"Cicle de Cambra del Migjorn": Cultura Local, Música Global

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2Round Remaining 21 days
In progress! Now 4 the optimum
€ 1.400
€ 1.400
€ 4.100
12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    Ticket with preferential seating for those over 65 or under 25 years old
    • 1 free ticket to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 1 preferential seat to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.

    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Reserved seat at all 5 concerts in the cycle
    • 1 preferred seat in the best location at all concerts in the cycle
    • Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 25

    General admission with preferential seating
      1. 1 free ticket to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
      1. 1 preferential seat to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
      1. Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.

    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Sponsorship of 50 euros

    Sponsorship of 200 euros

    • 2 free tickets to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 2 preferred seats to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 75

    Special for local businesses

    3 free tickets to choose from among the concerts of the series.
    3 preferred seats to choose from among the concerts of the series.
    A post about your business on social media, see an [example here] (https://www.instagram.com/p/C_n0TC_I6Xj/?img_index=1)

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Sponsorship of 100 euros
    • 4 free tickets to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 4 preferred seats to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.
    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    Patrons of a Single Concert
    • 4 free tickets to the chosen concert
    • 4 preferred seats at the chosen concert
    • Mention in social networks
    • Logo in brochures and concert programs

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200

    Sponsorship of 200 euros
    • 6 free tickets to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 6 preferred seats to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Acknowledgment on social media

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 400

    Sponsorship of 400 euros
    • 8 free tickets to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 8 preferred seats to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Mention on social media
    • Logo on flyers and concert programs

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 600

    Sponsorship of 600 euros
    • 10 free tickets to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • 10 preferred seats to choose from any of the concerts in the cycle
    • Mention on social media
    • Logo on flyers and concert programs
    • Logo on promotional posters

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 900

    Sponsorship of 900 euros
    • 4 free tickets to each concert in the cycle (total of 20 tickets)
    • 4 preferred seats at each concert in the cycle (total of 20 reserved seats)
    • Mention on social media
    • Logo on flyers and concert programs
    • Logo on promotional posters
    • Promotional banner on social media
    • Special acknowledgment during the concerts

    Additionally, donations are tax-deductible.

    By donating to our project, you can deduct between 35% and 80% of the amount of your donation.
    Find out how to calculate your deduction here.

    > 00 Co-financiers
Gracias a todos y todas. Seguimos en Goteo en segunda ronda, ¡a por el óptimo!
Ya casi llegamos al final. Te necesitamos, ¡estas personas ya han aportado!
A una semana del todo o nada, no tienes nada que perder porque junt@s lo podemos todo. ¿Te sumas?

Música Italiana i Art a Ca’n Bonico

Imagina’t una nit italiana, plena de melodies que et transporten a una altra època.

Aquest mateix viatge el podràs viure a Ses Salines, el diumenge 22 de setembre, a l'Hotel Ca’n Bonico

Els **guanyadors del Concurs Internacional Elsa...

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Más de la mitad del camino recorrido, ¡ya está más cerca el objetivo de recaudación!

Percussion Concert with Carlota Cáceres: A Musical Conversation

On September 15th, the Church of Cala Figuera in Santanyí will host a percussion concert that promises to be a unique experience for contemporary music lovers. Carlota Cáceres, a distinguished percussionist with an impressive career, will...

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En el ecuador de la campaña de Goteo, te recordamos otras formas de ayudar aparte de donar.

Primer Concert del Cicle de Cambra del Migjorn

Gràcies a tots! 🎶

El concert Aires Espanyols del passat 8 de setembre al Convent dels Mínims va ser un èxit i una experiència preciosa.

Vull agrair de tot cor a les artistes, Catalina Roig Burguera i Maria Assumpció Janer, per les...

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Tramo inicial de recaudación de campaña logrado. ¡Seguimos!

🎶 Sunday, September 8th, we inaugurate the Chamber Cycle of Migjorn with the concert "Spanish Airs." 🎶

🎶 On Sunday, September 8th, we inaugurate the Chamber Cycle of Migjorn with the concert "Spanish Airs." 🎶

The harp and the flute, two instruments with ancient roots, come together in this concert to weave a musical story that resonates...

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Hace una semana que empezamos nuestra campaña, aquí nuestros motivos (clic).
Estamos en campaña porque queremos lograr estos objetivos (clic)
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)
Quiénes estamos detrás de este proyecto que acaba de empezar en Goteo...

EL Cicle de Cambra del Migjorn: Una Nova Iniciativa Cultural per al Migjorn de Mallorca

Anunci del Cicle de Cambra del Migjorn: Una Nova Iniciativa Cultural pel Migjorn de Mallorca

Ens complau anunciar el llançament del Cicle de Cambra del Migjorn, una emocionant iniciativa cultural que té com a objectiu oferir...

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¡Arranca esta campaña!