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Fungi natur. Cultivo artesanal de setas en el bosque

Finished 29 / 12 / 2018
€ 17.009
€ 10.000
€ 18.000
324 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    Online thanks + Mycological basket raffle

    Basket includes a shiitake production log+ 500g fresh shiitake + 1 jar sliced dehydrated shiitake
    For foreign shipping we include two jar of deydrated shiitake insteat of fresh shiitake.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Guided visit + Mushroom tasting

    A complete guided tour of our current forest farm to discover the whole shiitake cultivation process, ending with a mushroom tasting session showcasing different cooking methods.

    > 33 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Shiitake mushroom log

    Grow your own shiitake mushrooms at home with this oak log ready to start producing. National shipping included; contact us for international shipping rates (info@funginatur.com).

    > 122 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Video tutorial course on organic shiitake farming

    A complete video course including both theory and practice. Learn step-by-step everything you need to know to easily grow organic shiitake mushrooms in your garden.

    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 40

    Grow log + guided visit

    Grow your own shiitake mushrooms at home with this oak log ready to start producing + complete guided tour of our current forest farm to discover the whole shiitake cultivation process, ending with a mushroom tasting session showcasing different cooking methods.

    > 37 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Complete shiitake farming course + Shiitake log

    A complete 3 hour course on the Fungi natur Farm. This course will have both theoretical and practical parts, learning about mushroom biology and cultivation. Each participant will prepare their own shiitake log.

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 75

    3 Shiitake log pack

    With this pack you can start your own organic shiitake mushroom production at home. National shipping included; contact us for international shipping rates (info@funginatur.com)

    > 31 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Spring forest party + Shiitake Log

    Invitation for two people to a very special spring party in the forest! There will be eco-snacks and drinks, childrens activities and live music through the night!. And take your own Shiitake log when you leave!

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    Spring forest party + Shiitake Log + Complete course

    Invitation for two people to a very special spring party in the forest! There will be eco-snacks and drinks, childrens activities and live music through the night! And take your own Shiitake log when you leave! + A complete 3 hour course on the Fungi natur Farm. This course will have both theoretical and practical parts, learning about mushroom biology and cultivation. Each participant will prepare their own shiitake log.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200

    Shiitake mushroom self-cultivation kit

    A complete self-cultivation kit with all you need to start your own shiitake mushroom production. Including: Shiitake cultivation manual + Shiitake mycelium (enough for 40 logs!) + Special japanes drill bit + Beeswax (to seal the inoculation holes). You will only need to get the logs.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250

    Shiitake mushroom self-cultivation kit + Complete shiitake farming course + Shiitake log

    With this option you will become a shiitake mushroom farmer! It includes the Complete mushroom-farming course + 40 log shiitake self-cultivation kit+ shiitake log ready to produce.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 300

    Awsome 5-course tasting menu in the forest + Spring forest party + Shiitake log.

    Awesome 5-course tasting menu in the forest by 'Con-fusion Comidas Eco-Catering' + Invitation for two people to a very special spring party in the forest! + Shiitake log ready to produce.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Personal advice and formation for professional mushroom farming and forest sustainable management

    If you live in a rural area and want to develop a sustainable mushroom cultivation project or have a forested property and want to get some yield from it, we can give you personal advice and all materials and tools needed for your project. And of course you and a companion are invited to the spring party in the forest!

    > 02 Co-financiers

volando vamos…

27 | 11 | 2018
volando vamos…

queremos aprovechar este espacio para agradecer...

de todo corazón

a todas las personas que estáis contribuyendo a que esta campaña esté siendo espectacular…

a lxs que habéis podido aportar económicamente, a lxs que nos estáis ayudando con la difusión, también ofreciéndonos recursos e ideas maravillosas, etc. de veras,

muchisimas gracias

todo esto es realmente muy emocionante, cada vez que vamos a nuestro bosque nos llevamos una mochila de cariño gigantesca, estamos flotando, que bonito es saberse tan bien acompañados...


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