¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Freedonia se mete en el estudio

Finished 23 / 02 / 2012
£ 7,033
£ 3,279
£ 4,877
251 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8


    You receive our CD.

    > 80 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 13

    CD + booklet

    CD, 24-page booklet with photos and information about the band and the recording

    > 77 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 27

    CD + booklet + 2 tickets for the concert

    CD, 24-page booklet with photos and information about the band and the recording, 2 tickets for the presentation to be held in the spring of 2012 in Madrid

    > 51 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 35

    CD + booklet + 2 tickets for the concert presentation + T-shirt

    CD, 24-page booklet with photos and information about the band and the recording, 2 tickets for the presentation to be held in the spring of 2012 in Madrid and also a T-shirt of the band.

    > 45 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 49

    Vinyl + CD + booklet + 2 tickets for the concert

    Disk on vinyl and CD, 24-page booklet with photos and information about the band and the recording, 2 tickets for the presentation to be held in the spring of 2012 in Madrid

    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 57

    Vinyl + CD + booklet + 2 tickets for the concert presentation + T-shirt

    Disk on vinyl and CD, 24-page booklet with photos and information about the band and the recording, 2 tickets for the presentation to be held in the spring of 2012 in Madrid and also a T-shirt of the band.

    > 20 Co-financiers

About this project

Collaborate in the first studio album of Freedonia

Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Recording and mixing.
Recording and mixing at Funkameba studies.
£ 2,102
Mastering for MP3, CD and vinyl.
The mastering will be done in Germany by Kai Blankenberg.
£ 1,177
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
CD and vinyl edition.
This edition includes CD and vinyl only, since we will design the graphism in order to make everything related to the project as personal as possible.
£ 1,597
Total £ 3,279 £ 4,877

General information

In the late years, Freedonia members have decided to realize the fruit of their labour with an album.

Four years of intensive meetings on the stage and big moments with the audience have shaped us as the band that we are.

We feel we've grown with you and, full of energy you have transmitted us, we dump our own creativity in the original songs that make up our first LP.

We would be very grateful if you want to collaborate with us in the production of this project.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The disk recording and mixing will be perform at Funkameba studio and the mastering is going to be make in Germany by Kai Blankenberg.

Faithful to the philosophy of the group, we have determine to record the disc under a Creative Commons license, allowing anyone to use the work for any purpose while this is a non-profit.

Contributors will receive the album before its release in stores.

If you exceed the amount needed for the recording, we will devote the rest of the money raised to the communication campaign in order to give the maximum projection to the album.

Why this is important

We would like your cooperation for the production of this project as well as we want you to keep forming an active part of the process.

We do not want you to miss a single step on the road, so we will periodically hanging videos and photos of both the previous rehearsals and the recording itself, through “Goteo” and other social networks.

As a first video and to present the band, we have chosen the version of the song' Memphis Train' by Rufus Thomas that puts us in a good mood.

Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

We want to create a musical project through non-conventional ways and with a more autonomous and democratic component. We are trying through the "crowdfunding" to finance the production of the album with the help of the people that really like and enjoy our music.

We will be able to provide the disk we want to do without ties of production nor particulary restrictive licensing records and we believe our audience will enjoy it.

Team and experience

Freedonia is a band composed of ten members with a powerful rythm section, where winds and especially the voice convey pure feeling. During his career since 2006, the group has icluded styles such as Swing, Jazz and Funk, but it has been Soul music, due to its versatility, the one that finally defines the style of the band.

Its journey through different chambers of Madrid (Sala Sol, Sala Caracol, among others, in addition to being included in the circuit of the XXVII Festival de Jazz de Madrid) and various stages of the Spanish geography has been characterized by a direct interaction with the public, and in many cases, a positive surprise to discover the environment that surrounds their concerts. They overflow vitality in their live shows, interpreting original compositions interspersed with soul classics from artists like Etta James, SharonJones & The Dap Kings, Jackie Wilson, Edwin Starr and Barbara Acklin.

Social commitment