¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

ELKANO, a collection to go around the world.

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  • Contributing $ 11

    SANLÚCAR: 1 vote + commendation + postcard

    *This voyage began on 20 September 1519, in the port of Seville.

    With this contribution you will have:
    - 1 vote to choose your favourite garment for its production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 1 vote).
    - your name (or the one you prefer) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
    - the postcard of the collection (illustrated by the localSS) - shipments to mainland Spain, Balearic and Canary Islands.
    *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    TENERIFE: 2 votes + mention + postcard + piece of group A of the collection

    *On 26 September 1519, they refuelled on the Canary Island.

    With this contribution you will have:
    - 2 votes to choose your favourite garments for production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 2 votes).
    - your name (or the name of your choice) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
    - the postcard of the collection (illustrated by the localSS).
    - a T-shirt or espadrilles from the collection (depending on the budget obtained) valued between 40€ and 49€.
    *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 41

    TXIKI ELKANO: 2 votos + mención + 1 postal + 1 camiseta niñ@ + txiki mapa + invitación

    Esta es una recompensa en colaboración con nuestras compañeras de campaña, Donostia en familia, que buscan financiar una guía de San Sebastián para los más txikis.

    Con esta aportación tendrás:

    • 2 votos para elegir tus prendas favoritas para su producción. Según el presupuesto obtenido, también podrás elegir colores y participar en el proceso de diseño (con 2 votos).
    • tu nombre (o el que prefieras) aparecerá en las etiquetas, catálogo, web y álbum de la colección.
    • 1 postal de la colección (ilustrada por the localSS).
      - 1 camiseta infantil en tallas a elegir de la colección.
      - txiki mapa de Donostia para descubrir Donostia en familia con sus pegatinas y su mini guía online.
      - invitación para el evento de presentación de la colección.
      *¡Recuerda que tu aportación desgrava! Calcúlalo aquÍ: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 49

    PLANISEFERIO: 3 votos + mención + 1 postal + 1 pañuelo + 1 planisferio Elkano en euskera + invitación

    Aquellos marinos del siglo XVI necesitaban conocer las estrellas para orientarse durante sus viajes y para ello, utilizaban herramientas como el astrolabio o el compás náutico. Hoy en día, para conocer el cielo nocturno utilizamos los planisferios.

    Con esta aportación tendrás:

    • 3 votos para elegir tus prendas favoritas para su producción. Según el presupuesto obtenido, también podrás elegir colores y participar en el proceso de diseño (con 3 votos).
    • tu nombre (o el que prefieras) aparecerá en las etiquetas, catálogo, web y álbum de la colección.
    • 1 postal de la colección (ilustrada por the localSS).
    • una camiseta o alpargatas de la colección valorados entre 40€ y 49€.
      - el planisferio Elkano, el primer planisferio completamente en euskera y ubicado en el paralelo de Euskal Herria, en la latitud 43º Norte.
      - invitación para el evento de presentación de la colección.
      *¡Recuerda que tu aportación desgrava! Calcúlalo aquÍ: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    RÍO DE JANEIRO: 3 votes + mention + postcard + piece of group B of the collection

    *On 29 November and 13 December 1519, they stopover at the Brazilian city.

    With this contribution you will have:
    - 3 votes to choose your favourite garments for production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 3 votes).
    - your name (or the name of your choice) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
    - the postcard of the collection (illustrated by the localSS).
    - a scarf or txapela or top or waistcoat from the collection (depending on the budget obtained) valued between 59€ and 99€.
    *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 59

    CRISTÓBAL BALENCIAGA: 3 votos + mención + 1 postal + 1 pañuelo + 1 entrada Museo Cristóbal Balenciaga + invitación

    Cristóbal Balenciaga es el otro gran personaje de Getaria, con esta recompensa, podrás conocer al maestro, vistiendo el pañuelo de la colección Elkano.

