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"Let's make possible "Baynana.es"

Finished 07 / 07 / 2023
$ 29,615
$ 27,208
$ 60,258
271 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Supporter of Baynana

    You get a virtual hug, a mention on our website and exclusive access to our quarterly newsletter.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30% and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 70 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 32

    Friend of Baynana

    All of the above and an online thank you postcard from the team.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30% and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 59 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Patron of Baynana (Silver)

    All of the above and your name will appear on the list of Baynana Patrons on our website.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30 and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 55 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 108

    Patron of Baynana (Gold)

    All of the above and in addition, you will be with us in the office: your name will be printed on our wall and accompany us to one of our interviews, so you can see how we work "live".

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30% and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 324

    Ambassador of Baynana (Silver)

    All of the above plus with your donation our team will cover a topic of your choice with text and photos.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30% and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 648

    Ambassador of Baynana (Gold)

    All of the above and with your donation, our team will cover a topic of your choice with text, photos and video. We will highlight your contribution to the article on our website, as well as in the newsletter where the article appears.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30% and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,620

    Guardian of Baynana (bronze)

    All of the above plus your name and/or logo will sponsor our newsletter for three months. Also, if you wish, you can dedicate a message to our audience.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30% and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,779

    Guardian of Baynana (silver)

    Your name and/or logo will sponsor our newsletter for three months and if you wish, you can dedicate a message to our audience. You and/or your logo will appear at the bottom of our website as a Silver Guardian for one year. We will be happy to welcome you in the office to show you our work.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30% and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5,399

    Guardian of Baynana (Gold)

    Your name and/or logo will sponsor our newsletter for six months and if you wish, you can dedicate a message to our audience. Your logo will appear at the bottom of our website as a Gold Guardian for one year. We will be happy to welcome you in the office to show you our work, get to know us better and discuss about the project.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of between 30% and 80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 23,753

    Guardian Angel of Baynana

    Thanks to you, Baynana will be able to operate for an entire year. You will have our eternal gratitude. Your name and/or logo will sponsor our newsletter for six months and if you wish, you can dedicate a message to our audience.Your logo will appear at the bottom of our website as Baynana's Super Guardian permanently. We will meet with you to understand what motivated your incredible donation and how we can work together to help Baynana operate independently in the future.

    *Remember that every donation has an automatic tax deduction of 30-80% of your contribution. You can calculate it here: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

Support us to be able to maintain a journalism in which migrants and refugees take the floor. #MakeBaynana #VoicesofMigrants

Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
Personnel costs
Costs of our journalists, part-time, who are in charge of research, interviews, writing articles, video, editing and taking the photographs that illustrate our pieces. This cost covers a period of 6 months.
$ 11,661
Administration costs
Administrative costs such as management, tax, accounting and legal advice, and the crowdfunding itself. This cost covers a period of 6 months.
$ 1,835
Office costs
Costs due to renting the physical facilities and contracting associated services such as electricity, water and internet.
$ 9,933
Cost of additional staff
Costs of our journalists, part-time, who are in charge of researching, interviewing, writing articles, making video, editing and taking the photographs that illustrate our pieces. This cost covers an additional 6 months.
$ 11,661
Administration and translation costs
Administrative costs such as management, tax, accounting and legal fees, and those of the crowdfunding itself (6 additional months) as well as translation costs of the web platform and articles into other languages.
$ 6,046
Office maintenance costs
Costs due to the maintenance of the physical facilities and contracting of additional services to those previously mentioned.
$ 1,296
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
IT costs
Costs of IT tools such as corporate email, and platforms for monthly newsletters, for the donation page and for the website.
$ 1,620
Editing and video tools costs
Costs of photo and image editing tools, illustrations, and video.
$ 1,630
Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Crowdfunding costs
Commission of 5% from Goteo for their services and around 2% for PayPal, commissions and bank charges on the optimal amount raised.
$ 2,159
Marketing and dissemination costs
Media promotion campaign, action in networks and community building. This concept includes membership recruitment campaigns and development of marketing and communication material.
$ 6,478
Improvements in equipment and collaborators
Costs of upgrades to current media, including upgrades and improvements to basic equipment (such as computers to edit our videos and more cameras) as well as improvements to our network of collaborators. With the intention of achieving a more accurate reflection of different sensitivities and profiles within the refugee and migrant community, while at the same time rewarding in a dignified and fair manner those who join our team to make it more diverse and complete.
$ 5,938
Total $ 27,208 $ 60,258

General information

We are launching this crowdfunding campaign to make sustainable the only information space made by and for the migrant and refugee community in Spain. Two years ago Baynana.es was born, the first bilingual Arabic-Spanish digital magazine that addresses the social issues faced by migrants and refugees in Spain. We created this medium to visibilize the daily reality of these groups, addressing the issues that concern them and narrating their experiences in the first person, from the plurality of voices that compose them. Baynana means "among us " and encompasses us all: 'we' are 'all', there is no 'others' or 'them'.

