¡Renovamos Goteo!

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Community Meeting Space Copsant

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Finished 18 / 12 / 2022
$ 19,177
$ 17,119
$ 39,386
169 Co-financiers
Matchfunding Agents
match invests
Arrela't Alt Pirineu i Aran 2022
Invested: $ 0 of $ 4,319
  • Contributing $ 27

    Thanks for your collaboration!

    👉 You’ll receive a virtual gratitude card.

    👉 Come to visit us! We’ll be pleased to welcome you with a cup of tea and share the pillars of our project. Ancs Valley surroundings are wonderful, we encourage you to discover it on your own.

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Join us the opening day!

    We are preparing the opening fest. A special day full of excitement and shindig to celebrate the new life project.

    👉 Live music, talks, poetry, performance, food, drinks and party.

    👉 This event will be shared with neighbours from the valley, people from the territory and project collaborators like YOU. Don’t miss it!

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 81

    Altruistic donation!

    With this donation you support us economically without a reward!

    👉 Thanks for supporting Copsant

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Magic night under the stars + opening day invitation!

    👉 Enjoy a snack around a campfire as well as our best night activity, stargazing on winter nights. We’ll travel through the cosmos, from the closer objects to the less known and further ones. Constellations, mythology, planets and much more...

    👉 Also, you are invited to the opening day!

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 162

    Take part on a self-building workshop and get a merchandising kit of 'Esperanceta de Casa Gassia' !

    👉 Take part in a self-building workshop with lunch included. We want to restore this hay loft full of hopes with YOURS and OUR hands. You can share your knowledge or just learn valuable construction skills.

    👉 Get a bag, an organic cotton t-shirt and a mask of 'Esperanceta de Casa Gassia'.

    👉 Also, you are invited to the opening day!

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 216

    Take part in 2 workshops and enjoy a self-building day with us!

    👉 The restored hay loft will be a space where organize artistic, therapeutic, creative or environmental activities, workshops, and formations. Choose 2 workshops between all of them.

    👉 Additionally, Take part on a self-building workshop with lunch included.

    👉 Get a bag, an organic cotton t-shirt and a mask of 'Esperanceta de Casa Gassia'.

    👉 Also, you are invited to the opening day!

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 432

    Sponsor an olive tree and get all the rewards!

    👉 At Cossant terrains we have abandoned olive tree. Help us recovering them with your support. The olive tree will be named as you, and you’ll be able to visit it at any time.

    👉 Be part of Copsant project during 5 years and enjoy its advantages.

    👉 Choose 2 workshops between all of them.

    👉 Additionally, Take part on a self-building workshop with lunch included.

    👉 Get a bag, an organic cotton t-shirt and a mask of 'Esperanceta de Casa Gassia'.

    👉 Also, you are invited to the opening day!

    Copsant project has social return, help us to make it real!

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Restoration of an ancient hay loft in order to promote land accessibility, as well as environmental and cultural activities.