    Con esta aportación tendrás:

    • 3 votos para elegir tus prendas favoritas para su producción. Según el presupuesto obtenido, también podrás elegir colores y participar en el proceso de diseño (con 3 votos).
    • tu nombre (o el que prefieras) aparecerá en las etiquetas, catálogo, web y álbum de la colección.
    • 1 postal de la colección (ilustrada por the localSS).
      - 1 pañuelo de la colección.
      - 1 entrada al Museo Cristóbal Balenciaga.
      - invitación para el evento de presentación de la colección.
      *¡Recuerda que tu aportación desgrava! Calcúlalo aquÍ: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 65

    PATAGONIA /EARLY ADOPTER: 5 votes + mention + postcard + 2 pieces of group B of the collection

    *On 21 October they finally found what would later become the Strait of Magellan and were able to cross the American continent.

    With this contribution the 5 fastest ones will be rewarded by CEBÚ, for 60€:
    - 5 votes to choose your favourite garments for their production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 5 votes).
    - your name (or the name of your choice) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
    - the postcard of the collection (illustrated by the localSS).

    • your choice of 2 pieces in between scarf or txapela or top or waistcoat from the collection (depending on the budget obtained) valued between 59€ and 99€.
      *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 70

    BEGI-BISTAN: 4 votos + mención + 1 postal + 1 pieza grupo B de la colección + travesía en barco x2 + invitación
    • En la travesía en barco guiada “Territorio Elkano”, podrás conocer nuestro entorno, cultura, historia y naturaleza, usando como hilo conductor nuestro patrimonio marítimo y la figura de Elkano.*

    Con esta aportación tendrás:

    • 4 votos para elegir tus prendas favoritas para su producción. Según el presupuesto obtenido, también podrás elegir colores y participar en el proceso de diseño (con 4 votos).
    • tu nombre (o el que prefieras) aparecerá en las etiquetas, catálogo, web y álbum de la colección.
    • 1 postal de la colección (ilustrada por the localSS).
      - un pañuelo o txapela o top o chaleco o zapato de la colección (según presupuesto obtenido) valorados entre 59€ y 99€.
      - 2 tickets para la travesía en barco ”Territorio Elkano”.
      - invitación para el evento de presentación de la colección.
      *¡Recuerda que tu aportación desgrava! Calcúlalo aquÍ: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 81

    MARIAN ISLANDS: 4 votes + mention + postcard + piece of group A of the collection + piece of group B of the collection

    *On 6 March 1521, after three hard months without seeing land, they finally set foot on solid ground.

    With this contribution you will have:
    - 4 votes to choose your favourite garments for production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 4 votes).
    - your name (or the name of your choice) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
    - the postcard of the collection (illustrated by the localSS).
    - a T-shirt or espadrilles from the collection (depending on the budget obtained) valued between 40€ and 49€.
    - a scarf or txapela or top or waistcoat from the collection (depending on the budget obtained) valued between 59€ and 99€.
    *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 86

    GAINTZA: 4 votos + mención + 1 postal + 1 pieza grupo B + 3 botellas txakoli Gaintza o visita guiada con cata + invitación
    • Además de Elkano y Balenciaga, el txakoli es el gran protagonista de Getaria. Aprovecha esta oportunidad para degustar y conocer de cerca la bodega Gaintza, que lleva 4 generaciones haciendo uno de los mejores txakolis de la zona!*

    Con esta aportación tendrás:

    • 4 votos para elegir tus prendas favoritas para su producción. Según el presupuesto obtenido, también podrás elegir colores y participar en el proceso de diseño (con 4 votos).
    • tu nombre (o el que prefieras) aparecerá en las etiquetas, catálogo, web y álbum de la colección.
    • 1 postal de la colección (ilustrada por the localSS).
      - un pañuelo o txapela o top o chaleco o zapato de la colección a elegir, valorados entre 59€ y 99€.
      - Pack 3 botellas de txakoli gaintza (Gaintza Txakolina + Gaintza Roses + Aitako Txakolina) o una visita a la bodega Gaintza para dos personas.
      - invitación para el evento de presentación de la colección.
      *¡Recuerda que tu aportación desgrava! Calcúlalo aquÍ: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 92

    FILIPINES: 4 votes + mention + postcard + piece of group C of the collection + invitation

    On 16 March 1521, they reached the Philippines and Magellan intended to Christianise the locals.

