Contributing $ 213
All contributions are welcome and deserve a big thank you ! A nice postcard and some stickers :)
> 07 Co-financiers
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FoldaRap, Peer-to-Peer Edition
All contributions are welcome and deserve a big thank you ! A nice postcard and some stickers :)
A random printed part among the trials which permitted to progress in the development of the FoldaRap.
A little printed object :)
A tee-shirt with an illustration of the FoldaRap for this special p2p-edition
The most interesting reward of this campaign, also probably the quickest way to have your kit!
All you need to build the lastest version of the FoldaRap, excepted the printed parts.
Find a local reprapper to add them to your kit !
(hint : with probably more than 40 000 machines in the wild, there must be one near you, or we can still have them printed separately)
All you need to build the lastest version of the FoldaRap !
Workshop at NYBICC (Nancy, France)
We find a date that arrange everyone, and you came to build a FoldaRap with us in our super friendly Makerspace : the Nancy Bidouille Construction Club !
We find a date that arrange everyone to invite me (for a week-end to a full week), and I personally come with my machine to help you build and learn to use the FoldaRap(s) you may have funded !
Bonjour à tous !
Quelque nouvelles de la semaine dernière et son long week-end, parfait pour faire plein de choses :
Pour l'avancement de la campagne j'ai remplacé le 12% de la dernière fois par ce qu'il reste à faire à la place : 81 machines (79 en fait depuis).
Pour les 5 personnes ayant réservé un kit en mode atelier, j'ai envoyé un framadate pour voir les jours qui conviendront le mieux pour faire l'assemblage et la prise en main ensemble, deux trois ateliers semblent se dessiner.
Ce week-end c'était aussi une sorte de pré-inauguration des locaux d'OpenEdge et du futur atelier ouvert qui va s'y former (fablab/makerspace), il reste du boulot mais ça atteint un état utilisable pour déjà commencer à accueillir quelques curieux qui formeront le cœur de la communauté :)
Enfin on a surtout pu bien travailler sur la partie gestion, avec la mise en place de notre base de donnée et logiciel associé pour gérer les stocks et quasiment tout les futurs aspects de l'entreprise. Ce qui était l'occasion de terminer l'inventaire, mettre en face les composants nécessaire pour une machine, préparer encore deux kits et voir ce qu'on allait devoir recommander en priorité pour la suite ^^
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All contributions are welcome and deserve a big thank you ! A nice postcard and some stickers :)
> 07 Co-financiers
A random printed part among the trials which permitted to progress in the development of the FoldaRap.
> 06 Co-financiers
A little printed object :)
> 00 Co-financiers
A tee-shirt with an illustration of the FoldaRap for this special p2p-edition
> 02 Co-financiers
FoldaRap P2P Edition
The most interesting reward of this campaign, also probably the quickest way to have your kit!
All you need to build the lastest version of the FoldaRap, excepted the printed parts.
Find a local reprapper to add them to your kit !
(hint : with probably more than 40 000 machines in the wild, there must be one near you, or we can still have them printed separately)
> 14 Co-financiers
FoldaRap full kit
All you need to build the lastest version of the FoldaRap !
> 65 Co-financiers
Workshop @NYBICC
Workshop at NYBICC (Nancy, France)
We find a date that arrange everyone, and you came to build a FoldaRap with us in our super friendly Makerspace : the Nancy Bidouille Construction Club !
> 05 Co-financiers
Workshop around the world
We find a date that arrange everyone to invite me (for a week-end to a full week), and I personally come with my machine to help you build and learn to use the FoldaRap(s) you may have funded !
> 02 Co-financiers
The whole idea is to distribute the manufacturing and profit over the community, so every person who have a well tuned RepRap is welcome to contribute
Along this idea of distributed manufacturing : I can send a complete kit for few persons, an association, etc. and in exchange, once the machine is we