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
1.1. Hay loft ceiling structure - Concrete and steel for the 5 cm concrete compression layer
Subministrament de formigó HA-25/B/20/IIa de consistència tova, grandària màxima del granulat 20mm, amb >=275Kg/m3 de ciment i malla electrosoldada de barres corrugades d'acer #15x15 diàm 8mm per a formació de xapa de formigó armat d'entre 4 i 6 cm de gruix aproximadament. Inclou connector amb les bigues i els paraments verticals existents.
$ 3,232
1.2. Hay loft ceiling structure - reinforcement for ceiling structure steel beams
Subministrament de perfils d'acer laminat IPN180 per a reforç de bigues del sostre
$ 548
2.2. Roof construction - Wood beams for the roof construction
Subministrament de bigues de fusta massissa d'avet del país C18 per suplement de bigues per adaptar la coberta al nou estat de càrregues i substitució de les bigues existents en mal estat.
$ 1,706
2.7. Roof construction - broad up of 25 mm wood coarse panel
Subministrament de taula basta de fusta de pi d'entrebigat per a formació d'entaulat de cobereta. Inclou cargols de cap aixamfranat, d'acer al carboni per a la seva fixació
$ 1,306
2.8. Roof construction - ONDULINE pannels underlyment
Subministrament placa sota teula, asfàltica DRS (doble capa protectora de resina i cavalcament de seguretat), BT 235 "ONDULINE", armada amb fibres minerals i vegetals més resina, de 2000 mm de longitud, 1050 mm d'amplada i 2,6 mm de gruix, segons UNE-EN 53
$ 1,306
2.9. Roof construction - Tiles for leaning roof
Subministrament de teula àrab, color vermell, 43x26 cm per a ús com a canalons. Teules reulitzades pels cobertons i noves pels canalons. Inclou cargols rosca-fusta de fixació.
$ 1,208
Subministrament de llates de fusta de pi de 45x45mm per a formació de coberta ventilada. Inclou cargols rosca-fusta de fixació.
$ 405
2.11. Formació de coberta - Barret de xemeneia. Diàm. 200mm
Subministrament de tub de sortida de 2mm de gruix de fins a 130cm de longitud i barret de remat de xemeneia d'acer de diàm 20cm aprox. amb lames i acabat pintat Oxiron negre forja de la casa RIXAAB model B10 PARAVENT o equivalent.
$ 270
2.12. Formació de coberta - Canal de coberta
Subministrament i col.locació de canal exterior de secció semicircular de planxa d'acer galvanitzat lacada. Ø100 i 33cm de desenvolupament. Inclou les peces especials i fixacions i la connexió al baixant. Vessant sud.
$ 146
2.13. Formació de coberta - Baixant Ø90
Subministrament de baixant de tub de planxa d'acer galvanitzat lacada amb unió plegada de Ø90. Inclou les peces especials i fixat mecànicament amb brides.
$ 98
2.3. Formació de coberta - Làmina de control de vapor 90gr/m2
Subministrament de làmina de control de la difusió del vapor tipus AMPATEX DB90 o equivalent, col·locada a la cara interior de l'aïllament en cobertes i murs. Transmissió de vapor d'aigua (SD)=20m. Permeabilitat a l'aire menor o igual a 0,02 m³/m2h 50Pa. Inclou part proporcional d'entregues, solapaments i segellats amb cinta adhesiva tipus AMPACOLL INT i segellats amb tots els elements passants com tubs, xemeneines, finestres, etc.
$ 471
2.4. Formació de coberta - Làmina transpirable
Subministrament de làmina transpirable tipus TRASPIR 150 de la casa ROTHO BLAAS o equivalent. Situada entre l'aïllament i la cambra d'aire. Inclou els encavalcaments, els retorns i el rejuntat amb la cinta FLEXIBAND de la mateixa casa.
$ 458
2.5. Formació de coberta - Aïllament tèrmic de fibra de fusta 10 cm
Subministrament d'aïllament tèrmic de fibra de Fusta STEICO FLEX 575 espessor 100mm i λ<0,038 1200*575 per a formació d'un total de 20cm d'aillament en coberta entre llates, sobre els cabirons de l'estructura existent. Inclou llates de fusta de pi.
$ 4,363
2.6. Formació de coberta - Taulell OSB 20mm classe III
Subministrament i col·locació de taulell OSB de 20mm per a formació d'entrebigat de coberta. Inclou tractament insecticida i fungicida.
$ 2,148
3. Fusteria exterior - Finestres tipus balconera de 300 x 250
"Subministrament, col·locació i segellat de fusteria de perfils de fusta laminada de pi meli, per a finestra balconera d'obertura interior de tres fulles de dimensions generals 100cm x 240cm cadascuna, aproximadament. amb tapajuntes interior i vidre de composició 5 BE + 18 NEGRA amb WE i ARGÓ + 4. Coeficient de transmissió tèrmica U<0'8 W/(m2·K). Inclou tots els ferratges necessaris i bastidors de pi. Inclou làmina d'estanquitat a tot el perímetre i cinta expansiva.
$ 9,717
Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
2.1. Roof construction - Wood structure execution, reinforced concrete compression layer and structure reinforcements
Suport professional d'oficial de 1a en el muntatge dels diferents elements d'estructura de fusta i formigó així com en la formació de la coberta. Inclou: -Execució de reforços estructurals de sostre i formació de la capa de compressió de formigó armat. -Formació de cércol de formigó perimetral -Formació de pas de xemeneia amb caixó de Fermacell a 30 cm al voltant del tub protegint la fusta i omplert amb arlita. -Col·locació de làmines, muntatge d'entaulats de fusta , col·locació d'onduline, teules, baixants i canalons. -Inclou l'aportació de mitjans tècnics
$ 2,699
Honoraris d'arquitectura Coop d'Era (mínim)
Pagament de les tasques realitzades per la cooperativa d'arquitectes Coop d'Era, situada a Altron, Pallars Sobirà. Coop d'Era es defineix com "arquitectura cooperativa, propera, rural i transformadora".
$ 1,034
Honoraris d'arquitectura Coop d'Era (òptim)
Pagament de les tasques realitzades per la cooperativa d'arquitectes Coop d'Era si la campanya arriba al seu òptim de finançament.
$ 1,372
Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
Despeses de visat
Pagament de les despeses de visat per la rehabilitació del paller.
$ 324
Taxes de llicència d'obra (mínim)
Pagament de les taxes de llicència d'obra.
$ 388
IVA (mínim)
Pagament de l'IVA associat a la rehabilitació del paller.
$ 1,509
Comissió de la plataforma Goteo i de transacció (mínim)
Pagament de la comissió de la plataforma Goteo (5%) i de les transaccions bancàries (0,8%).
$ 938
Taxes de llicència d'obra (òptim)
Pagament de les taxes de llicència d'obra si la campanya arriba al seu òptim de finançament.
$ 515
IVA (òptim)
Pagament de l'IVA associat a la rehabilitació del paller si la campanya arriba al seu òptim de finançament.
$ 2,004
Comissió de la plataforma Goteo i de transacció (òptim)
Pagament de la comissió de la plataforma Goteo (5%) i de les transaccions bancàries (0,8%) si la campanya arriba al seu òptim de finançament.
$ 1,220
Total $ 17,119 $ 39,386