    With this contribution you will have:
    - 4 votes to choose your favourite garments for production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 6 votes).
    - your name (or the name of your choice) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
    - the postcard of the collection (illustrated by the localSS).

    • your choice of 1 piece in between shirt, short trousers or the skirtfrom the collection (depending on the budget obtained) valued between 115€ and 155€.
      - invitation to the presentation event of the collection.
      *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 97

    MAISOR: 5 votos + mención + 1 postal + 1 camisa de la colección + degustación del mar + invitación
    • Saborea lo mejor del mar, directamente desde del puerto de Getaria a tu casa con esta degustación de conservas de antxoa y verdel de Maisor.*

    Con esta aportación tendrás:

    • 5 votos para elegir tus prendas favoritas para su producción. Según el presupuesto obtenido, también podrás elegir colores y participar en el proceso de diseño (con 5 votos).
    • tu nombre (o el que prefieras) aparecerá en las etiquetas, catálogo, web y álbum de la colección.
    • 1 postal de la colección (ilustrada por the localSS).
      - la camisa de la colección.
      - Degustación especial del mar MAISOR GETARIA: ANTXOA en aceite de oliva, VERDEL en aceite y vinagre y ANTXOA en aceite y vinagre.
      - invitación para el evento de presentación de la colección.
      *¡Recuerda que tu aportación desgrava! Calcúlalo aquÍ: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 103

    CEBÚ: 5 votes + mention + postcard + 2 pieces of group B of the collection

    On 7 April 1521 they reached Cebú. Magellan died in battle, along with other men, on the island of Mactan. *Magellan died in battle, along with other men, on the island of Mactan.

    With this contribution you will have:
    - 5 votes to choose your favourite garments for production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 5 votes).
    - your name (or the name of your choice) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
    - the postcard of the collection (illustrated by the localSS).

    • your choice of 2 pieces in between scarf or txapela or top or waistcoat from the collection (depending on the budget obtained) valued between 59€ and 99€.
      *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 124

    ELKANO ESCAPE ROOM: 5 votos + mención + 1 postal + 1 pieza grupo C de la colección + escape room Elkano x4 + invitación
    • Ven a Getaria y sumérgete en la época y la vida de Juan Sebastián Elkano con 3 amigos más. Vive la experiencia en el Escape room Elkano, ¡seleccionado uno de los 25 mejores del mundo!*

    Con esta aportación tendrás:

    • 5 votos para elegir tus prendas favoritas para su producción. Según el presupuesto obtenido, también podrás elegir colores y participar en el proceso de diseño (con 5 votos).
    • tu nombre (o el que prefieras) aparecerá en las etiquetas, catálogo, web y álbum de la colección.
    • 1 postal de la colección (ilustrada por the localSS).
    • una pieza a elegir entre camisa o pantalón corto o falda de la colección valorados entre 115€ y 155€.
    • un pase para 4 personas para viajar al siglo XVI a través del Escape Room Elkano, en Getaria.
      *¡Recuerda que tu aportación desgrava! Calcúlalo aquÍ: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 130

    BORNEO: 5 votes + mention + postcard + piece of group D of the collection + invitation

    On 8 July 1521 they reached Borneo, the first step towards the Moluccas.

    With this contribution you will have:
    - 4 votes to choose your favourite garments for production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 6 votes).
    - your name (or the name of your choice) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
    - the postcard of the collection (illustrated by the localSS).

    • your choice of 1 piece in between trousers or wrap-dress from the collection (depending on the budget obtained) valued between 180€ and 200€.
      - invitation to the presentation event of the collection.
      *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162

    MOLUCAS: 6 votes + mention + postcard + 2 pieces of group B of the collection + pack Elkano Foundation + invitation

    *On 8 November 1521, two years after leaving, they finally reached the island of spices.

    With this contribution you will have:
    - 6 votes to choose your favourite garments for production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 6 votes).
    - your name (or the name of your choice) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
    - the postcard of the collection (illustrated by the localSS).

