Contributing £ 8
You start to see that capitalism doesn't work just yet
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 19 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
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Fons Cooperatiu per l'Emergència Social i Sanitària
Your name in acknowledgments page
Your name in acknowledgments page
Your name in acknowledgments page
Un dvd del documental de Food Coop
Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of base fee in Opcions magazine
Your name in acknowledgments page and a book on co-operatives in the Sants or Barceloneta neighborhood edited by the Invisible City
"The Cooperatives Obreres de Sants" or "The solidarity forging of a port district. The working and cooperative Barceloneta"
(reward for the first 40 on arrival)
(Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)
Your name in acknowledgments page
Your name in acknowledgments page and a book abou History of cooperativism edited by the Roca i Galés foundation (first 40 donors) and one fee year of "opcions" magazine and one Opcions Notebook
(Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)
Your name in acknowledgments page
Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee in Opcions magazine
Your name in acknowledgments page and a book abou History of cooperativism edited by the Roca i Galés foundation (first 30 donors) and one fee year of "opcions" magazine and one Opcions Notebook
(Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)
Your name in acknowledgments page
Your name in acknowledgments page and a book pack: History of cooperativism edited by the Roca i Galés foundation, "Les Cooperatives Obreres de Sants" and "The solidarity forge of a port district. The working and cooperative Barceloneta" edited by La Ciutat Invisible
(Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)
Your name in acknowledgments page
Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee + 1 Opcions notebook + 10% discount in Conscient School "Multiplica"
Agraïment al web i, si ets un col·lectiu o entitat, pots triar entre els següents tallers impartits per Resilience Earth (hi ha 4 disponibles): Teories del Canvi, Punts Palanca per a la Transformació, Planificació Estratègica Transformadora, o Cicle de la Resiliència Organitzacional.
There are five collective rewards. Free registration at FESC this year with a stall included.
Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee + 1 Opcions notebook + 20% discount in Conscient School "Multiplica"
Assessoria a càrrec de Clara Comunicacions d'entre 3 i 10 hores.
S'analitza el DAFO de l'entitat, la seva competència, la seva singularitat, públics i cap a on s''haurien de dirigir. Acaba amb un document amb les guies bàsiques que han de fer en pròxims moments i pot ser tot a distància o part presencial/virtual, amb una reunió amb les persones implicades.
Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee + 1 Opcions notebook + 10% discount in Conscient School "Multiplica"
Your name in acknowledgments page
Your name in acknowledgments page
Your name in acknowledgments page
Your name in acknowledgments page
Economy for Life: Cooperative fund to support initiatives that are coordinating a response to the Social and Health Emergency
![]() |
Minimum | Optimum |
Contribution to recipient initiatives
All this adds up to € 58,820, of which the Federation of Cooperatives of Work of Catalonia has contributed 30,000.
This first phase of the campaign seeks to raise the remaining money to be able to contribute to the initiatives already.
BTactic: € 1,500; TopManta: € 3,500; Mensakas: € 2,000; Solidarity: € 2,070; Collectivities: € 2,400; Women Palante: € 2,000; Trade union: € 2,000; Granollers pedal: € 2,000; Keras buti: € 2,000; Arrangements and Kaur clothing: € 2,000; John Fil masks: € 4,000; Supercoopera - El Rodal: € 1,500; Makers Tarragona: € 3,000; La Kuadrilla: € 1,500; Prodis Households: € 2,000; FreesCOOP- Islamic Community: € 2,000; Terrace without walls: € 3,000; Red Cotton: € 1,500; Mia's Design: € 1,500; The Outbreak: € 2,000; Edge: € 3,850; Migrant Women Miscellaneous: € 2,000; Abarka: € 3,500; Services With Heart SCCL + Food Bank Lleida: € 1,500; Espigoladores: € 1,500; Diomcoop: € 3,000
£ 24,024 | |
Bank fees
Banks charge a 0.8% commission on each transaction, which for a total of € 30,000 is a sum that we need to include in the budget.
£ 200 | |
Base for the second phase of the campaign
More information about the second phase will be provided shortly.
