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BRAINING: A journey from the brain to Education. The diffusion of Neuroscience in the School

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Finished 20 / 05 / 2023
$ 4,563
$ 3,829
$ 7,974
53 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    NOMINATIVE DIGITAL CERTIFICATE of the donor (if desired).

    A digital certificate will be emailed stating your collaboration with the Project.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22


    We will mention you as a DONOR on the project website.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32


    With this donation, you will get a PREMIUM DOWNLOAD OF THE APP during the piloting phase... You will be one of the first to try this APP. Your contribution is worth it!

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43


    Suppose you are interested in training in Neuroscience and Education with this donation. In that case, you will get €20 to enrol in any 25-hour courses entirely online with an Official Certificate of 1 ECTS credit from the University of Malaga.
    Neuropsicología educativa: implicaciones en el aprendizaje
    Integración sensorial: el papel de los sentidos en el aprendizaje
    Trastorno del Espectro del Autismo (TEA): desde la infancia hasta la edad adulta

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    Free registration in the online workshop "Neuroscience at school: benefits of working from knowledge of the brain".

    Since our job is to train and provide resources, it would be exciting to participate in a workshop where we learn a little more about this sum of Neuroscience+Education, right? With this Donation, you will have free registration in the online seminar "Neuroscience at school: benefits of working from the knowledge of the brain" of 1-hour duration.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 75

    Participation in a yoga and meditation session in a natural environment "Yoga and meditation and their effects on the brain and learning".

    How about enjoying a yoga and meditation session with a professional in an environment surrounded by nature? With this spectacular donation, you will be able to savour this experience.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 97

    Participation in the pilot test as an educational centre and free registration in the online workshop "Neuroscience at school: benefits of working from knowledge of the brain".

    What do you think about participating in the App's pilot experience and receiving training about its content? With this large donation, you can have this double effect.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162


    For these donations, on our website, we will have a section in which we will include the logos and names of those COLLABORATORS who wish to do so. Everyone will know that you are committed to the field of Advances in NeuroEducation!

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 539


    The companies that collaborate will benefit from the public recognition of the aid. Your name will appear on Social Networks and our website, and a written report of the study's main conclusions will be delivered. Personalized advice by our Neuroeducation research team with a duration of 3 hours for a maximum of 5 people. The advice could be online if the collaborating company is from another city.

    > 02 Co-financiers

About this project

Educational App to know the ins and outs of our brain and its relationship with learning.

Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
Desarrollo App
Costes de diseño, elaboración, creación y desarrollo de la App
$ 3,829
DISEÑO Página web.
Desarrollo página web basada en plantilla – WORDPRESS. Diseño y desarrollo.
$ 377
DESARROLLO página web.
Creación de una website de apoyo y lugar de encuentro entre los profesionales a los que va dirigida la App. Módulo de plugin y conexiones externas. Paquete de creación de textos. Paquete de SEO e indexación . Costes de política de privacidad y aviso legal.
$ 485
Desarrollo de aula virtual – WORDPRESS
Creación de un aula (virtual) donde compartir ideas, experiencias y formación. Un espacio a partir del que formar a todo profesional interesado en la temática.
$ 324
Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Evento de presentación.
Costes de evento de presentación de la App en un espacio gastronómico abierto a profesionales y empresas interesadas en la herramienta.
$ 2,157
Comisiones varias: Goteo, transacciones bancarias y UMA
$ 802
Total $ 3,829 $ 7,974

General information

From this project, the development and creation of the BRAINING (CEREBRANDO in Spanish) App are sought.

We all know the importance of Education in the person, being able to be the foundations, such as those that make a building stand, for the development of children as social personnel.

The creation of this App comes from a long journey in the neuroscientific and educational fields. After a time dedicated to studying the brain from neuroscience in a regenerative medicine laboratory, where the brain and behaviour were analysed from the depth of neuroscientific and neuropsychological techniques, the need to take all this information to understand the brain of boys and girls learning.

After various studies and research projects in neuroscience and educational neuropsychology, the idea of creating and developing this tool was reached to continue broadening horizons and improvements in the educational system.

