¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Let’s Empower Carob!

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Finished 11 / 08 / 2023
$ 337,214
$ 283,813
$ 785,945
146 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218


    Your name will appear on the plaque of acknowledgements that we will place in the Econau Classroom.

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546

    Kit "Ecotour"
    • Your name will appear on the plaque of acknowledgements that we will place in the Econau Classroom.
    • Guided Ecotour - a 12-stop hike explaining the cultivation of olive and carob, animal, plant and cultural biodiversity of the Barranc de Santes Creus.

    > 26 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 764

    Kit "Learner"
    • Your name will appear on the plaque of acknowledgements that we will place in the Econau Classroom.
    • 1 pot of 400 gr of organic carob flour from the Garrofina.
    • 1 jar of 500 ml of delicious carob syrup km0 of the Garrofina to sweeten your cakes.

    We will send you everything by mail; enter your postal address when you register. Free shipping throughout Europe. For shipping outside of Europe, there is an additional shipping cost.

    To enjoy during 2023/2024.

    > 31 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 873

    Kit "Empower yourself!"
    • Your name will appear on the plaque of acknowledgements that we will place in the Econau Classroom.
    • 1 organic cotton t-shirt from the 1st Carob Festival with our superheroine "Queratia".

    We will send you everything by mail; enter your postal address when you register. Free shipping throughout Europe. For shipping outside of Europe, there is an additional shipping cost.

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,419

    Kit "Get down to work!"
    • Your name will appear on the plaque of acknowledgements that we will place in the Econau Classroom.
    • 1 cookbook in digital format of the Garrofina to make delicious dishes with carob products.
    • 1 pot of 400 gr organic carob flour from the Garrofina.
    • 1 jar of 500 ml of delicious km0 carob syrup from the Garrofina.

    We will send you everything by mail; enter your postal address when you register. Free shipping throughout Europe. For shipping outside of Europe, there is an additional shipping cost.

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,856

    Kit "The wisdom of the gourmand/foodie”
    • Your name will appear on the plaque of acknowledgements that we will place in the Econau Classroom.
    • 1 pot of 200 gr of delicious vegan carob cream Garrofina.
    • 1 bottle of 500 ml of organic virgin olive oil L'Or del Barranc Ecotros.
    • 1 pack of 500 gr of organic almonds.

    We will send you everything by mail; enter your postal address when you register. Free shipping throughout Europe. For shipping outside of Europe, there is an additional shipping cost.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,729

    Kit "Delicious"
    • Your name will appear on the plaque of acknowledgements that we will place in the Econau Classroom.
    • 1 bottle of quality olive oil Premium in a ceramic bottle of Mas de Santa Creu.
    • 1 bottle of 150 gr of toasted organic hazelnuts.
    • 1 bottle of organic natural wine Garrofina.

    We will send you everything by mail; enter your postal address when you register. Free shipping throughout Europe. For shipping outside of Europe, there is an additional shipping cost.

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,912

    Kit "Cook lover"
    • Your name will appear on the plaque of acknowledgements that we will place in the Econau Classroom.
    • Two hours of a personal cooking class with carob products from the hand of the chef of the Garrofina.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,550

    Kit "Eat the Forest!"
    • Your name will appear on the plaque of acknowledgements that we will place in the
      Econau Classroom.
    • 1 organic cotton t-shirt from the 1st Algarroba Festival with our superheroine "Queratia"
    • 1 pass to attend an Edible Forest course taught by Ángel Perurena.

    To enjoy during 2023.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916

    Kit "Ecotour Premium"

    Live a rural experience among the carob trees! Weekend at the Econau, with overnight accommodation and full board, for two people. Arrive on Saturday morning and stay until Sunday. Discover the Econau and its surroundings and the Ecotros estate. You will
    accompany us in tasks such as carob or olive collection (depending on the season), carob products processing and elaboration with the *Garrofina.

    To enjoy during 2023/2024.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 28,381

    Kit "Meet L'Ametlla de Mar"

    Activity designed for companies who want to share new experiences with their workers outside the usual work environment. We propose to spend a different morning with the oceanographers from the Plancton Diving company. We will begin the activity with an explanation of the flora and fauna that we easily find on the seafloor in L'Ametlla de Mar.
    Then we will equip ourselves and dive into the water with a guide who will show us everything explained to us before. Upon getting out of the water, we will have an EcoNau products tasting: olive oil, nuts, creams and carob syrup...

    It includes: surface diving equipment (goggles, tube and wet suit)

    Maximum of 10 people per group/day.

    To enjoy in autumn 2023 or spring 2024.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 43,664

    Kit "Find the Lost Carob"

    Activity designed for companies who want to share new experiences with their workers outside the usual work environment. We propose to you to come and get to know the EcoNau and the Barranc de Santes Creus.

    We will start the day with a treasure hunt for groups inside the EcoTour track. While searching for the Lost Carob, you will know the environmental and cultural values that surround EcoNau.

    Afterwards, we will have the Carob Chef, a special workshop on carob cuisine. We will cook a few dishes divided into groups, led by our Chef Montse from Garrofina, and we will finally evaluate which group has cooked the best dishes. We will eat them at ease around a
    large table under the shade of a carob tree, accompanied by a delicious natural wine.

    Maximum of 20 people per group/day.

    > 00 Co-financiers

A la primera ronda ens hem superat!! GRÀCIES DE TOT COR!!

03 | 07 | 2023
A la primera ronda ens hem superat!! GRÀCIES DE TOT COR!!

La primera ronda del nostre crowdfunding s'ha tancat amb més de 13.740 euros!!

La vostra generositat i confiança en aquest projecte ho ha fet possible, i a més ens ha confirmat la necessitat i la importància que té realitzar-lo!

Ahir va ser un dia per a celebrar-ho, reafirmar-nos com col·lectiu i com individus, amb la certesa que amb els nostres actes podem fer la diferència i crear realitats positives, autèntiques, saludables i d'utilitat per a tothom. De l'individual al col·lectiu, del local al global, de les petites accions a les grans realitzacions.

Amb aquesta quantitat podrem reparar la processadora de garrofa, i així recuperar també la història rural del territori.

Continuem teixint relacions i duent a terme somnis juntes!

Arribar a l'objectiu ens ha obert a una segona ronda. Fins al 10 d'agost podem continuar recaptant fons per a aconseguir també el molí i la màquina ensacadora. Posant l'Econau a punt per a salpar!!

¿Ens hi ajudes?

Continua explicant d'aquest projecte a tots els teus amics i les teves amigues, familiars, companys i companyes... ajuda'ns a créixer encara més i posar a punt l'espai que ens permetrè de ser guardians de la terra i custodis del Garrofer i dels seus fruits.

Amb afecte i agraïment,

L'equip de l'Econau


Fernando Sinesio Aurín
Hace 1 year
Bona tarda, Moltes felicitats per l´èxit de la primera ronda.
Volia dir-vos que vaig aportar 125 euros, el "kit delicious" i enlloc he posat la meva adreça, que és la següent: Fernando Sinesio Aurín, C/Via Augusta 57, 3-1, 43890 L´Hospitalet de l´Infant-Tarragona.
Espero que arribeu al Òptim molt aviat i resto a l´espera de rebre el meu "kit delicious".
Moltes gràcies i felicitacions una altra vegada pel projecte.

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