    • your choice of 2 pieces in between scarf or txapela or top or waistcoat from the collection (depending on the budget obtained) valued between 59€ and 99€.
      - Elkano 500 Foundation Pack consisting of bag, Elkano planisphere and books.
      - invitation to the presentation event of the collection.
      *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 270

    CAPE DE BUENA ESPERANZA: 7 votes + mention + 1 postcard + 1 piece of group E of the collection + invitation

    On 19 May, after three months without touching land, they reached the Cape of Good Hope in southern Africa.

    With this contribution you will have:
    - 7 votes to choose your favourite garments for production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 6 votes).
    - your name (or the name of your choice) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
    - the postcard of the collection (illustrated by the localSS).

    • your choice of 1 piece in between jacket or hatfrom the collection (depending on the budget obtained) valued between 350€ and 450€.
      - invitation to the presentation event of the collection.
      *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 594

    SANLÚCAR: 9 votes + mention + 2 postcards + 1 cape of the collection + invitation

    *On 6 September 1522, three years later, they reached Sanlúcar. Of the five ships that set sail, only the Nao Victoria arrived. Of the 238 men, only 18 arrived, including four Basques.

    With this contribution you will have:

    • 9 votes to choose your favourite garments for production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 9 votes).
      - your name (or the name of your choice) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
      -2 postcards of the collection (illustrated by the localSS).
    • the cape of the collection on the size of your choice valued in 750€.
    • invitation to the collection presentation event.
      *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 772

    SEVILLE: 10 votes + mention + 16 postcards + 3 pairs of espadrilles + 4 T-shirts + 2 skirts + 2 scarves + 2 txapelas + 3 tops + invitation

    On 8 September 1522, Juan Sebastián Elkano arrived in Seville and wrote two letters to the king. In the first, he asked for the release of the men detained at Cape Verde and to distribute among the sailors the profits that the expedition owed to the king.

    With this contribution you will have:
    - 19 votes to choose your favourite garments for production. Depending on the budget obtained, you will also be able to choose colours and participate in the design process (with 10 votes).
    - your name (or the name of your choice) will appear on the labels, catalogue, website and album of the collection.
    - 16 postcards of the collection (illustrated by the localSS).
    - 3 pairs of espadrilles + 4 T-shirts + 2 skirts + 2 scarves + 2 txapelas + 3 tops in sizes of your choice from the collection.
    - invitation to the presentation event of the collection.
    *Remember that your contribution is tax deductible! Calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    > 01 Co-financiers

About this project

Collaborative fashion collection, inspired by the Basque sailors who circumnavigated the Earth 500 years ago.

Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
Minimum packaging, labelling and shipments
Cost of packaging (it will be in cardboard and/or recycled or reusable plastic), labelling and rewards shipments. Calculated for 90 shipments within the Spanish peninsula.
$ 680
Management fees and costs 1st round
Goteo, bank and paypal transactions commissions.
$ 324
Communication of the crowdfunding campaign
Cost of communication during the campaign. Content and management of social media, press releases and newsletters.
$ 810
Packaging, labelling and shipping 2nd round
Cost of packaging (it will be in cardboard and/or recycled or reusable plastic), labelling and rewards shipments. Calculated for 50 shipments in the Spanish peninsula.
$ 540
Commissions and management fees 2nd round
Goteo, bank and paypal transactions commissions.
$ 216
Presentation event
Cost of the collection presentation event. Includes preparation and printing of graphic supports, technical facilities, staff and catering.
$ 3,239
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Making prototypes of the 16 pieces + the ELKANO print.
Cost of making and producing a prototype of each of the 16 garments that make up the ELKANO collection for its diffusion.
$ 2,159
Production of 25 scarves + 25 txapelas + 25 tops + 25 t-shirts
Production cost of a limited edition of 25 units of each of the garments indicated. Includes pattern scaling. Depending on the budget obtained and the votes of the comecenas, the chosen garments may be altered.
$ 3,239
ELKANO collectable postcards 2nd round
Coste óptimo de la ilustración de The localSS e impresión de postales coleccionables de la colección para la 2ª ronda. Calculado para 50 postales más.
$ 108
Production of 25 pcs. of trousers from the collection
Production cost of a limited edition of 25 pcs of the trousers from the collection. Including pattern scaling. In case of not reaching the optimum budget, it would be possible to make single units.
$ 1,997
Producción de 25 uds. de camisas de la colección
Production cost of a limited edition of 25 units of the shirt from the collection. Includes pattern scaling. In case of not reaching the optimum budget, it would be possible to produce single units.
$ 1,566
Production of 25 pcs. of sweatshirts from the collection
Production cost of a limited edition of 25 units of the sweatshirt from the collection. Includes pattern scaling.
$ 1,919
Production of 25 pcs. of the dress from the collection
Production cost of a limited edition of 25 units of the dress from the collection. Includes pattern scaling. In case of not reaching the optimum budget, it would be possible to make individual pieces.
$ 2,537
Producción de 200 uds. de las alpargatas de la colección
Production cost of a limited edition of 200 units of the espadrilles in the collection. Includes pattern scaling.
$ 4,130
Production of 25 pcs. of the vest from the collection
Production cost of a limited edition of 25 pcs of the waistcoat from the collection. Includes pattern scaling. In case of not reaching the optimum budget, it would be possible to make single units.
$ 1,080
Production of 25 pcs. of the collection shorts
Production cost of a limited edition of 25 pcs of the shorts from the collection. Including pattern scaling. In case of not reaching the optimum budget, it would be possible to produce single units.
$ 1,296
Production of 25 pcs. of the skirt of the collection
Production cost of a limited edition of 25 units of the skirt from the collection. Includes pattern scaling. In case of not reaching the optimum budget, it would be possible to make single units.
$ 1,593
Production of 25 pcs. of the collection jacket
Production cost of a limited edition of 25 pcs of the jacket from the collection. Including pattern scaling. In case of not reaching the optimum budget, it would be possible to produce single units.
$ 3,612
Production of 10 pcs. of the hat from the collection
Production cost of a limited edition of 10 pcs of the hat from the collection. Includes pattern scaling. In case of not reaching the optimum budget, it would be possible to produce single units.
$ 2,375
Production of 5 pcs. of the collection layer
Production cost of a limited edition of 5 pcs of the collection cape. Includes pattern scaling. In case of not reaching the optimal budget, it would be possible to make single units.
$ 2,159
Production of 25 pcs. of the shoe of the collection
Production cost of a limited edition of 25 pcs of the shoe from the collection. Includes pattern scaling. In case of not reaching the optimum budget, it would be possible to make single units.
$ 783
Printing of the catalogue of the collection
Cost of colour printing of the catalogue of the collection for its dissemination.
$ 540
Design and production of sustainable buttons of the collection
Cost of design, modelling and production of exclusive 3D printed buttons for the collection. Calculated for 150 pcs.
$ 594
Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
ELKANO collectable postcard
Cost of illustration (from the LocalSS) and printing of collectible postcards from the collection. Calculated for 150 postcards.
$ 216
Photo shoot
Minimum cost of a photo and/or video session of the collection.
$ 432
Design of the collection catalogue
Cost of the design, layout and content creation for the catalogue for the distribution of the collection.
$ 216
Design of the 16 pieces + ELKANO print.
Design costs for each of the 16 garments that make up the ELKANO collection. Includes patterns and technical specifications for each piece.
$ 2,699
Optimal cost photo and video session
Optimal cost of photo and video session of the collection.
$ 756
Total $ 10,775 $ 41,814

General information

Did you know that in 1522 the navigator from Getaria, Juan Sebastián Elcano, circumnavigated the globe for the first time and that it was a milestone comparable to the first moon walk and one of the greatest contributions of the Basques to the history of mankind? Despite his incredible feat, today this story is still unknown to many people, that is why, coinciding with the 500th anniversary of that first circumnavigation of the globe, we have designed a fashion collection, with the support of the Elkano 500 Foundation, to tell this story in a different way.

The first circumnavigation may have been circumstantial, but it was no coincidence, which is why the ELKANO collection is a tribute to all these people, as well as to other more unknown sea related labourers, generally carried out by women, such as fisherwomen, fishmongers, boatwomen and shopgirls. We have been inspired by their clothing to design each of the pieces in this collection.

Book of geometry, practice and design, Juan de Alcega, 1580.

