¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


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Finished 14 / 07 / 2019
$ 164,598
$ 85,086
$ 382,885
155 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425

    Enter our Hall of Fame

    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    Early Bird Discount (Extra Small)

    Get 60 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638

    Special Discount (Extra Small)

    Get 35 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 744

    Truth or Truth

    You will get a personal video message from us posted on our youtube channel sending you our gratitude and answering three questions of your choice.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,064

    Early Bird Discount (Small)

    Get 100 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,064

    Special Discount (Small)

    Get 60 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,276

    Sustainable Tourism Webinar

    Participate in an online training session focused on discovering how to approach a good sustainable tourism project.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,276

    Fair Hosts Webinar

    Participate in an online session exploring how to become a better host. In this session, a facilitator will explore how to offer a home that ensures the satisfaction of guests, as well as a sustainable connection with the local environment.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Early Bird Discount (Medium)

    Get 200 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Entities and businesses friends

    We are open to support from private entities and businesses which share our values. We will send you our gratitude and will show the link of your organization in the ‘friends’ area of our website.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Special Discount (Medium)

    Get 125 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Local Workshop

    Participate in one of our local workshops. From late 2019 onwards,we will organize a Fairbnb.coop tour across at least five cities in Spain: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Bilbao. In each city we will organize a special workshop in which we will analyse the local impacts of mass tourism and initiate a co-design process to understand how fairbnb.coop can better connect and collaborate with local communities.
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,191

    Early Bird Discount (Large)

    Get 300 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,191

    Special Discount (Large)

    Get 200 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,191

    Early Backer badge

    Receive a special badge on your profile so that everyone can see that you were one of the first to believe and support us. Your home will also be particularly advertised throughout the platform.
    Welcome call of Fairbnb team with all the Early backers
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,318

    Early Bird Discount (Extra large)

    Get 500 € in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% on the booking price).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,318

    Special Discount (Extra Large)

    Get 350 euros in credit to use on our platform. This credit is only valid for our booking fee (7,5% of the total price)
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 8,509

    Fairbnb in your city?

    You will get a specific analysis about vacation rental and tourism impact in your city/area + a meeting with one or several members of our team to value the option of having your city as a future destination in our platform.
    Welcome call of Fairbnb team with all the Early backers
    Receive our eternal gratitude and get your name and location on our funders page on our website.

    > 03 Co-financiers

About this project

A platform enabling sustainable tourism that benefits communities

Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
These are the travel expenses of two people between the five cities: Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Madrid, Bilbao.
$ 42,543
Daily meals for 3 people during their stay in the 5 cities.
$ 42,543
Accommodation costs for three people in the five cities Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Madrid, Bilbao.
$ 42,543
Travel for 2 more Cities
Travel expenses to add two more cities to the trip.
$ 21,271
Accommodation expenses
Accommodation expenses to add two more cities to the trip.
$ 21,271
Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Facilitators Fee
Professional support for the analysis and co-design workshops.
$ 63,814
Facilitators Fee (2 more cities)
Facilitators Fee to add two more cities to the trip.
$ 31,907
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Local Node Guide
Editing a document that serves as a guide for the activation of local nodes.
$ 63,814
Audiovisual documentation
Production of audiovisual pieces to document trips, workshops and first results.
$ 53,179
Total $ 85,086 $ 382,885

General information

What if, in the world of short-term accommodation rentals, guests, hosts and neighbours could collectively decide together with municipalities how to make the rental process fairer, more sustainable and more rewarding for the whole community? What if the platform’s profits were not an end in themselves but were invested back into the communities where the platform operates?

Fairbnb.coop is a vacation rental platform designed to connect hosts with visitors in ways that return benefits to cities. It offers a fair, collectively-owned and transparent alternative to other platforms, as part of a collective project that aims to reimagine how cities, their residents, and guests can collectively make the rental process fairer, more sustainable and more rewarding for the whole community. Our vision to limit the negative impacts of tourism, and harness its potential. We work to empower citizens, strengthen the social fabric of cities, and combat gentrification, and its associated inequalities.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Our commitment to crafting an alternative that is sustainable, innovative accountable to communities has led us to avoid big angel investors and venture capital. Instead, we have relied on cooperative funding on our journey so far, with our own members providing over €100,000 to establish the initiative.

