Contributing $ 319
Hacked picture
You will receive a hacked digital photo of justice (for example for using as banner)
> 333 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Kullanıcı deneyiminizi ve hizmetlerimizi geliştirmek için kendi ve üçüncü kişi çerezlerini kullanırız.Web sitemize göz atın. Göz atmaya devam ederseniz, kullanımına izin verdiğinizi düşünürüz. Çerez Politikamızda daha fazla bilgiyi bulabilirsiniz.
Goteo topluluğuyla etkileşim kurmak için oturum açmanız gerekmektedir.
You will receive a hacked digital photo of justice (for example for using as banner)
Individual recognition at the website of 15MpaRato, with name or nickname, of all those who support the initiative (except anonymous contributions) + Hacked picture
You will receive a digital newsletter with all the information about the procedure + Web acknowledge + Hacked picture
Recognition on the web for organizations, groups and/or collectives that support us with 150 euros or more, including logo and link to the group / blog + Newsletter + Hacked picture
Coupon for a personal consultation to the lawyer of the process + Newsletter + Web acknowledge + Hacked picture
2 coupons for a personal consultation to the lawyer of the process + Newsletter + Web acknowledge + Hacked picture
Communal dining with the attorney of the case, for individuals or groups who can contribute with this amount, where you can chat with him about economic crimes and especially the case + Coupon for a personal consultation to the lawyer of the process + Newsletter + Web acknowledge + Hacked picture
Contributions from 2,017 euros can also be determinant from those who can afford it, both personally and collectively or anonymously. In addition to the rewards written above we can not think of anything else, but if you think you can bring more you're welcomed. Each euro will be invested to achieve the above objectives.
En los últimos días hemos recibido la diligencia del magistrado Andreu ( ) con las citaciones como imputados por la #QuerellaPaRato.
Rodrigo Rato está citado el 20 de diciembre. Un gran augurio para unas Navidades que serán muy especiales para el expresidente de Bankia. Las citaciones de todos los imputados tendrán lugar entre noviembre y diciembre, terminando con el premio gordo, nuestro querido Rodrigo, el #20D.
En mayo nos planteamos que en el plazo de un año pondríamos en su sitio, el banquillo de los acusados, a uno de los responsables del Agujero Negro Bankia y de la estafa de las preferentes. En tiempo récord hemos conseguido que Rato y, con él, 32 responsables directos de tanta fechoría estén encausados (entre ellos el exministro Ángel Acebes y el expresidente de Bancaja y del Banco de Valencia José Luis Olivas).
En tan sólo 33 días se elaboró una querella que, a pesar de la oposición injustificada de la Fiscalía General del Estado, no pudo ser rechazada por el juez Andreu.
La querella mejoraba notablemente el primer auto del magistrado, ampliando los delitos que se imputaban a Rato y compañía con el artículo 282bis del Código Penal (ículo+282+bis) e introduciendo en el proceso el turbio asunto de las acciones preferentes, que pasó desapercibida en ese primer auto.
La presencia de #15mPaRato en el proceso garantiza también la acción y el control in situ de la sociedad civil sobre el proceso. Un control necesario dado que, por un lado el FROB (el Fondo de Reestructuración Ordenada Bancaria, que es parte del problema) está personado en la causa, y, por otro, que la actuación de la propia Fiscalía, así como de otras partes personadas en el proceso es más que sospechosa.
No sólo vamos a hacer que paguen los responsables de la crisis: también estamos contando desde dentro todo lo que pasa para demostrar que la transparencia es imprescindible en los asuntos públicos.
Durante los próximos meses, seguiremos informando con detalle de cada declaración, de cada elemento relevante, para que os podáis hacer una imagen fiel de esta aventura que tendrá que terminar, que terminará, con #UnRatoAlaSombra.
Porque en esta guerra de las de abajo contra las de arriba, el miedo YA ha cambiado de bando.
Irán cayendo, poco a poco, paso a paso, Rato a Rato…”
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Hacked picture
You will receive a hacked digital photo of justice (for example for using as banner)
> 333 Co-financiers
Web acknowledgment
Individual recognition at the website of 15MpaRato, with name or nickname, of all those who support the initiative (except anonymous contributions) + Hacked picture
> 84 Co-financiers
Newsletter #15MpaRato
You will receive a digital newsletter with all the information about the procedure + Web acknowledge + Hacked picture
> 30 Co-financiers
Collective web acknowledgment
Recognition on the web for organizations, groups and/or collectives that support us with 150 euros or more, including logo and link to the group / blog + Newsletter + Hacked picture
> 03 Co-financiers
Individual legal consultation
Coupon for a personal consultation to the lawyer of the process + Newsletter + Web acknowledge + Hacked picture
> 01 Co-financiers
Double legal consultation
2 coupons for a personal consultation to the lawyer of the process + Newsletter + Web acknowledge + Hacked picture
> 00 Co-financiers
Collective dinner about the case
Communal dining with the attorney of the case, for individuals or groups who can contribute with this amount, where you can chat with him about economic crimes and especially the case + Coupon for a personal consultation to the lawyer of the process + Newsletter + Web acknowledge + Hacked picture
> 00 Co-financiers
Higher donations
Contributions from 2,017 euros can also be determinant from those who can afford it, both personally and collectively or anonymously. In addition to the rewards written above we can not think of anything else, but if you think you can bring more you're welcomed. Each euro will be invested to achieve the above objectives.
> 00 Co-financiers
We invite organizations and groups to join us and give more strength to this initiative spreading it, networking and carrying related actions, etc.
This campaign needs as well as financial support many people spreading it through their networks, channels, contacts and all the ways you can think of