¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

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  • Contributing £ 8

    I want to contribute 10

    2 stickers + we add you to the list of credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    I want to contribute 20 [PROMO EARLY BIRD]

    like the previous one + t-shirt - access to the Agora + workshop to get to know the CommonsCloud

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    I want to contribute 30

    2 stickers + t-shirt - access to the Agora + workshop to get to know the CommonsCloud + credits and thankyous

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    I want to be part of it 40

    1 account with 1 GB + recognition in the credits and widget of CommonsCloud Pioneer + 2 stickers

    > 24 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    We want it to happen 50

    5 stickers + poster + we add you to the credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 59

    I want to be part of it 70

    1 account with 5 GB + recognition in the credits and widget of CommonsCloud Pioneer + 2 stickers + 1 t-shirt

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    I want to be part of it 100

    1 account with 5 GB + recognition in the credits and widget of CommonsCloud Pioneer + 2 stickers + 1 t-shirt + 2 participant tickets for the BBQ party!

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 126

    We want to be part of it 150

    5 accounts of 1 GB + 10 stickers + 2 posters + participation in the CommonsCloud workshop for the 5 users + we add you to the list of credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 210

    Replicate the CommonsCloud workshop

    we meet a morning or afternoon and transfer everything necessary to replicate each and everyone of the services. Let's help to decentralise the cloud!

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 252

    We want to be part of it 300

    10 accounts of 1 GB + 3 t-shirts + 2 posters + participation in the CommonsCloud workshop for the 10 users + we add you to the list of credits and thankyous of the co-production of the platform!

    > 04 Co-financiers

Pioneers, activate your CommonsCloud account

04 | 07 | 2018
Pioneers, activate your CommonsCloud account

Hello Pioneers of the CommonsCloud,

You can already register your account! Do it before the workshop and the launch of CommonsCloud.

We have been working for a few months to welcome you, and luckily we have the best free software projects that have given us the foundation and the main services are already operational. But building a cooperative cloud is not easy and there is still a lot left for everything to be and work as we would like to.

It matters to us that you know the project well and know how to use the tools. You are the PIONEERS! And we have to help each other to grow the project, we want you to be the ambassadors of CommonsCloud!

Now the platform is in BETA, this means that the main services work but there are still things to improve (for example, we still miss the online editor to collaboratively edit documents).

You can activate your CommonsCloud Account: it is a unique account that allows you to access the different services we currently have and those that will come in the future. We have designed it in such a way that each person can be part of different groups or entities.

You need to register here: https://www.commonscloud.coop/registre
In the field "Collective" put: Pioneres
The administrators will receive an email and we will validate you.
You will then receive an email that invites you to define your password and you will have your account activated.

We want to celebrate with you, and hope to see you in the Lleialtat Santsenca (Calle Olzinelles 31, Barcelona):

  • Wednesday 11/07 from 16:00 to 18:00h. for the peer learning workshop. At 18h celebration of the launch.
  • Thursday 12/07 at 10 am celebration of the launch. From 11h to 13h peer learning workshop

Please confirm your attendance, tell us which day you are coming! Sign up here: https://pad.femprocomuns.cat/p/commonscloud-logged
Take your laptop if you come to the workshop.

Take the jump!

Commonscloud Alliance


Carlos Cámara
Hace 6 years
Genial! Quines bones notícies! Tinc uns quants comentaris sobre el procès:

1. Com puc canviar el nom d'usuari? El que se m'ha assignat automàticament no m'acava de convèncer ni és coherent amb la resta de xarxes socials que tinc.
2. El tema d'idiomes és una mica aleatori: hi ha parts en anglès, altres català... entenc que al final es tracta de serveis independents i que s'ha de configurar l'idioma a cadascun d'ells, però parlo de la plataforma que heu muntat per gestionar l'usuari i el procès de registre.
3. Lligat amb l'anterior, el text que surt al registre no sembla molt aclaridor: com es pot contribuir a fer propostes?

Carlos Cámara
Hace 6 years
I una altra cosa important! Tot i ser del grup de pioners, l'espai disponible a nexcloud és de 250MB :(

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