The sea is therefore the environment in which all these stories took place. Therefore, sustainability and respect for the environment is also one of the pillars of the project, which is materialised through the use of natural, organic or recycled fabrics of local origin (Spain and Europe), such as wool or linen, and the manufacture in local workshops.

ELKANO is also a capsule collection designed in an innovative way for 2 reasons:

1, Collaborative collection in which the 16 pieces that compose it will be designed and produced in collaboration by different designers, artisans and bespoke companies from Gipuzkoa and other parts of Spain.

2, Participatory collection in which the garments that we will finally produce will be chosen by you and the rest of the backers who participate in the campaign, depending on the budget obtained.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The ELKANO capsule collection consists of these 16 pieces. In addition, as a unifying element, Leire Larretxea (Lele Prints, Donostia) will design a botanical print inspired by the plants and spices they collected and discovered on that trip:

1- T-shirt printed with the ELKANO print, made of GOTS organic cotton. Made in Bangladesh (Fair Wear label) and printed in Gipuzkoa.

2- Printed espadrilles with ELKANO print, made in collaboration with Espartín (Zumaia).

3- Scarf decorated with the ELKANO print, made of 100% silk, produced in Barcelona and hand-sewn.

4- Embroidered txapela Basque traditional beret inspired by Juan Sebastián Elkano, made by Boinas Elosegui (Tolosa) in 100% wool and lined with Elkano print.

5- ELKANO printed top in cotton. Women's model. Made in Spain.

6- Long vest inspired by Juan Sebastián Elkano. Unisex model in recycled polyester knitted fabric (Catalonia). Made in Spain.

7- Leather shoes inspired by those worn by Basque whalers. Designed in collaboration by Re_byBárbaraLeón and Zapatari. Handmade in Navarra.

8- Linen shirt inspired by those worn by Basque sailors and fishermen. Wide unisex model in linen fabric (Catalonia). Made in Spain.

9- Short trousers inspired by those worn by Basque sailors and fishermen. Men's and women's models, with recycled polyester knitted fabric (Catalonia). Made in Spain.

10- Multi-position skirt with ELKANO printed fabric and recycled polyester knitted fabric underskirt (Catalonia). Made in Spain.

11- Long trousers inspired by those worn by Basque sailors and fishermen. Men's and women's models, with cotton fabric (Catalonia). Made in Spain.

12- Elkano printed dress, inspired by fishmongers. Women's model in cotton fabric. Made in Spain.

13- Bomber inspired by the jackets worn by Basque sailors and fishermen. Unisex wide model, with 100% wool fabric (Leon). Made in Spain.

14- Panama hat with inner lining and ELKANO print. Designed in collaboration with the milliner Gorka González (Donostia) and inspired by fisherwomen, fishmongers and fish sellers. Made in Spain.

15- Jacket in 100% merino wool fabric (León) with inner lining with ELKANO print. Made in Spain.

16- ELKANO cape: Designed in collaboration and made by Capas Seseña (Madrid). Unisex cape in 100% wool, lined with ELKANO print.

The main objective of this collection is to value and disseminate, through fashion, the figure of Juan Sebastián Elkano in particular, and the Basque sailors and whalers, as well as the fisherwomen, fishmongers and female rowers, so that this story reaches new audiences and places.

With the minimum budget, we will make a prototype of each piece of the collection, in order to disseminate it through fashion editorials, social media, presentation events, as well as having a presence in the events and activities of the Elkano Foundation, not linked to fashion. We will also make a limited production of the most economical pieces, for rewards.

With the optimum budget, we will be able to make a limited production of each (or some, depending on the budget) of the garments, so the garments and the quantities we make will depend on you and the rest of the campaign's backers. In short, this will be a participatory and sustainable collection, in which we will avoid unnecessary overproduction.


Why this is important

ELKANO is a project that combines heritage, culture, fashion and sustainability. Whether you are one of those people who believe that knowing our history is important or if you are passionate about fashion or a collector, we would love for you to be part of the project, to support us, but above all to choose one of the garments from the collection and travel around the world wearing it!