General information

COPSANT SCCL is a non-profit, integral housing and consumers cooperative, born in Balestui village, in the heart of the Pyrenees. Our goal is to free the cooperative’s lands up, providing rural land to local producers, promoting life rooted in the territory. At the same time, we believe in community life, a resilient lifestyle caring about others. Besides, we fight for an essential right such as decent and affordable housing.

Through the ‘matchfunding’ initiative, driven by ‘Arrela’t a l’Alt Pirineu i Aran 2022’, we aim to restore the ancient hay loft of Cossant house in Balestui. This space will become the Alive Lands Bank’s head office, promoting small projects in which eco-social transformation and environmental caring will be key lines.

What your donations will be for?

Cossant’s House hay loft needs an urgent structural restoration of the roof and ground (defined as ceiling of the level 0). As you can see, in the project’s budget, every item is detailed under the title of ‘hay loft ceiling structure’ and ‘roof construction’.

The restoration is going to be done through self-building workshops, being supervised by the architectural cooperative COOP D’ERA (https://coopdera.org/), based on Pallars Sobirà. The budget, where all the expenses of the project are detailed, has also been done by COOP D’ERA.

Our goal is to reach the optimum budget, in order to carry out the basic interventions for the hay loft restoration, such as the roof, windows and thermal isolation. Optimum budget does not cover just the structural part, but allows us to give born to this social meeting space, a place where organize formations, workshops, talks, cultural and environmental activities, besides being the Alive Lands Bank’s head office.

We, people living in Cossant House, have varied backgrounds, such as mountain guiding, environmental education, agroecology, scenic arts, holistic therapies, writing, culture and arts in a wide sense. Hence, activities organized in the restored hay loft will be related to these disciplines. However, we are delighted to welcome new associates with new ideas, in order to increase Copsant Community Space circle.

