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¡Fútbol para todxs!

Finished 01 / 07 / 2021
$ 55,689
$ 44,457
$ 122,523
67 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 255

    Appreciation + Invitation to participate in a training session

    What does this reward include?

    • Virtual thank you postcard

    • Invitation to participate in a training session

    • Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    • ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-13-at-12.01.03.png)

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 425

    Pietra: Solidarity Concert (max. 10 people)

    What does this reward include?

    • 1 ticket to the Pietra live concert.
    • 1 postcard from Street Soccer Barcelona.
    • 1 beer.

    Date and Time:
    Saturday 12th of June from 7.30pm to 9.00pm - Gràcia, Barcelona

    * Capacity of 10 people: Do not stay out!

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    Raffle: Win a Barcelona FC shirt signed by Leo Messi.

    What does this reward include?

    • 1 Participation in the draw to win the Barcelona FC shirt signed by Leo Messi.

    • Invitation to participate in a training session.

    • The raffle will be held only among those who have collaborated with the raffle rewards. It will be broadcast live from the facilities of the Catalan Football Federation once the crowdfunding is finished (July).

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    ![] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-08-at-10.44.59.png)
    ![] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-05-02-at-20.15.10.png)

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    Raffle: Raúl de Tomás Gómez's shirt autographed

    What does this reward include?

    • 1 Participation in the draw to win the Espanyol shirt signed by Raúl de Tomás Gómez.

    • Invitation to participate in a training session.

    • The raffle will be held only among those who have collaborated with the raffle rewards. It will be broadcast live from the facilities of the Catalan Football Federation once the crowdfunding is finished (July).

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-26-at-13.03.52.png)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 532

    Sorteo: Camiseta del Espanyol firmada por la plantilla del 1er equipo

    ¿Qué incluye esta recompensa?

    1 participación al sorteo para ganar la camiseta del Espanyol autografiada por los jugadores del 1er equipo.
    Invitación a venir un día de entreno y conocer el proyecto.

    *El sorteo se realizará únicamente entre quienes hayan colaborado con las recompensas del sorteo. Se retransmitirá en vivo desde las instalaciones de la Federación Catalana de Fútbol una vez finalizado el crowdfunding (Julio).

    Importante: ¡Recuerda que te puedes desgravar hasta un 80% de tu aportación! Calcúlalo aquí.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 957

    1 Street Soccer Barcelona's kit + 1 Participation in the draw to win the Barcelona FC shirt signed by Leo Messi.

    What does this reward include?

    • 1 Street Soccer Barcelona shirt and shorts.

    • 1 participation in the draw to win the Barcelona FC shirt signed by Leo Messi.

    • 2 postcards.

    • The raffle will be held only among those who have collaborated with the raffle rewards. It will be broadcast live from the facilities of the Catalan Football Federation once the crowdfunding is finished (July).

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/messi-ssb-1.png)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,276

    Discover the best African Gastronomy (x2 people)

    What does this reward include?

    • Discover the best african gastronomy in Barcelona for 2 people, without moving from home.

    Menu A (vegan): (Taboulé de fonio, Ndambé, Ngalakh, Bissap)
    Menu B: (Akara, Veal mafe, Mango cream, Sitó)

    Abarka Cooperativa:

    • The non-profit cooperative was born from the need to self-organize as migrants and racialized people. We believe in the power of gastronomy, as a tool, both to generate job opportunities for people in the community, and to empower those same people, valuing the richness of African cultures. *

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-08-at-10.48.-5.png)
    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-05-02-at-20.25.33.png)

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,595

    1 Street Soccer Barcelona's kit + 1 Participation in the draw to win Barcelona & Espanyol shirts signed by Leo Messi and Raúl de Tomás.

    What does this reward include?

    • 1 Street Soccer Barcelona shirt and 1 shorts.

    • 1 participation in the draw to win the Barcelona FC shirt signed by Leo Messi.

    • 1 participation in the draw to win the Espanyol shirt signed by Raúl de Tomás Gómez.

    • The raffle will be held only among those who have collaborated with the raffle rewards. It will be broadcast live from the facilities of the Catalan Football Federation once the crowdfunding is finished (July).

    ![] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-26-at-13.10.35.png)

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,978

    Experience 5 senses of African Gastronomy (for 4 people)

    What does this reward include?

    • Travel with the five senses, knowing the history, the story of each dish and other surprises from the hand of Abarka.

    Where and when and what time?
    Barcelona. Saturday of July and August from 1pm to 3pm. (To coordinate according to convenience)

    Abarka Cooperativa:

    • The non-profit cooperative was born from the need to self-organize as migrants and racialized people. We believe in the power of gastronomy, as a tool, both to generate job opportunities for people in the community, and to empower those same people, valuing the richness of African cultures. *

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-13-at-11.51.00.png)

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,191

    Play a friendly football match with your team!
    • 1 hour of football game.
    • Juice + Snack for each player after the match.
    • Thank you postcard from Street Soccer Barcelona.

    Date, place and time:

    • To coordinate according to convenience. Barcelona.

    ! [] (// data.goteo.org/700x0/screenshot-2021-04-13-at-12.09.13.png)

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 48,924

    Official Sponsor
    • Name of the new Community Soccer Space (we reserve the "right of admission") .
    • Acknowledgment and description on our website and social networks.
    • Your logo on the players tshits of the new group.

    Important: Remember that you can deduct up to 80% of your contribution! Calculate it [here] (https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal).

    > 00 Co-financiers

¡Increíble, hemos superado el 50% en la 1er semana!

10 | 05 | 2021
¡Increíble, hemos superado el 50% en la 1er semana!

Gracias a todos los que nos están ayudando en esta campaña. Nada de esto sería posible sin vosotros. Pero todavía nos queda un tramo para recaudar el mínimo para abrir el 3er día de entrenamiento.

¿Nos ayudas?

Otras formas de colaborar:
✔️ Compartiendo nuestras publicaciones en tus redes (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).
✔️ Enviando mensajes a tus amigos por WhatsApp.
✔️ Invitándolos colaborar con esta causa.

¡Gracias, gracias y más gracias! ❤️

Gràcies a tots els que ens estan ajudant en aquesta campanya. Res d'això seria possible sense vosaltres. Però encara ens queda un tram per recaptar el mínim per obrir el 3er dia d'entrenament.

Ens ajudas?

Altres formes de col·laborar:
✔️ Compartint les nostres publicacions en les teves Stories.
✔️ Enviant missatges als teus amics per WhatsApp.
✔️ Convidar als teus amics a col·laborar.

Gràcies, gràcies i més gràcies! ❤️


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