¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Let's build this natural center together

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Filed on 12 / 12 / 2024
$ 1,468
$ 5,399
$ 10,149
25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Hand Stamped Illustration

    Receive a hand-stamped illustration, accompanied by a special thank you.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Visit and Ecological Lunch

    Join us for a guided tour of our farm, culminating in a delicious organic lunch.


    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16

    Night and dinner with us

    Enjoy a night of camping on our farm. We provide the tents and a delicious dinner to chat and share.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22

    Voucher for Workshop at Finca Adama

    Access one of our workshops. To redeem whenever you want and in the workshop of your choice.


    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Product voucher TEJIDAS DE TIERRA

    Use this voucher to use it on Tejidas de Tierra products. More details on Instagram @tejidasdetierra.


    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Individual Art Therapy and Ecotherapy Session

    Take part in a personalized one-and-a-half-hour session of art therapy and ecotherapy, available online or in person.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Weekend in the Yurt

    Get away for a weekend and enjoy the experience of sleeping in a yurt, surrounded by nature and in a sustainable way.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    Lab Creativo

    Voz, manos y territorio.


    Durante dos días, exploraremos cómo nuestra voz ynuestras manos se interconectan con el entorno natural.A través de ejercicios de expresión vocal,técnicas de creación manual y prácticasde presencia en la naturaleza, investigaremos el poderde nuestra creatividad en diálogo con el territorio.

    Fechas por confirmar (Enero, Febrero y Marzo)

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 86

    A Day with Us: Two Workshops, Lunch and Overnight in Yurt

    Spend a full day with us, participate in two workshops, enjoy organic food and spend the night in a yurt.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108


    ¡Para los más rápidos!
    Solo 10 plazas con precio especial!

    Retiro Reconexión Salvaje en tribu!

    • Practicas ejercicios de respiración
    • Practicas de meditación
    • Explorar técnicas de construcción naturales
    • Desconectarse de los dispositivos y de Internet
    • Dormir al aire libre en la naturaleza

    Importante:Aportar desgrava: aporta 100€ y Hacienda te devuelve 80€. Pagarás sólo 20€!
    Descubre cómo hacerlo AQUÍ

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 130

    Individual Retreat

    Immerse yourself in nature for three days with our “Wild Reconnection” retreat.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162

    Rewilding Reconnection Retreat + Workshop Bonus

    Immerse yourself in nature for three days with our “Wild Reconnection” retreat and access to one of our workshops. You can redeem it whenever you want and in the workshop of your choice.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 216

    Silent Retreat

    A retreat to do on the dates you want. Silent retreat with food included and lodging in the yurt.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 324

    Immersive Week

    We accompany you for a week on a creative and self-discovery journey. It includes accommodation in a tent, meals and support in art therapy processes, narrative and ecosystemic therapy, bioconstruction, breathing techniques and more!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 540

    A Two Week Adventure

    We hold space for you for two weeks on a deep journey of reconnection with your natural essence. This retreat includes accommodation in a tent, nutritious meals, and comprehensive support through art therapy, narrative therapy, and ecosystemic therapy sessions. In addition, you will learn bioconstruction, breathing techniques, and much more, all designed to immerse you in a process of personal transformation and connection with nature.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,080

    We're celebrating!

    Tell us your exchange proposal, whether it's something you can think of or a set of the rest of the rewards we offer for this value!

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Help us fund a yurt and solar panels for the ADAMA ecological healing and learning project

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Electricity and water pumps
Solar panels, electrical equipment and pumps to obtain water on the farm
$ 5,399
Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
Removable infrastructure to host workshops and activities of the association
$ 4,319
Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Las comisiones de goteo y visa son un 6% de lo que logremos conseguir.
$ 432
Total $ 5,399 $ 10,149

General information

Adamá was born almost 3 years ago in a special environment in the south of Gran Canaria as a sustainable project. It was initially born as a family project and little by little it has been defined and consolidated as a community project. We are an entity that dreams of a world that fosters authentic and respectful relationships between human beings and nature.