Also on the web
£ 784 | |
Second phase
In the next second phase, the fundraising will be used to consolidate new ESS initiatives that require it. The more detailed costs of this second phase will be updated soon, as well as the possibility of incorporating new fund recipient initiatives to support their activity in the face of social and health emergencies.
The second phase of collection will last until October, the total collection would be € 300,000, we must remember the 30,000 outputs contributed by the Federation of Work Cooperatives
£ 58,351 | |
Total | £ 25,007 | £ 83,358 |
In the face of the health, social and economic crisis produced by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Catalan Social and Solidarity Economy has not stopped. Sharing anguish and hope with society as a whole, hundreds of cooperative, associative and community initiatives are making an effort to tackle the social and health emergency by practising mutual support and solidarity. Initiatives all over the country have reoriented their daily activities to respond to the social and health emergency: sewing masks and gowns, manufacturing 3D visors, producing and distributing agro-ecological products, caring for people or developing free technologies for television. From the Catalan Social and Solidarity Economy we are clear that the response to the crisis is solidarity. And for the future, to generate economic alternatives that put life at the centre, based on Economic Democracy, Environmental Justice and Collective Health. An economy for life.
In order to support these efforts and also taking into account the difficulties faced by collective projects today, various Catalan SSE organisations are promoting the cooperative fund for social and health emergencies, with the aim of opening a first call for proposals that will provide financial support to 26 solidarity initiatives that provide direct solutions to the emergency and require resources for their sustainability.
From here we want to build a contingency fund, to, at first, accompany and support those projects within the social economy that are reorienting their activity to respond to the health crisis. The fund is initially aimed at projects that are working in the following areas:
Food: agroecology and food emergencies
Textile: social - sanitary material
Care: Emergency Care
Construction: urgent domestic repairs
Technology: digital printing, development, programming
In this first phase, the recipient organisations are:
All this amounts to 58,820 euros, of which the Federation of Worker Cooperatives of Catalonia has contributed 30,000. This first phase of the campaign aims to collect the remaining money in order to be able to contribute it to the initiatives now. The entity that is taking on the task of distributing the money is the Coop57 Foundation.
The selection criteria were as follows:
With the aim of supporting these efforts and also taking into account the difficulties that collective projects are experiencing today, various organisations of the Catalan SSE have promoted the COOPERATIVE FUND FOR SOCIAL AND HEALTH EMERGENCY, in order to open an initial call for proposals that will provide economic support to 26 SOLIDARITY INITIATIVES that provide direct solutions to the emergency and require resources for their sustainability.
This is why this cooperative fund is being created, which in a first phase wants to collect 60,000 euros: 30,000 through this crowdfunding added to the 30,000 that the Federation of Work Cooperatives is putting into a fund.
This first phase will be open from 14 April to 1 May. In a second phase, an attempt will be made to multiply the funds raised and to allocate the money to extending support and consolidating new Social and Solidarity Economy initiatives that require it.
We are facing an unprecedented crisis that will also test us as a society. The social economy has proved to be an essential pillar for having robust economic ecosystems that are capable of providing an alternative to a capitalist system that is literally leading us to our deaths. It is not only a question of generating a contingency fund for social economy projects, but above all of showing, from a practical point of view, that the SSE is the best response to the crisis, of showing that, in fact, as we emerge from this crisis, it will mark us as a society and that we can do so from the values of cooperation, solidarity, etc., that we can do so from an economy for life.