This first circumnavigation coincides in time with the beginning of the external influence, in the traditional and characteristic clothing of the Basque people. This is no coincidence, since in that century, technological and geographical advances allowed Basques to get to know new cultures, new ways of doing things and also to start adopting fashions and habits from other places.
The language, culture and clothing that had been preserved almost intact in the Basque Country, began to mix with French, Spanish and other influences from all over the world. Hence the cultural and social interest in researching this period of which so little remains.

In 5 years of experience, we have seen the power of design and fashion transmit stories like this in a universal way and reach audiences that otherwise would not be reached, people interested in design, fashion, culture and history. Young, adult and older men and women who, like us, believe that it is important to know the past in order to move towards a better future. People from all over the world who know that by supporting local, sustainable fashion and entrepreneurship with small gestures, they contribute to create a better future for humanity, the economy and the planet.


Team and experience

Amarenak is a project that was born thanks to a matchfunding campaign in the first edition of Meta!2016. In that campaign, we managed to finance the first production of our modernised kaiku jackets. From that campaign we discovered that Basque culture has a textile heritage that is as rich as it is unknown and we took on** the mission of making them known with our work, creating #storiestowear.

Oihane Pardo (Donostia) is in charge of Amarenak and in these 5 years has managed to modernise several traditional Basque garments, becoming an example of updating heritage and building bridges between historians, museums and society.
Leire Crespo is a 4th year student of fashion design at the University of Cesine, in Santander. She provides support in the management of social media and content at Amarenak.

This is one of the most ambitious projects we have faced to date, so we wanted to have the best possible collaborators to carry it out:

Gorka González is a designer, hatmaker and local from San Sebastian. In his workshop, located in San Sebastian, he makes exclusive pieces by hand. Always in search of new shapes and styles, but understanding and respecting the classic manufacturing processes.

Zapatari is an artisan shoe shop founded in 1995 by Mª Carmen del Río and Xavier Iturriotz in Eraso (Navarra). They use hand-cutting, pincer assembly and stitched sole fixing techniques. The materials used are of the highest quality: vegetable tanned leathers and soles made from recycled mountain or tyre materials.

Lëlë prints (Leire Larretxea) after finishing her studies in Fine Arts and graphic design, discovered through Goiuri Bikini Denda what she is most passionate about: designing prints. After designing for the shop's brand, she created her own, Lëlë prints, with original and eye-catching prints full of flowers and birds and above all, with large doses of colour.

Capas Seseña is a family business founded in 1901, now in its 4th generation, and is practically the only one in the world dedicated exclusively to the design, manufacture and sale of clothing capes. This, together with its exquisite list of clients, has made it a world reference for the cape.

Boinas Elosegui was founded in Tolosa in 1858, since then it has been dedicated to the manufacture of headwear, mainly the traditional txapelas (Basque berets), with all its production processes integrated, sustainable and local.

Re_by Bárbara León is dedicated to the creation of footwear redesigned and reconstructed from waste, linking craftsmanship in footwear and the reuse of textile waste with the use of modern tools of creation and design, to obtain quality, durable and stylish reclaimed footwear.

Espartin is a shop specialising in traditional espadrilles made by craftsmen from the Basque Country and sewn by hand. Its main objective has been to manufacture comfortable and quality footwear with 100% natural and ecological cotton fabrics.

For the communication and diffusion of the collection we will also count on:
The localSS: Brand of the illustrator from San Sebastian Leire Jaime (1986), who will be in charge of making the illustrated postcard that tells the story of the collection in a graphic and simple way.

LACØRTE films audiovisual production company with 5 years of experience with which we work regularly and which has made the video for the campaign. Currently its founder, Jesús Lacorte, is a student of the Elias Querejeta Zine Eskola (Donostia).

In addition, in the research and documentation process to design this collection we have had the support of the Elkano 500 Fundazioa: and the help of museums such as the Basque Maritime Museum, Albaola, San Telmo Museum in San Sebastian and Gordailua in Irun.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Clean Water and Sanitation

    Clean, accessible water for all is an essential part of the world we want to live in.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development.

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

  • Life Below Water

    Careful management of this essential global resource is a key feature of a sustainable future.

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development