Caravana Solidaria Sahara: 4x4 Solidario

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Finished 26 / 08 / 2019
$ 2,371
$ 2,149
$ 6,930
56 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    SHUCRAN - Gracias por colaborar

    ¡Tu nombre aparecerá en un mensaje de agradecimiento en nuestras redes! Donde se publicarán las foto de la entrega del material , porque es lo más importante para nosotros.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Pack solidario

    El Pack solidario se compone:

    • Además del reconocimiento público en listado de colaboradores via redes.
    • Pegatina del logo del proyecto.
    • Chapa de Rivas-Sahel.
    • Diploma de agradecimiento por la colaboración.
      (envio España)

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Pack amigo solidario

    El Pack amigo solidario se compone:

    • Del pack solidario
    • Camiseta
      (envio a España)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 107

    Pack de colaborador

    El Pack colaborador se compone:

    • Del pack amigo solidario
    • Bolsa/mochila
    • Reconocimiento público en redes de tí y/o empresa, con tu logo.
    • Participación en el acto de presentación y despedida de los vehículos que se realiza al comienzo del viaje de estos hacia los campamentos.(en Madrid)

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 322

    Pack del patrocinador

    El Pack patrocinador se compone:

    • Del pack de colaborador
    • Invitación a la cena navideña de la asociación para la entrega del diploma colaborador del proyecto, (en Madrid)
    • Bateria portatil.
    • Aparición de nombre y logotipo en la web y redes sociales agradeciendo tu colaboración.
      (entrega en Madrid )

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

The XIII Edition of the Solidarity Caravan with the Sahara will transport material for various cooperation and development projects.

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Conseguir una ambulancia para poder transportarla a los Campamentos de Refugiados Saharaius para entregar en las instalaciones de sanidad.
$ 2,149
2º Ambulancia
Si se consigue dinero extra, se dedicará a la compra de otra ambulancia y su correspondiente gasto de traslado hasta los Campamentos de Refugiados del Saharauis.
$ 3,223
Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Son los gastos de bajar la ambulancia hasta Argel, donde los conductores voluntarios la conducirán atravesando toda Argelia hasta su llegada a los Campamentos de Refugiados y la entrega al Ministerio de Sanidad y la Media Luna Roja.
$ 1,074
SEGURO, comisiones y costes extras
Seguro de viaje para el vehiculo y sus ocupantes durante el viaje por Argelia. Y costes extras derivados del servicio, transacciones y envios.
$ 483
Total $ 2,149 $ 6,930

General information

XIII Edition of the Solidarity Caravan with the Sahara: Solidarity 4x4 Project.

The Solidarity 4x4 Project consists of organizing a trip in vehicles to the Tindouf Refugee Camps, crossing Algeria from north to south. Vehicles are acquired, to be loaded with humanitarian material, and both the material and vehicles remain in the Refugee Camps, assigned to the Red Crescent and to different Cooperation Projects.

The trips are made forming groups of 3 people who will be responsible for driving them to Africa. So far, there are more than 40 vehicles that have been able to be moved thanks to the support and work of those who are interested in participating in these cooperation projects. Although generally, the vehicles that have made this solidary trip, are 4x4, it can be done with any type of vehicle that can be used in the camps, and for the reason in some of the trips already made have involved fire trucks, buses , small trucks and ambulances.

It is a project with a great history, having been consolidated over the years, and this year we will have its XIII Edition of the Solidarity Caravan with the Sahara: 4x4 Solidarity Project.

Travelers need a passport and the Frente Polisario delegation will be responsible for their visas.
Given the consolidated experience, in this edition will be proposed an increase in vehicles and participants. Our goal is to transport:

  • 10/15 vehicles
  • 5 fire trucks
  • 1 van
  • 3 4x4 car
  • 1 4x4 truck
  • 2 Ambulances

The fire trucks will be delivered to the Civil Protection base that is being installed in the Refugee Camps with the collaboration of several Spanish entities (A.I.R.E., Bomberos Sin Fronteras, Rivas-Sahel, NGO Acción Norte ...)
The rest of the vehicles will be delivered to the Red Crescent.

