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Unas gotas para el Roure/ Unes gotes per El Roure/ Some drops for El Roure

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Finished 14 / 06 / 2017
$ 468,653
$ 234,249
$ 311,998
283 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 267

    Our deepest gratitude

    Our deepest gratitude

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 444

    Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name

    Our deepest gratitude + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 49 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 666

    El Roure Digital Magazine

    El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 26 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,111

    Collection of selected pedagogical articles

    Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 68 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,555

    FIRST 48h OFFER. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids

    FIRST 48h OFFER. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,888

    After the first 48h. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids

    After the first 48h. Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,221

    Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure

    Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,221

    Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate

    Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) for two people + collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the thank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,332

    Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate

    Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members or representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format + mentioning your name in the tank you list at El Roure’s website (if you agree to be in such list).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11,107


    Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11,107


    Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22,214

    Formación anual de El Roure

    Invitación a cursar la formación anual de El Roure (75 horas) + Invitación para venir a pasar un dia lectivo en El Roure acompañado de algún miembro del equipo y un representante de las familias + Invitación a la fiesta de inaguración de la potabilitzación del agua de la finca de El Roure (el próximo 10 de junio) + bol de cerámica artesanal elaborada por niños y niñas del proyecto de El Roure + recopilación de artículos pedagógicos seleccionados de la revista interna anual de El Roure + revista de El Roure 2016-2017 en formato electrónico.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22,214

    Invitation to attend El Roure’s annual training programme

    Invitation to attend El Roure’s annual training programme (75hours) + Invitation to spend a full school day at El Roure in the company of one of the team members and a representative of the family community + Invitation to the inauguration of the water treatment facility at El Roure estate (10th of june) + Craft pottery cup made by El Roure’s kids + Collection of selected pedagogical articles published in the yearly issue of El Roure Magazine + El Roure Magazine 2016-2017 in electronic format

    > 01 Co-financiers


03 | 04 | 2017


Estem molt contents d’anunciar-vos que hem assolit l’objectiu mínim abans de la primera setmana, coincidint amb la celebració de la festa de la primavera de la nostra escola.

Agrair-vos de tot cor  el vostre recolzament durant aquests dies. Ens omple de joia veure quanta gent creu en aquest projecte, en el seu potencial social, en el seu compromís cap a un futur millor i en la pedagogia viva com a camí d’aprenentatge des del respecte envers els processos de cada nen/a.


Gota a gota, per un món millor.

L’equip, la cooperativa i famílies de El Roure.



Estamos muy contentos de anunciaros que hemos conseguido el objetivo mínimo antes de la primera semana, coincidiendo con la celebración de la fiesta de la primavera de nuestra escuela.

Agradeceros de todo corazón vuestro apoyo durante estos días. Nos llena de alegría ver cuanta gente cree en este proyecto, en su potencial social, en su compromiso hacia un futuro mejor y en la pedagogía viva como camino de aprendizaje desde el respeto hacia los procesos de cada niño/a.


Gota a gota, por un mundo mejor.

El equipo, la cooperativa y familias de El Roure.



We are very pleased to announce that we have achieved the minimum target of our campaign before the first week, coinciding with the celebration of our school's spring festival.

We are very grateful for your support during these days. We are delighted to see how many people believe in this project, in its social potential, in its commitment towards a better future and towards alternative pedagogy as a way of learning through respect for every child process.


Drop by drop, for a better world.

The educational team, the cooperative and families of El Roure.



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