What is an integral housing and, consumers and users cooperative?

Integral cooperative is a first-degree cooperative with socio-economic commitments. There are several first-degree cooperatives such as farming, maritime, education, associated labour, health, services…From all of them, we are a housing and, consumers and users cooperative.

The cooperative housing model is based on, the non-profit cooperative organization to provide an affordable and decent housing to its associates. Each shareholder or associate in the housing cooperative is granted the right to occupy a housing unit, through an initial payment and a monthly quote. These coops understand houses as user’s goods rather than market investment. We’re focused on community and are designed to meet the common social, caring and cultural needs of our members.

Furthermore, a consumers and users cooperative is based on people and their involvement on the organization, focusing on the members’ needs and democratic self-organization. The main goal is to provide goods and services for its members.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Our intention is to bring responses/solutions to Pyrenees rural areas challenges and needs, such as the difficulty to find affordable and decent housing, depopulation, land accessibility and the lack of artistic and cultural activities.

We want to break up with the capitalist model present in most of the Pyrenees rural areas, where often houses are for tourist purposes or vacation houses, increasing the rents’ market price for people who wants to settle in the region. Moreover, difficult land accessibility makes the countryside generational changeover even harder. From Copsant, we want to reverse this trend, standing up for a quality and affordable housing, as well as ensuring land accessibility for conscious and transformative projects. At the same time, we want to promote life rooted in the territory as well as social dynamization through the Community Meeting Space.

In short, our main goals are:

  • Transform the individualistic lifestyle changing over to a community life model, bringing back this ancestral and resilient way of life.
  • Ensure a quality and affordable housing.
  • Promote land accessibility in order to develop agroecologic and transformative ecosocial projects.
  • Offer a community meeting space where organize activities, workshops, talks, formations, spectacles, conferences, etc., promoting life rooted in the territory, communal living and cooperation.
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Why this is important

Cossant House hay loft restoration will become the Alive Lands Bank´s head office, from where ecosocial and agroecological projects will be driven. At the same time, we are motivated to have a community space where different cultural, formative, artistic, pedagogic or entertainment activities will enrich bonds and collaboration between cooperative’s users. In the Pyrenees, different initiatives are walking towards this direction and we want to build a network between us increasing the mass committed with the countryside.

Community Meeting Space will be for everybody who feels curiosity and need to change the individualistic lifestyle. Priorities are group, community, tribe, diversity and will to create synergies, learning from each one, before genre, race or social group etiquettes. The project significance intends to be like the concentric waves of a stone thrown into the water. First circle, Copsant tribe and Ancs Valley neighbours. Second circle, everybody in Pallars region interested in the actual lifestyle transformation. Third circle, the network between other cooperative projects in Catalonia.

Cossant House hay loft restoration is outlined through cooperative working workshops. We believe this is a way to collectivize knowledge and strength bonds with people of the territory involved.

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Team and experience

Behind Copsant there are Noemí, Jordi, Marc, Carlet, Ivet and Elna, who recently arrive to the world. Not long ago we have arrived to Cossant House in Balestui (Pyrenees), to run this initiative at the service of the territory and its people. We would like more people involved in Copsant cooperative in order to enhance the project. We already have a social basis walking together but would like to be much more!

It’s been several months working together to run this project. In fact, throughout years our lives have been crossing with each other, in the formative or working ambit as well as sharing friends. So, we could say the process goes back a long way and now has taken off. We have chosen the Pyrenees to settle sharing the passion for mountain and rural life, wilderness, places to develop individual and collective processes, connecting ourselves with essential needs and values.

We have diverse and complementary profiles, but all are curious and multi-skilled. From mountain guiding to scenic arts, going through environmental education, journalism, therapeutic background, sign language, forest management and writing. In that way, we learn from each other. Cossant house is rich in books, maps, instruments, paint brushes and people who put community life at the centrum.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Responsible Production and Consumption

    Responsible Production and Consumption

  • Life On Land

    Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss