¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


Finished 20 / 06 / 2020
$ 161,228
$ 152,823
$ 2,063,105
165 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 218

    2 social cinema tickets

    We will give away two movie tickets to one of the Social Associations working in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association in Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association in Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 327

    3 social cinema tickets

    We will give away three movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come two days to the GALACTICAT Festival (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 437

    4 social cinema tickets

    We will give away four movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 546

    5 social cinema tickets

    We will give away five movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 42 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,092

    10 social cinema tickets

    We will give away ten movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings (pick up at the box office) (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive T-shirt with the logo I LOVE CINE DE POBLE (shipping to Spain)

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,183

    20 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 20 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all the GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 11 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,366

    40 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 40 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you a two-day and one-night stay at the official GALACTICAT Festival accommodation (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag, T-shirt and sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,916

    100 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 100 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you a stay for every day of the Festival during the official accommodation of the GALACTICAT Festival (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag, T-shirt and sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 21,832

    200 social cinema tickets

    We will give away 200 movie tickets to one of the Social Associations that work in the various towns where we have town cinemas.

    Some of these Associations are:
    · Estel Association of Balaguer
    · Montblanc Aprodisca Association
    · Amisol Association of Solsona
    · Association Crisálida de Camporrells
    · Association Alba de Tàrrega or Tremp
    · Reina Sofía de Monzón Center
    · Public School of Special Education La Alegría de Monzón
    · Atadi Association of Alcañiz and province of Teruel

    👆 We give you a Festival pass to come to all GALACTICAT Festival screenings and an exclusive invitation to the Opening Gala and the Closing Concert. (pick up at the box office) (dates can be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you a stay for two people for every day of the Festival at the official accommodation of the GALACTICAT Festival (dates may be modified depending on the evolution of the pandemic)

    👆 We give you an exclusive bag, T-shirt and sweatshirt with the I LOVE CINE DE POBLE logo (shipping to Spain)

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

For the survival of little town cinemas during the pandemic, to ensure culture reaches everywhere and to remain alive our rural world!

Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
200€ for cinema
200€ for each one of the 35 village cinemas.
$ 152,823
2500€ for cinema
2,500€ for each one of the 35 town cinemas.
$ 1,910,283
Total $ 152,823 $ 2,063,105

General information

I LOVE CINE DE POBLE is a solidarity campaign that fights for the survival of little town cinemas.

In the rural areas of Catalonia and Aragon there is a network of rural cinemas that for decades have brought film culture to the most isolated territories. This network has, for a decade, and because of the new information society, been very and very fragile. The widespread use of smartphones and tablets and the huge amount of new content, platforms and entertainment sources born of the internet age have made these cinemas endangered. This is why we need to protect them.

The cinema has been, since its inception, a tool for the democratization of popular culture that has driven the development of our societies, bringing the modernization, the novelties and the new political currents of thought, culture and entertainment to all layers of society. With the birth of this new paradigm of society in which all information is literally in the palm of our hand, cinemas, as socializing and cultural exchange centers, have suffered a significant setback. We redoubled our efforts and, by continuing consistently programming the same content as always, we multiplied communication and creativity through events, cineforums, parties and festivals, in order to keep a minimum number of audiences that made cinemas not profitable but sustainable. And the public has responded, blowing new life into the little town cinema institution, **which has recently become a refuge for former moviegoers and a newly rediscovered social space for new and recovered users.

With this new threat that plagues us, in the form of a global health pandemic, many people, workers and businesses will have serious problems. All sectors of the population will be affected, particularly the world of culture, which is totally dependent on users to go to theaters, circuses, movie theaters in order to survive. As for the town cinemas, this crisis will be devastating , if we do not remedy it, since the survival of them is sustained only with the monthly attendance of its audience. They have no pillow that allows them to withstand a single month. It should also be added that a few years ago all of these halls had to make a great financial effort to modernize and digitize their projection rooms, and that they did so with bank loans.

Saving village theaters from this momentary crisis may seem like a romantic cause fighting evolution.
It seems that there is no such thing, that hey, don't make a big deal with it, cinema is only entertainment and now you can also watch it online from the couch in your home.
It may seem that the social fact and programmatic capacity of a cinema is easily superseded by an online platform.

It is not true.

Village cinemas , as well as programming a large number of films, short films, documentaries and shows that would otherwise not reach the rural territories, play an enormous socializing role that allows little towns to keep alive . Similar to small municipal theaters, municipal and county libraries and radios, village cinemas are part of the network that sustains rural life . Without these cultural centers, life in these little towns would be disappearing year after year. The neighbors and young people would leave and the depopulation would be drastic. ** Culture intertwines societies, making them livable, alive and possible.

It is necessary, therefore, to keep the culture alive.
Everywhere, and especially in rural areas.
To keep these rural areas alive.
To keep the country alive.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

I LOVE CINE DE POBLE is a private campaign linked to the Circuit Urgellenc company.

We are a film show company in Lleida and Aragon in Spain, that was born almost 80 years ago to bring cinema to all the small towns in these Provinces.

We are a family business in every way. Pere Aumedes manages it and both he and the rest of the company's partners are direct descendants of Ramon Vilaltella and Joan Aumedes, the founders; In addition, however, the rest of the workers, over 60, distributed by 35 cinemas in Catalonia, Aragon and the Balearic Islands, are also a large family.