Baynana was founded by four Syrian journalists who arrived in Spain in 2019 after leaving Syria because of the war. We met the porCausa team shortly after arriving in our new host country and its members have become our second family. They have helped us to build a magazine whose differential value is to enrich the narrative from and about the migrant community, promoting cultural diversity and combating stereotypes and hate speech.

This project has been built with few material resources and tons of illusion, but to keep it alive we need your help. We want to continue to expand our team to people of other sensibilities, origins and nationalities and to continue telling stories that set the social agenda. To do so, we still need your support. Everything we raise in this campaign will go entirely to the sustainability of the project.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The support network that has welcomed us in Spain, porCausa.org, has helped us get off the ground: thanks to donations and the contribution of many people who have given us their time generously and selflessly we have been able to build our website and produce our first reports.

We are eager to do journalism and continue learning, but in order to be sustainable we need more resources. For example, we still need basic equipment, such as computers to edit our videos and more cameras. We need translators to help us translate and adapt our pieces into Spanish. We also see the need for more collaborators: we need a larger and more diverse team, which will allow us to tell what is happening outside of Madrid and bring different sensibilities to the project.

If you believe that it is necessary to find and promote informative spaces where more diverse and plural voices are heard; if you believe, like us, that journalism should serve to offer useful tools, support the first media created by and for the migrant and refugee community that actively advocates for networking among those who live in the Spanish state and combat the discourse of hate. We count on you?

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Why this is important

We want to continue to make visible the daily reality of the refugee and migrant community, while offering useful and quality information to these communities to navigate the legal and bureaucratic system of the host country.

Also combating existing stereotypes and hate speech, highlighting success stories of migrants and telling the parallels with other countries and the cultural heritage left to us by al-Andalus.

In short, continue to build bridges between the migrant and refugee community and Spanish society as a whole, to bring the different sectors of society closer together, emphasizing our common history and culture. Can you help us?

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Team and experience

What have we done so far?

Thanks to your patronage, we have been able to practice journalism from a migrant and human rights perspective. We have published dozens of stories in the form of reports, analyses, interviews, documentaries and opinion articles. The following is a non-exhaustive compilation of some of them:

  • Our Stories: set of interviews and stories of migrants who have achieved their goals in the host country.

  • Interviews with migrant women: Ukrainian, Iranian and Afghan organize to claim basic rights and offer assistance to migrant communities.

  • Migratory regulation in Spain: a pending measure Report with interviews and analysis on the RegulaciónYa campaign, promoted by a thousand migrant and anti-racist groups and organizations to demand the massive regularization of migrants and refugees.

  • The journey of death from Sudan to the wall of Melilla: we talked to several survivors who crossed to Melilla in June 2022, where 37 people died trying to climb the six-meter high fence.

  • Health problems in Cañada Real as a consequence of the power cut: photo report where we document respiratory diseases in children and elderly people with chronic ailments. Previously this one about the women of Cañada Real.

  • The hell of Libyan prisons as told by Syrians detained in them: we spoke to survivors of Libyan prisons, one of the countries that mistreats migrants the most on their way to Europe.

  • Coverage of the earthquake in Syria and Turkey in February 2023: thanks to our contacts in Syria, we identified and denounced that aid to help in the rescue efforts was not reaching the North of the country and we formulated, produced and disseminated the project "Voices of Syria" for local journalists to report on the consequences of the earthquake.

We are working on several collaborative projects on memory:

  • From Madrid to Syria: dignity and memory. A pioneering awareness-raising project in Spain that aims to make society aware of the need for migrants to find refuge outside their country. It is a historical tour through the city of Madrid, led by refugees of Syrian origin who have been forced to leave their country fleeing the war. During the tour, the participants visit important scenes of the Spanish Civil War. In each of them, the history of Spain is deepened and a parallelism is established with episodes that took place during the Syrian war.
  • The Islamic origins of Madrid: we are working on a series of documentaries on the Islamic history of Madrid together with the Center for the Study of Islamic Madrid (CEMI).

The founders of our magazine make analysis in other media such as eldiario.es or revista5w, among others.

Baynana magazine has gained notoriety: more than three hundred media pieces, thousands of followers and visualizations in social networks, and dozens of collaborations with local and international media.

Since its arrival in Spain, the Baynana team has been the medium through which refugees and migrants express themselves, especially after the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey in February of this year. In addition, we have participated in the most important congresses on journalism, such as the Huesca Congress and the Denia Congress, as well as the Journalism Congress on Migrations in Merida.

We want to continue to be the voice and the space for immigrants and refugees: we are the first and only journalistic project created by and for migrants and refugees.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.