The vehicles will be used for the transport of different machines used in the sanitary and educational field, as well as food, medicines and school material.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign


The jounery will be: Madrid - Alicante; Alicante - Orán; Oran - Tindouf; Tindouf - Tifariti; Tifariti - Tindouf; Tindouf - Madrid. With a total of 3,000 kilometers, divided into 3 PHASES.


In the first phase, the vehicles will travel within the peninsula, from their province of origin to the port of Alicante, where they will be transported by boat to the port of Oran, in Algeria.

And now begins the real journey to the Saharawi camps.


This phase is the longest and hardest of all. It's about driving for 1,500 kilometers through Algeria from North to South, until the arrival at the camps.

At all times, in the caravan of vehicles we will be accompanied by a representative of the Frente Polisario, who will help us with the procedures and documentation of the customs, passports and other paperwork. It is a trip in which we are also escorted by the Algerian gendarmerie.

In the customs we also have the collaboration of the Red Crescent, to help us.
During the trip to the camps, populations will be arrived to places in which hotels will be reserved for travelers' rest. In a day close to Tindouf the night will be spent under the stars, so the need to carry a sleeping bag.
After this journey, finally, the arrival to the Refugee Camps ends with this long and exciting stage.


The first days in the Refugee Camps are distributed a large part of the material that we transport to the various Cooperation and Red Crescent projects. And there is an opportunity to visit each and every one of the International Cooperation Projects that we carry out from the Rivas-Sahel Association and we visit other projects of friendly associations. But then we started the third part of the trip.

The last phase of the trip consists of driving the vehicles through the desert to Tifariti, in the zone of the liberated territories. This is the most adventurous part and we visit curious desert areas.
In Tifariti part of the humanitarian aid is distributed. Once the work is done, we will return to the camps to prepare the return trip by plane, but before that we can visit friends, family and facilities belonging to other cooperation projects in the different provinces.

In the camps, the rest of the transported material and the vehicles are delivered to the different projects.
In this XIII Edition, apart from the vehicles, material will be transported for the following projects:
Computer Classroom - & gt; Association of Women
Truck and firefighting equipment - & gt; New Fire Station
Medicines and crutches - & gt; Hospital


To obtain the financing for 1 ambulance and the cost of its freight, being our overall objective of this year to transport:

  • 10/15 vehicles:
  • 5 fire trucks
  • 1 van
  • 3 4x4 car
  • 1 4x4 truck
  • 2 Ambulances

If Crowdfounding works, our goal may be to get to the second ambulance and the cost of its freight.

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Why this is important

Rivas-Sahel is an NGO dedicated to improving the living conditions of the most vulnerable people in the refugee camps of Tindouf, the Saharawi people, a population of more than 200,000 refugees and people at risk and social exclusion. Our goal is to provide help to those most in need.

With projects such as the 4x4 Solidario we can improve the living conditions of the population, and also with the humanitarian material we carry ( school supplies, sanitary materials, machines, food, solar panels, etc. ) with the vehicles, being used for different tasks: fire extinguishing, transportation of patients, transport of students to schools, transportation of materials, etc.

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Team and experience

In the XIII Edition the team has a high experience having already gone through all kinds of adventures and misadventures in the development of the trip, solving all of them, and getting year after year that the project of the Solidarity 4x4 passes and ends without incidents.
We also have entities that collaborate in both the donation of material and vehicles that help us move forward and make this project bigger.

  • DENTALCOOP (with dentist material for the camps)
  • A.I.R.E. (with the donation of firemen's vehicles and training to firemen in the camps)
  • TOWN HALL OF RIVAS (with the donation of vehicles)
  • ONCE (with the donation of coaches)
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Social commitment