The objective of the campaign is to obtain the necessary funding to keep the town cinemas open that the company manages and to be able to pay during these next two months, which will be so much and so difficult, the payrolls of the more than 60 fixed workers that it sustains and the fixed costs ** that generates to keep all the cinemas open.

This campaign is a direct cause of the Coronavirus pandemic which has led to the obligatory closing of all cinemas, either at the request of the town councils at the beginning of the crisis or following the instructions of the Government afterwards . This FORCE situation has resulted in the instant loss of all income , but the payment obligations have remained . In these coming months we will have to deal with the payrolls, the invoices of suppliers previously issued, the repayment rates of the credits derived from the digitalisations and essential maintenance in the rooms (remember that a few years ago all the rooms had to be digitized and this led to an exorbitant expense which, on average, was about 30,000e per room), ...

In order to specify, we detail the ASSURED EXPENSES that we will have in March, April and May:

· Invoices already issued byMmovie Distribution Companies: € 95,000
· Bank loans: € 18,200
· Insurers: € 7,150
· Basic supplies of electricity and water: € 8,400
· Payroll and Social Security Contingencies: € 38,900
· Tax and labor advice: € 2,800
· Invoices already issued by suppliers: € 21,850
· IBI: € 1,500
Income tax: € 4,000


Regarding the ASSURED INCOME that we will have in March, April and May:

· Invoices issued to customers: € 54,900


The cinemas in Lleida and Aragon that are part of this campaign are:

· Cinema Casal d'Agramunt
· Cinema de la sala d'actes de l'ajuntament de Balaguer
· Teatre - cinema Armengol de Bellpuig
· Cinema de la Sala d'Actes del Centre Cultural de Mollerussa
· Cinemes Majèstic de Tàrrega
· Cinema La Lira de Tremp
· Cinema Era Audiovisuau de Vielha
· Cinema al Auditorio Palacio Ardid d'Alcañíz
· Cine Alcor82 d'Alcorisa
· Teatro - cine Goya de Caspe
· Cine Goya de Maella
· Cine Goya de Mequinenza
· Cine Cortes de Barbastro
· Cinema al Teatre "Titiriteros" de Binefar
· Cinema al Palacio de Congresos de Boltaña
· Cinema Salamero de Graus
· Cines Victoria de Monzón
· Cinema al Auditorio La Colina de Sabiñánigo
· Cinema Avinguda de Zaidín
· Cinema - Teatro El Molino de Sariñena
· Cinema al Centro de Entidades de Tamarite de Litera

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Why this is important

The global health crisis caused by the Covid19 pandemic has led to the temporary closure of all cinemas in the country, but in Europe and world. This closure, in our town cinemas, can mean the definitive disappearance of these institutions, if we do not remedy it.

This campaign is aimed at all culture lovers who understand the importance of keeping rural cultural networks open and who want to make sure this Europe territories remain culturally alive.

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Team and experience

Circuit Urgellenc has been almost 80 years traveling a network of village cinemas in Lleida, La Franja and Aragon, managing its programming and operation, bringing culture to all layers of the society of these territories.

Pere Aumedes has been managing the company and the daily operation of all these cinemas for more than thirty years.
Together with his team, they have created or joined several film festivals , such as the Fantastic and Terror Film Festival GALACTICAT or the Festival THE SHORTEST DAY . In addition, within the GALACTICAT Festival, Pere and his team have created an educational program that brings various lessons related to creativity through cinema to Lleida. This is an unprecedented initiative that has, for the first time, gained a multitude of students (over 5,000 already) from learning in a transversal way through the creation and viewing of films in their classrooms and also in the town halls, delving kinds into all social issues, without taboos or limitations on the basis of gender, origin, beliefs or other factors, which has contributed to the formation of a more just, democratic and advanced society.

They have also created a series of special programs , such as the opera programs at the Cinemes Majèstic de Tàrrega, at the Cinema Casal de Montblanc, at the Palacio Ardid in Alcanyíz and supported several CineClubs , such as La Lloca de Tàrrega, "La mirada de Harry" in Barbastro, the ARIC CineClub in Ripoll or the Sabiñánigo CineClub.

In addition they have been responsible for the implantation of several Special Cinema Cycles everywhere. They were pioneers, for example in carrying out the CINC , Children's Film Cycle in Catalan to Lleida and La Franja and now they have also been strongly involved in the implementation of the Gaudí Cycle throughout Catalonia, together with the Catalan Film Academy .

The Circuit Urgellenc team is formed by Pere Aumedes at the helm, Carme Pons in the Accounting Department, Ramon Bochaca in the Audiovisual Media Production and Marketing Department, Isaac Martínez in the Communication and Modeling Department, Sílvia Farré in the Logistics Department, Pedro García in the Transport Department, Tomás Colmenar in the Technical Department and all the people in charge of the cinemas, box office, janitors, ushers and technicians who manage the day-to-day life of the 35 movie theaters and the nearly 200 spectacular screenings that are carried out seasonally in the summers.

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Gender Equality

    Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Climate Action

    Climate change is a global challenge that affects everyone, everywhere.

  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels.