¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


Finished 25 / 02 / 2012
$ 9,048
$ 8,206
$ 11,985
159 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5

    Self-tailoring kit

    The contributor of 5 € will receive the first version of the design pattern with the manufacturing instructions (you will be able to sew your own InfinitLoop with your preferred fabric) and the label that identifies your first Infinite Loop in the global system.

    > 29 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Inspiring visit the social workshop

    Have you ever seen the day to day work in a social institution? The work done in those institutions is priceless. Getting to know first-hand their work and the people that drive the kind of projects that improve the quality of life of marginalized people is an experience that can change your life. In addition to the self-tailoring kit we offer you a guided tour in Barcelona with the main characters and producers of the InfinitLoop, main objective of this project.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22


    In addition to the above mentioned awards you will receive one of the first produced InfinitLoop wraps with its individual QR code and access to all services of the web platform of InfinitLoop. Ready to use and to start your own gift chain!
    (Note: shipping cost is not included)

    > 87 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 130

    Family/ group / Enterprise / organization kit for 10 InfinitLoops

    If you want to give away InfinitLoop wraps to several people, by contributing 120 € we will send you 10 units (5 small and 5 large) so that they in turn can start their own individual gift chains. (Note: shipping cost is not included)

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 238

    Family/ group / Enterprise / organization kit for 20 InfinitLoops

    If you want to give away InfinitLoop wraps to more people, by contributing 220 € we will send you 200 units (10 small and 10 large) so that each of them can start their own individual gift chains. (Note: shipping cost is not included)

    > 03 Co-financiers

About this project

Integral 2.0 system for smart gifts - Give love, not waste!

Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Product design
Design and initial production of InfinitLoop wrap: prototypes, tests, modifications.
$ 1,080
Production of the first Infinite Loop batch
Material purchase and production cost for the beta tests (50 units) and first order (400 units) to the Spanish NGO Asociación Estel Tapia of social inclusion: http://www.esteltapia.org/
$ 3,887
Web Design
Design and implementation of the initial 2.0 InfinitLoop web features: registration of the Infinite Loop, labels self-service, product traceability, incremental database, smart gift list and promotion.
$ 3,239
Coordination and project management
Global Process Design. Identification of and exchange with social insertion organizations that can produce the wrap. General Project Management.
$ 1,620
Design of the first application for smartphones
Development of the first features of the smartphone application: individual QR or traceability code identification, management of “My gift list”.
$ 2,159
Total $ 8,206 $ 11,985

General information

Everybody knows that a gift can only be given away once, but why not give away the wrapping paper more than once?

What if this wrapping paper traveled along the world from present to present? What if we tracked where the wrapping paper has been and what is has wrapped?

InfinitLoop is an integral 2.0 system for smart gifts promoted and produced with a social purpose.

Although everybody likes to make presents and enjoys making other people happy who has not found it hard at any given time to come up with good ideas, or to agree with other people what to give away, or to decide how to originally wrap up gifts.

InfinitLoop helps to overcome all these:

It helps you TO WRAP UP a gift without WASTE using an innovative wrapping system.

It gives you SMART IDEAS for meaningful gifts that avoid the stress of last minute purchases.

It helps you to save TIME providing ideas when you are planning and making gifts with other people.

And more importantly: its production promotes SOCIAL INCLUSION of the people more heavily affected by the current crisis.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

InfinitLoop is a system based on two components:

1) Reusable wrap of high quality cloth with a unique identification code.

2) A 2.0 application for smartphones and a web site to locate and geographically place the wraps.

Why this is important

InfinitLoop is a solution to wrap up gifts and to locate the wrap around the world.

It wants to harness the infinite positive energy generated from the happiness of giving to the people we love and so transform our purchasing habits for sustainability.

In the project conception an important objective is social inclusion achieved by the production of the InfinitLoop by institutions of social integration and employment of people with special needs.

Goals of the crowdfunding campaign


A) Encourage responsible consumption with ecologic criteria, promoting gift ideas that help sustainability and social development.

B) Generate an economic activity that promotes social and occupational integration through the participation of existing social institutions.


1) Launch the product Reusable Wrap to the market produced by people in the process of social inclusion.

2) Develop a 2.0 application for smartphones and web to promote smart gifts and to facilitate users the selection of meaningful gifts.

Team and experience

From the "HortUrba" creators, now the "InfinitLoop" :)

A group of friends with different backgrounds and a common interest for social and environmental causes founded "Tarpuna iniciativas sostenibles SL"(Tarpuna sustainable initiatives SL).

Our most relevant product to date is the urban orchard (www.horturba.com) being pioneers in ecological agriculture in balconies and terraces of a lot of cities.
We have now new challenges and to develop them we have turned into a social nonprofit organization.

The Tarpuna Cooperative for Sustainable Initiatives promotes this project and spends some of their own funds (coming from other business lines) to consolidate it.

Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    Investments in infrastructure are crucial to achieving sustainable development.