in 2007 to promote attachment parenting and self-help parent groups.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.