This App intends to be a tool from which teachers know the brain and the structures involved in learning, for example, the reading-writing process, thus helping to improve the teaching and learning process, reaching the best results, not only academic but personal and social of the boys and girls.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The project is intended to create an App from which a trip will be made, starting from an origin, different scales and a destination.

The origin of knowledge of the brain and its relationship with Learning + Education, in general, continues through the different scales of our journey, which correspond to the other structures that make up our brain. These structures, divided into various stops on our trip, will explain their relationship with Learning and how to work that brain area. We need each scale of the journey to reach our destination to know the relationship between Neuroscience + Learning, to Teach from the Brain of the Learner.

In addition, it is estimated create an update of the App, adding an Educational Neuroscience Laboratory from Augmented Reality.

To make our trip from our transport in the form of an App, we have made our luggage with the following objectives:

  1. Make visible the vital role of neuroscience in the educational context.
  2. Develop a shared digital space (App) for creating, disseminating and using resources in educational Neuropsychology.
  3. Include Augmented Reality to work for the activities proposed in the theme.
  4. Expand transfer actions in national and international institutions.
  5. Carry out activities to disseminate obtained results (participation in conferences, development of courses, mentoring of company professionals).
  6. Consider the design development of a Spin-off in the subject of study.
  7. Reflect on integrating cognitive and affective aspects in the child's neurodevelopment.
  8. Promote the study and application of intervention programs in Early Attention.

Why this is important

The project has the particular interest of integrating aspects of neuropsychology in education through an easily accessible computerized management and provider of work contents for individualized learning. Consequently, its consideration within a psycho-pedagogical field will be useful.

Likewise, the App will have a key option, which will end up giving it that unique and attractive feature, that of having Augmented Reality, where in addition to this journey through the brain and its implications for learning, we will be able to have a space as it is a laboratory, where the users of the App, will be able to work and participate in an Educational Neuroscience laboratory.

The App, in its first version, will be aimed at teachers, from which they will work and learn about the brain and its relationship with the optimization of learning.
After launching and assessing the progress of BRAINING (CEREBRANDO in Spanish), an update for students will be added. There will be activities designed and thought from the study and research of our team in terms of the Brain+Education sum.
Finally, the App, according to its development of its use, will add an Educational Neuroscience Laboratory from Augmented Reality.

Therefore, the App could be defined with a trilogy, first aimed at TEACHERS, second, STUDENTS and third, improvements and expansion of activities (laboratory from augmented reality).

Team and experience

This project to create an App is supported by many actions in the Neuroscience+Education dyad. The research group has been working on several courses on the inclusion of Neuroscience in the educational field, together with several field studies where the importance of having Neuroscience to understand better the brain of the learner is observed.

Some milestones:

  • Research projects in Educational Neuroscience.
  • Workshops on the theme of international events.
  • Teaching courses to different groups (teachers, students, families).
  • Work manuals and classroom activities for teachers.
  • Participation in actions of scientific diffusion.
  • Diffusion and dissemination in the press (e.g., Radio).


  1. Maria Jesus Luque Rojas. PhD in Psychology. Professor and researcher. University of Malaga.
  2. Eduardo Elosegui Bandera. PhD in Psychology. Associate Professor. Academic Director of the Master's Degree in Early Attention. University of Malaga.
  3. Eduardo Blanco Calvo. PhD in Psychology. Associate Professor. Department of Psychobiology. University of Malaga.
  4. Dolores Casquero Arjona. PhD in Psychopedagogy. Professor and researcher. University of Malaga.
  5. Cristina de la Pena. PhD in Psychology. Professor and researcher.
  6. Paloma Flores de Villar. PhD student in Education. University of Malaga. AUPA Center (Cádiz).
  7. Pedro Ruiz Garcia. Designer of digital products and services. Development of mobile, web and television applications.
  8. Laura Jimenez Ruiz and Rosa Suarez Serrano. Research grants. Degree in Pedagogy.
  9. Marien Bardera Cruz. Social worker.
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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.