Today, we are turning to you help us take our project across the finish line. The funds we are raising will finance Fairbnb’s launch tour of Spain across five cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao and Sevilla. This tour, consisting of participatory workshops, will be crucial for raising awareness about solutions to over-tourism, and involving residents in the creation of local Fairbnb nodes.

The Problem & Fairbnb’s Solution

Conventional sharing problems platforms have three main problems: they are opaque, they load costs onto communities, and they are undemocratic. Fairbnb is designed to actively redress these problems, prioritising transparency, the distribution of benefits to communities, and democratic decision-making.

How do we do this?

We collaborate with municipalities to ensure the legality of all rented homes, and full compliance with local law.

Half of the commission charged by Fairbnb is returned to the local community, sustaining projects selected by local residents. From playgrounds to cultural centres, community gardens to women’s shelters, the income from travellers nourishes and regenerates communities.

We are a cooperative, owned by our members. Our decisions are made collaboratively, and our salaries are capped. We have firm values and ethical policies we abide by. Through our network of local nodes, we empower local communities to shape the tourism that affects them, and ensure its benefits return to them.

Why Fair?

+We’re transparent. We share our data with local governments so cities can understand the real impact of tourism.

  • We are fully compliant with local regulation and complement it by amplifying with suggestions of additional policies by local communities.
  • 1 host – 1 home policy. We avoid multi-hosts in the platform, to ease the effect of over-tourism over the residential accommodation.

Why a Co-op?

+We are independent. Our platform is owned not by faceless investors but by those who use it and are impacted by its use
+Co-ownership + Co-Governance. Decisions are made collaboratively under a distributed governance.

Why Community Centered?

  • We foster local economies: Half of the commission charged by Fairbnb is returned to the local community, sustaining projects selected by local residents.
  • Local nodes are at the center of our organization and represent the engine that connect the people in the territories making human interaction the real “technology” of Fairbnb.coop

Why this is important

Over the last years, the number of tourists and trips they take has grown rapidly. But while greater numbers of people have been able to access the luxury of travel, mass tourism has also brought difficult consequences for many cities.

From Cape Town to Tokyo, New York to Barcelona, neighbourhoods have seen rising real estate prices, eroded communities, and displaced families. In recent years, a variety of loosely-regulated online platforms have emerged to facilitate the short-term stays of tourists. But under the benign banner of allowing residents to belong anywhere, these platforms have facilitated this irresponsible model of tourism.

For many citizens, the promise of ‘home-sharing’ has turned into ‘home-stripping’. Resident associations, social movements, and municipalities have expressed growing preoccupation over tourism-fuelled gentrification and the deterioration of living conditions. Even the hospitality industry has started to acknowledge the problem of over-tourism.

Amidst this context, alternatives are emerging, as residents and urbanists begin to rethink and envision other models of tourism. Visions where tourism regenerates rather than despoils cities; where the hefty financial gains of the hospitality industry, are reinvested to benefit residents and transform their lived environments for the better.

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Team and experience

Fairbnb.coop’s journey started in 2016 as a movement seeking to create an equitable and lawful alternative to existing home-sharing platforms. with a focus on commons and 100% respectful with legality. Although the movement initiated in Venice and Amsterdam,

soon other groups from all over Europe joined the conversation and helped us shape the final model that we are seeking to implement.

In late 2018 we created a co-op to provide be the legal backbone entity behind a fair, collectively-owned and transparent booking platform. This platform that will enable travelers to find lawful accommodations and facilitate meaningful travel opportunities, while reinvesting reinvests 50% of its revenues to support local communities.

Fairbnb.coop today is a broad community of academics, activists, entrepreneurs, coders, researchers and designers, all united by a common desire to bring ‘share’ back into the sharing economy. Our diverse team has expertise across a range of disciplines, coupled with decades of experience bringing sustainable enterprises and social initiatives to life.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Sustainable Cities and Communities

    There needs to be a future in which cities provide opportunities for all, with access to basic services, energy, housing, transportation and more.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.