Contributing € 12
Our deepest gratitude
Our deepest gratitude
> 19 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
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Unas gotas para el Roure/ Unes gotes per El Roure/ Some drops for El Roure
Our deepest gratitude
Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
FIRST 48h OFFER. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
After the first 48h. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) for two people + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members or representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the tank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.
Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format
Invitación a cursar la formación anual de El Roure (75 horas) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.
Invitation to attend El Roure’s annual training programme (75hours) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format
Queridos colaboradores:
La primera ronda de nuestra campaña de micromecenazgo ha finalizado y quisiéramos aprovechar la ocasión para agradeceros de corazón vuestro apoyo. Éste ha sido rotundo y nos ha facilitado no sólo alcanzar con éxito nuestro objetivo mínimo, sino llegar al óptimo, lo que nos hace realmente felices.
Con este logro, hemos podido dar pistoletazo de salida a todas los obras necesarias: las relacionadas con la potabilizadora para tener agua clorada -tal y como nos marca el Departament de Sanitat a las escuelas-, pero también barandillas y rampas, acondicionamiento de baños, acondicionamiento y ampliación de parking y de la zona de juegos, tasas y coste de permisos. Durante las obras, los trabajadores se han encontrado con nuevas dificultades y, a su vez, han aparecido nuevos requisitos de la Administración, lo que ha aumentado el presupuesto final. Aún así, gracias a que siguen llegando vuestras aportaciones, tenemos previsión de poder cubrir el total de dichos gastos. En realidad, la energía que nos ha llegado de vosotros ha sido tal que incluso vislumbramos un nuevo horizonte, un objetivo que quedaba a largo plazo y que ahora podemos empezar a nombrar: la compra de la finca de la escuela, necesaria para asegurar la estabilidad del proyecto en el futuro. Así que, todo nuevo ingreso, en los 20 días que quedan de campaña, irá destinado a cubrir el sobrecoste y colaborar en la compra de la finca.
Como sabéis, nuestro propósito en este momento es conseguir ser una escuela homologada. Sabemos que conseguirlo facilitará la labor a otros que vengan después, de manera que entre todos podamos conseguir un abanico más amplio de escuelas vivas y holísticas en nuestro sistema educativo.
Ése está siendo un gran logro, pero realmente el mayor regalo de esta campaña es haber recibido vuestro cariño y sostén. Nos sentimos realmente acompañados y animados a continuar con nuestra labor pedagógica.
Por todo ello: GRACIAS.
Estimats col·laboradors:
La primera ronda de la nostra campanya de micromecenatge ha finalitzat i voldríem aprofitar l’ocasió per agrair-vos de tot cor el vostre recolzament. Aquest ha estat rotund i ens ha facilitat no només aconseguir amb èxit el nostre objectiu mínim, sinó arribar a l’òptim, fet que ens omple de felicitat.
Amb aquesta fita, hem pogut iniciar totes les obres necessàries relacionades amb la potabilitzadora per poder tenir aigua clorada – tal i com ens marca el Departament de Sanitat a les escoles, però també les rampes i baranes, l’acondicionament dels sanitaris, l’acondicionament i ampliació de la zona d’aparcament i la zona d’àrea de jocs, tasses i cost dels permisos. Durant les obres, els treballadors s’han trobat amb noves dificultats i a la vegada, han sorgit requisits nous per part de l’Administració, motius pels quals el pressupost final s’ha vist incrementat. Tot i així, gràcies a que continuen arribant les vostres aportacions, tenim previst poder cobrir el total de les despeses relacionades amb el procés de legalització. De fet, l’energia que ens heu fet arribar ha estat tal que inclús albirem un nou horitzó, un objectiu que quedava a llarg termini i ara podem començar a nombrar: la compra de la finca on està situada l’escola, necessària per assegurar la estabilitat del projecte en el futur. Així doncs, tot nou ingrés en els 20 dies que ens queden de campanya anirà destinat a cobrir el sobre cost de les obres i a col·laborar en la compra de la finca.
Com sabeu, el nostre propòsit actualment és aconseguir ser una escola homologada, Sabem que aconseguir aquesta fita facilitarà la labor a altres que vindran després, de manera que entre tots puguem aconseguir un ventall més ampli d’escoles vives i holístiques en el sistema educatiu nacional.
Està essent un gran èxit, però realment el major regal d’aquesta campanya és haver rebut el vostre afecte i recolzament. Ens sentim realment acompanyats i animats a continuar amb la nostra tasca pedagògica.
Per tot això: GRÀCIES.
Dear supporters,
The first round of our crowdfunding campaign has concluded and we’d love to take this opportunity to thank you for your support from the bottom of our hearts. Your support has been decisive and has enabled us to reach not just our minimum goal but the optimum one too, which makes us really happy.
With this achievement, we have been capable of initiating all works needed: those related to the water chlorination treatment –in compliance with what the Ministry of Health requires from schools- but also those related to banisters and ramps, toilet reconditioning, enlargement and reconditioning of parking area and playground, taxes and licence fees. Workers found new difficulties during the execution of the said works and new requirements from Authorities came alongside. This made our final budget to rise. Notwithstanding, since your contributions keep coming in we can envisage being able to afford the whole amount of such expenses. In fact, the energy coming from you has been such that we can even glimpse a new horizon, a goal that so far remained distant but which we can now give it a name: buying the school’s estate. This is necessary for the future stability of the project. Therefore, any new income in the 20 remaining days will be assigned to meet the extra costs and buying the estate.
As you know, our goal at this time is to obtain a school licence. We are aware that achieving this will make the way easier for others and that this shared effort can result in more alternative and holistic schools coexisting within our educational system.
This is a great success but the greatest gift of this campaign is having received your kindness and support. We really feel accompanied by you and encouraged to continue with our educational task.
In account for all this: THANK YOU.
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Our deepest gratitude
Our deepest gratitude
> 19 Co-financiers
Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name
Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 49 Co-financiers
El Roure Digital Magazine
El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 26 Co-financiers
Collection of selected pedagogical articles
Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 68 Co-financiers
FIRST 48h OFFER. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids
FIRST 48h OFFER. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 14 Co-financiers
After the first 48h. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids
After the first 48h. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 17 Co-financiers
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 13 Co-financiers
Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate
Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) for two people + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 09 Co-financiers
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate
Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members or representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the tank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).
> 05 Co-financiers
Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.
> 00 Co-financiers
Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format
> 04 Co-financiers
Formación anual de El Roure
Invitación a cursar la formación anual de El Roure (75 horas) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.
> 00 Co-financiers
Invitation to attend El Roure’s annual training programme
Invitation to attend El Roure’s annual training programme (75hours) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format
> 01 Co-financiers
Support to spread the campaign in social networks.
Support with the packing of the ceramic bowls to be sent to the crowd funding sponsors.
Support with the shipment of the ceramic bowls to be sent to the crowd funding sponsors.