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El Taller Movil

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Finished 03 / 03 / 2017
$ 143,901
$ 127,628
$ 170,171
53 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 213

    Periodic informations of the Taller Movil

    Thankfully we will note your name as supporter on our web page.
    You will receive every six months informations (E-Mail) with photos and informations around the activities of the Taller Movil

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425

    Periodic informations of the Taller Movil

    Thankfully we will note your name as sponsor on our web page.
    You will receive every six months informations (E-Mail) with photos and informations around the activities of the Taller Movil

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,064

    Personalized advice

    Thankfully we will note your name as sponsor on our web page.
    You will receive every six months informations (E-Mail) with photos and informations around the activities of the Taller Movil.
    Advice on adaptable technologies more recommended for a place in particular, without including visit to the project.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,489

    Shortly personalized advice

    Thankfully we will note your name as sponsor on our web page. You will receive sixmonthly informations (E-Mail) of the Taller Movil with photos and informations around the activities of the Taller Movil.
    Detailled advice on adaptable technologies and ecological treatment of water more recommended for a place in particular, (without including visit to the project).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,191

    Advanced personalized advice

    Thankfully we will note your name as sponsor on our web page. You will receive sixmonthly informations (E-Mail) of the Taller Movil with photos and informations around the activities of the Taller Movil.
    Also advice on adapted technologies for a project in particular, including design and visit of one day to the project (it does not include trip expenses).

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,636

    Accompany of the Taller Movil

    Thankfully we will note your name as sponsor on our web page. You will receive sixmonthly informations (E-Mail) of the Taller Movil with photos and informations around the activities of the Taller Movil.
    To accompany the Taller Movil for one week in which we will visit a project to realize some installation, offering formation and practice in real projects.
    It includes accommodation and diets. (it does not include trip expenses)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,636

    Visit of the Taller Móvil to a project

    Thankfully we will note your name as sponsor on our web page. You will receive sixmonthly informations (E-Mail) of the Taller Movil with photos and informations around the activities of the Taller Movil.
    For already established projects or projects in formation, we offer a visit of evaluation and design of adapted technologies, especially concerning the water. (it does not include trip expenses)

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

Design and development of adapted technologies for the sustainable management of the water in the rural environment.

Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
Preparation of the truck of the Taller Movil: container
The container will be the part of truck where I will install the workshop provided with tools to be able to evaluate projects, realize designs and to install the technologies.
$ 42,543
Preparation of the the truck of the Taller Movil :Solar installation
The projects where I work are located in the countryside. I need energy autonomy to be able to realize the facilities.
$ 42,543
The caravan will be my accommodation when I move to some project to realize an evaluation, design or installation
$ 42,543
Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Legalization of the truck to the spanish regulation
I need to legalize the truck and the workshop to be able to realize my activity.
$ 42,543
Total $ 127,628 $ 170,171

General information

What do i offer?

  • Advice on ecological water techniques, such as water supply and recycling
  • Mobile Workshop with tools and Knowledge
  • Related technology :cable car railway, bicycle washingmashines and bicycle saw, etc
  • 20 years experience of living in a community
  • Advice and methods : 7 points of clarity, sociocracy, networks and contacts

    Who needs this service

  • Ecological communities
  • Alternative projects in the countryside
  • Alterative lifestyles in the countryside
    What to know more?
    There are large alternative living projects, they are well known for their ecological,social and sustainable lifestyle.
    They have made their way up from the hard beginnings and now have sponsors and are able finance themselves.
    Small projects that are still in the initial set up phases, often find themselves confronted with large tasks and little financial resources.
    An example of this is the irrigation system. Many of this areas in wich alterative communities settle are dried up.
    In order for the barren land to become fertile a water source must be found, channels must be build and the water filtered.
    Ecological water recycling requieres a well thougt out system: the grey shower and washingmashine water can be used in the toilet.
    Finally, the biological preperation as the settlements are not normally connected to the severage system.
    There are still many hurdles to cross: loads must be brought into the mountains despite the lack of sealed roads.
    It is here that specialised knowledge is required and that is where i come into play

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The Taller Movil is a 7. 5 tons truck equipped with a powerful solar system and a container like workshop with tools of mechanics, carpentertools, gardentools and materials.
Destined for new communities and ecological projects that begins with the reconstruction of places and deserted villages and in cooperation with GEN (Global Ecovillage Network) and RIE (Iberian Network of ecoaldeas)


Why this is important

To improve the ecological water treatment with my experience of 25 years in Matavenero and my formation in the water treatment. The idea was coming from my trips with backsack and missing of tools in many places. With the project I want to support ecological Communities, alternative Projects in the rural environment and alternative Forms of life in the countryside


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The idea of the campaign of crowdfunding of the Taller Movil is to collect the sufficient funds to continue our mission to establish or to improve the systems of supply, canalization and water treatment, systems of recycling of resources and recycling, and diverse skills and ecological strategies in villages and communities sustentables of the countryside.
In this moment we need to collect the sufficient money to acquire a new charger, a container and other hardware and necessary resources to develop our technological ecological ones, which are essential to reinforce the self-sufficiency of the alternative and ecological projects that need our help the length and breadth of the country.
Our resources are limited now, but our illusion is enormous and our project is endorsed by all the ecological projects and communities where we are leaving our effort and work, and our experience of more than 20 years.
With your collaboration and with your economic help, for kidling who is, we will be able to keep on supporting the ecological projects of the countryside and we will always be grateful to you.

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Team and experience

In my 20 years of experience with alternative lifestyles - particularly in Matavenero - i have learnt to treat resources very differently.
I have built solar energy plants an when this energy was not enough, i powered saws with water and developed a bicicle operated washing machine.


Social commitment