¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


Finished 20 / 06 / 2020
$ 161,228
$ 152,823
$ 2,063,105
165 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    2 social cinema tickets

    We will give away two movie tickets to one of the Social Associations working in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association in Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association in Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 327

    3 social cinema tickets

    We will give away three movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come two days to the GALACTICAT Festival (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 437

    4 social cinema tickets

    We will give away four movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546

    5 social cinema tickets

    We will give away five movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 42 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,092

    10 social cinema tickets

    We will give away ten movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive T-shirt with the logo I LOVE CINE DE POBLE (shipping to Spain)

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    20 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 20 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all the GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,366

    40 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 40 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you a two-day and one-night stay at the official GALACTICAT Festival accommodation (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag, T-shirt and sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916

    100 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 100 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you a stay for every day of the Festival during the official accommodation of the GALACTICAT Festival (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag, T-shirt and sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,832

    200 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 200 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you a stay for two people for every day of the Festival at the official accommodation of the GALACTICAT Festival (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag, T-shirt and sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 00 Co-financiers

41 cofinanciadores en dos dias? WOW!

04 | 04 | 2020
41 cofinanciadores en dos dias? WOW!

Cuando la crisis por el Coronavirus empezó a azotar nuestro país, parecía una película mezcla entre Pánico en las calles,

la película de Elia Kazan de 1950 en la que la policía debe hallar a unos asesinos a sueldo que se han infectado de peste negra después de terminar con un extrangero infectado y El Hoyo,

de Galder Gaztlu-Urrutia y de 2019, premiada en los Festivales de Sitges y de Toronto y que se mete en la piel de dos personages encerrados en una celda, confinados, que participan en un experimento en el que el análisis de fondo se centra en la capacidad de solidaridad vs. la necesidad de acaparar comida de los seres humanos en una situación de crisis.

El cine de catástrofes metido en nuestra casa, sin que nosotros podamos salir de ella.

Si lo miras con cierta distáncia emocional, hasta parecería emocionante. Pero la distáncia emocional es un lujo que no nos podemos permitir de ninguna manera en el panorama en el que nos encontramos.

No hace falta decir que ésta es una tragédia que se lleva vidas humanas, miles de ellas, y en circunstáncias aterradoras. No hace falta decir que ell@s, y sus famílias son lo primero, que la lucha contra la enfermedad es lo esencial, que erradicar el peligro que atenaza nuestra salud pública está en el primer punto de nuestra lista, la nuestra, la de todos.

Por eso, cuando decidimos iniciar una campaña solidaria para salvar los pequeños cines de pueblo, lo hacíamos con el corazón en un puño.

Sabíamos que la respuesta seria positiva, lo sabíamos en las entrañas porque somos una sociedad solidaria, participativa, una sociedad que responde siempre.

Lo que no nos podíamos imaginar ni en sueños es que en 48 horas respondieran 41 personas de manera directa, aportando dinero de su bolsillo, hasta llegar casi a los 2.000€. En dos dias!


Seguiremos trabajando durísimo para cumplir nuestro objetivo, os lo garantizamos a todos!

Buen fin de semana y disfrutad del cine en pantalla pequeña hasta que podamos disfrutarlo juntos en pantalla grande.
Ramon Bochaca


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