Contributing $ 1
Thank you!
Every euro counts. Thank you very much for making our project become possible! + Thanks
on the blog, web and exhibition.
> 01 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Goteo topluluğuyla etkileşim kurmak için oturum açmanız gerekmektedir.
Every euro counts. Thank you very much for making our project become possible! + Thanks
on the blog, web and exhibition.
¡¡¡Atención, el 15 de octubre llega Kartonkino!!!
¡¡¡Atención, el 15 de octubre llega Kartonkino!!!
Take with you the unique Donosskino badge! + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition
Don’t miss out on the opportunity and get Personal Ticket for a Donosskino journey show! + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster! + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
Personal Ticket for a Donosskino journey show + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster +
Donosskino badge + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
Limited edition Virtual Reality Glasses to flip out with your smartphone+ Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster +
Donosskino badge + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition
Limited edition DonossKit; Survival kit, you will be grateful to have it with you in your film
shootings + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster + Donosskino badge + Thanks on the
blog, web and exhibition.
Be cool with the Donosskino tote-bag + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster + Thanks
on the blog, web and exhibition.
Take with you the eco-friendly Donosskino t-shirt, with round neckline for girls or in two
colours to be chosen for boys + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster + Thanks on the
blog, web and exhibition.
Take with you the Donosskino totebag + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster
Cardboard kit to convert your smartphone in a projector and take it away with you +
Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
Take with you the eco-friendly Donosskino t-shirt, with round neckline for girls or in two
colours to be chosen for boys + Donosskino tote-bag + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding
poster + Donosskino badge + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
Get the unique accreditation which allows you to have total access to every exhibition with
a reserved seat! + Eco-friendly Donosskino t-shirt, with round neckline for girls or in two
colours to be chosen for boys + Donosskino tote-bag + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding
poster + Donosskino badge + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
Get the unique accreditation which allows you to have total access to every exhibition with
a reserved seat and to the exclusive opening dinner with the team and guests! + Ecofriendly
Donosskino t-shirt, with round neckline for girls or in two colours to be chosen for
boys + Donosskino tote-bag + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster + Donosskino
badge + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
Become in one of the sponsors of Donosskino, can be an entity or business, with presence and visibility in all it related with the festival.
Thank you!
Every euro counts. Thank you very much for making our project become possible! + Thanks
on the blog, web and exhibition.
> 01 Co-financiers
Entrada Kartonkino 15 Octubre 1ª Sesión 20:00h
¡¡¡Atención, el 15 de octubre llega Kartonkino!!!
> 35 Co-financiers
Entrada Kartonkino 15 Octubre 2ª Sesión 22:00h
¡¡¡Atención, el 15 de octubre llega Kartonkino!!!
> 34 Co-financiers
Donosskino Badge
Take with you the unique Donosskino badge! + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition
> 04 Co-financiers
Donosskino Ticket (Limited edition)
Don’t miss out on the opportunity and get Personal Ticket for a Donosskino journey show! + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
> 29 Co-financiers
Donosskino poster.
Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster! + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
> 10 Co-financiers
Pack1DSSK. (Limited edition)
Personal Ticket for a Donosskino journey show + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster +
Donosskino badge + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
> 16 Co-financiers
Pack2DSSK (Limited ed)
Limited edition Virtual Reality Glasses to flip out with your smartphone+ Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster +
Donosskino badge + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition
> 04 Co-financiers
Pack3DSSK (Limited ed)
Limited edition DonossKit; Survival kit, you will be grateful to have it with you in your film
shootings + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster + Donosskino badge + Thanks on the
blog, web and exhibition.
> 01 Co-financiers
Be cool with the Donosskino tote-bag + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster + Thanks
on the blog, web and exhibition.
> 04 Co-financiers
Take with you the eco-friendly Donosskino t-shirt, with round neckline for girls or in two
colours to be chosen for boys + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster + Thanks on the
blog, web and exhibition.
> 08 Co-financiers
Take with you the Donosskino totebag + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster
> 03 Co-financiers
Smartphone projector (Limited ed)
Cardboard kit to convert your smartphone in a projector and take it away with you +
Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
> 05 Co-financiers
Take with you the eco-friendly Donosskino t-shirt, with round neckline for girls or in two
colours to be chosen for boys + Donosskino tote-bag + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding
poster + Donosskino badge + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
> 07 Co-financiers
Pack7DSSK (Donosskino supporter)
Get the unique accreditation which allows you to have total access to every exhibition with
a reserved seat! + Eco-friendly Donosskino t-shirt, with round neckline for girls or in two
colours to be chosen for boys + Donosskino tote-bag + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding
poster + Donosskino badge + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
> 08 Co-financiers
Pack8DSSK (Member of the order Donosskino)
Get the unique accreditation which allows you to have total access to every exhibition with
a reserved seat and to the exclusive opening dinner with the team and guests! + Ecofriendly
Donosskino t-shirt, with round neckline for girls or in two colours to be chosen for
boys + Donosskino tote-bag + Unique Donosskino crowdfunding poster + Donosskino
badge + Thanks on the blog, web and exhibition.
> 10 Co-financiers
Become in one of the sponsors of Donosskino, can be an entity or business, with presence and visibility in all it related with the festival.
> 00 Co-financiers
We need to make translations of the movies with subtitles in English, Spanish and Basque.
We will appreciate help from designers who advise how to make a web that fit all needs of the festival on the internet.
We need to spread the name of the Donosskino Festival . Move it by the networks is great, but put our poster in a place visible in your establishment