The organisations promoting the campaign have a long history in the world of social and solidarity economy and ethical finance:
1Fundació Coop57
2 Fundació Goteo
3 Federació de Cooperatives de Treball de Catalunya
4 Coop 57 cooperativa
5 Fundació Roca Galès
6 Xarxa d’Economia Solidària
7 Fiare Banca Ètica
8 Xarxa d’Ateneus Cooperatius (XAC)
9 Opcions de Consum Responsable
11 Grup Ecos
12 Teler Cooperatiu de Sabadell
13 XES Garrotxa
14 Coòpolis, Ateneu Cooperatiu de Barcelona
15 L’Apòstrof
16 La Pera
17 Ateneu Cooperatiu de les Terres Gironines
The values of the Social and Solidarity Economy, of cooperativism are present in this project. An economy for life, it is about promoting and supporting initiatives that are putting life at the center, that are guiding all their efforts to face the social and health emergency that we are experiencing
You start to see that capitalism doesn't work just yet
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 19 Co-financiers
You have seen that Social and Solidarity Economy can be an alternative but your economy is precarious
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 38 Co-financiers
You are a conscientious person, what you would spend on a weekend, you decided to give it to build alternatives
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 53 Co-financiers
ets sobirà/na de la teva donació
Un dvd del documental de Food Coop
> 05 Co-financiers
You want to be able to tell your offspring (or nieces) that you too were there, with the ESS when the Covid-19 crisis
Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of base fee in Opcions magazine
> 36 Co-financiers
Generous cooperativist
Your name in acknowledgments page and a book on co-operatives in the Sants or Barceloneta neighborhood edited by the Invisible City
"The Cooperatives Obreres de Sants" or "The solidarity forging of a port district. The working and cooperative Barceloneta"
(reward for the first 40 on arrival)
(Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)
> 40 Co-financiers
Generous cooperativist
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 41 Co-financiers
You do want to be a cooperativist
Your name in acknowledgments page and a book abou History of cooperativism edited by the Roca i Galés foundation (first 40 donors) and one fee year of "opcions" magazine and one Opcions Notebook
(Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)
> 08 Co-financiers
You do want to be a cooperativist
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 05 Co-financiers
You aspire to be a cooperative with pride
Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee in Opcions magazine
> 03 Co-financiers
You know that € 100 in the social and solidarity economy can work miracles
Your name in acknowledgments page and a book abou History of cooperativism edited by the Roca i Galés foundation (first 30 donors) and one fee year of "opcions" magazine and one Opcions Notebook
(Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)
> 30 Co-financiers
You know that € 100 in the social and solidarity economy can work miracles
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 16 Co-financiers
You want to be an expert in cooperativism
Your name in acknowledgments page and a book pack: History of cooperativism edited by the Roca i Galés foundation, "Les Cooperatives Obreres de Sants" and "The solidarity forge of a port district. The working and cooperative Barceloneta" edited by La Ciutat Invisible
(Once the campaign and confinement are over, we will tell you at which booths the rewards can be collected)
> 12 Co-financiers
You do want to put cooperatives at the center
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 11 Co-financiers
The way out of the crisis is solidarity and you know it
Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee + 1 Opcions notebook + 10% discount in Conscient School "Multiplica"
> 05 Co-financiers
Cooperativista - tallerista
Agraïment al web i, si ets un col·lectiu o entitat, pots triar entre els següents tallers impartits per Resilience Earth (hi ha 4 disponibles): Teories del Canvi, Punts Palanca per a la Transformació, Planificació Estratègica Transformadora, o Cicle de la Resiliència Organitzacional.
> 00 Co-financiers
"I was there"
There are five collective rewards. Free registration at FESC this year with a stall included.
> 05 Co-financiers
Betting on cooperatives and responsible consumption
Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee + 1 Opcions notebook + 20% discount in Conscient School "Multiplica"
> 01 Co-financiers
Vols comunicar la teva aposta pel cooperativisme
Assessoria a càrrec de Clara Comunicacions d'entre 3 i 10 hores.
S'analitza el DAFO de l'entitat, la seva competència, la seva singularitat, públics i cap a on s''haurien de dirigir. Acaba amb un document amb les guies bàsiques que han de fer en pròxims moments i pot ser tot a distància o part presencial/virtual, amb una reunió amb les persones implicades.
> 00 Co-financiers
You are an experienced supportive person
Your name in acknowledgments page and a year of "impuls" fee + 1 Opcions notebook + 10% discount in Conscient School "Multiplica"
> 05 Co-financiers
With 30 more like you, we already have the first phase;)
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 06 Co-financiers
We enter the phase "we share the boxes of resistance"
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 02 Co-financiers
With 10 more like you, we already have the first phase;)
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 02 Co-financiers
Alternative builder
Your name in acknowledgments page
> 00 Co-financiers