We firmly believe in the need to protect natural spaces in the Canary Islands and in inspiring people to understand and value the deep meaning of caring for and respecting nature, both external and internal.
Our mission is to create a wild, sustainable and sacred space that promotes healing, learning, personal growth and the creation of a community and collaborative network.

Our values ​​are freedom, care for the earth and people, respect, trust and sustainability.
ADAMA is a cultural and environmental association committed to creating a sustainable future, where harmony between humanity and nature is the fundamental pillar of our work and community.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

ADAMA Project:

  • We combine a holistic approach, blending environmental sustainability with spiritual and personal development, creating a unique space for healing and learning in harmony with nature.
  • We use sustainable construction methods and renewable energy sources to develop our infrastructure.
  • We promote this space as a spiritual center that nurtures the community, offering a refuge for reflection, meditation, and personal growth with workshops, retreats, etc.
  • We implement programs that allow the exchange of knowledge and experiences, serving the community and encouraging personal and ecological development.
  • We dedicate ourselves to ecological stewardship of the land, ensuring sustainable practices that protect and nurture the natural environment.

Our project embraces a holistic vision, fostering deep connections between personal healing and caring for nature. We do not see ourselves as separate from the environment; we believe that by protecting it and seeking greener and more sustainable ways, we also care for ourselves.
We offer educational and volunteer opportunities that allow participants to actively immerse themselves in sustainable practices and community development. Creating a vibrant spiritual center, embedded in the heart of our project, sets us apart and promotes a conscious and deeply connected community.


  • Develop infrastructure for workshops, trainings, and retreats that promote ecological awareness.
  • Manage the land in an ecologically and sustainably manner.
  • Establish and maintain a vibrant and networked spiritual center.
  • Implement educational, training, volunteering, and exchange programs.
  • Build meeting and accommodation spaces using sustainable construction methods and renewable energy.
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Why this is important

ADAMA was born from the dream of a world where relationships between humans and nature are authentic and respectful. Our goal is to create a sanctuary that promotes sustainability and offers a refuge for healing, learning and personal growth.
Our motivation is to teach and cultivate new narratives about our relationship with the world and the way we inhabit nature. We want to transform extractivist and consumerist visions that destroy the environment into collaborative and mutually respectful approaches, where we recognize that we are an integral and interconnected part of nature.

This project is aimed at all those who seek a deeper connection with nature and wish to be part of a conscious community committed to sustainability. ADAMA invites all those who share our vision and values ​​to join us in creating a more sustainable and harmonious future.

Individuals interested in healing and personal growth: Those who seek sacred and wild spaces where they can heal, learn and grow.
Educators and facilitators: Professionals who wish to use our facilities to provide workshops, trainings, and retreats focused on ecological awareness and personal development.
Volunteers and exchange program participants: Individuals willing to collaborate and learn through practical experiences in a sustainable environment.
Members of the spiritual community: Individuals looking for a spiritual center that promotes freedom, care for the earth and people, trust, sustainability, and respect.

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Team and experience

Shon and Miryam met in the Platamor community 5 years ago, where they co-created this project, built a mud house and had a son. After three years, they decided to buy a piece of land in Gran Canaria to start their own path.

Shon has been creating and participating in alternative communities and spaces since 2018, developing a deep connection with nature. His ability to build with natural materials and create sustainable spaces reflects his dedication to living in harmony with the environment. Training in meditation and breathing practices, Shon researches and explores various ways of healing through nature and conscious breathing.
Shon has guided and accompanied numerous people in his project, helping them to reconnect with their essence and find balance and inner peace.

Miriam was born in Gran Canaria and for almost nine years, she has lived in close connection with nature. She is a psychologist, counselor and multidisciplinary artist. She facilitates spaces for self-knowledge and accompanies people in their creative exploration and in deepening their relationship with nature. It investigates the fundamental interconnection between humans and the earth as well as ways of living and healing that take into account the contexts we inhabit.

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Affordable and Clean Energy

    Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity.

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss