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Is the State Nonbinary

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Finished 21 / 09 / 2024
£ 1,344
£ 917
£ 2,059
43 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 4

    Just send love for the free version of the comic

    "Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    4 stickers

    "Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Is the State Non Binary ? + get 4 stickers

    Get the first edition
    1 soft cover copy
    28 pages
    format A5
    and 4stickers

    "Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    Sponsor directly the free distribution to activist in need.

    For each of this reward, i'll give 10 copies for free to the different climate camps and eco-social festivals like Soulevement de la terre, Alt-shift, Ende geleande, Metamorphosis...

    "Your participation is tax-deductible! Find out how to do it HERE"

    > 06 Co-financiers

About this project

A Short Graphic Novel About the Role and the Definition of the State for an Ecosocial Transition

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
printing costs
for 300 books
£ 375
postage international
to send approx. 100 books
£ 83
printing costs
rewards extras
£ 42
printing costs
for 300 more books / 600 in total!
£ 375
postage international
to send approx. 50 books
£ 167
to send approx 50 packages
to send 10 x donation package a 9 books / 1kg
£ 125
Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Travel cost
Traveling to various climate camps to present and distribute the comic
£ 208
preparing prints / mailing
£ 250
Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
ISBN number
acquire International Standard Book Number
£ 42
costs post office box for two years
(legal reasons / not to reveal my private address in imprint)
£ 42
7% fees
(Goteo, bank transfers, paypal)
£ 125
website hosting free download
costs for one year
£ 100
7% fees
(Goteo, bank transfers, paypal)
£ 125
Total £ 917 £ 2,059

General information

This short comic follows two activists after a mass direct action as we embark with them on a reflection on the usefulness of their actions. More precisely, we dive with a Gramscian perspective into the definitions/the role of the state and the implication this has on the eco-social movement. In only 28 pages, it addresses topics like police violence, hegemony and counterhegemony, the Kardashians, the commons, capitalist cooptations, and the mud-wizard.

The project was born from (alleged) participation in mass direct actions and a need to transform experiences and reflections into something concrete. This desire to create got repurposed through the need to write a thesis for my Political Ecology Master’s. Degrowth literature was therefore the main source of academic reflection influencing the direction of the reflection. In this little booklet, I tried to weave together personal experiences, semi-correct theory, questionable jokes, and good enough drawings to give you a story that inspires you or at the very least amuses you.

Even though I really tried Is the State Nonbinary? doesn’t have the answer on how to successfully have the revolution. It can be seen more as an entertaining tool to spark reflection and foster discussion around different transformative strategies and desirable pathways for the eco-social transition.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The main features of this Comic are

  • Small and cute
  • Hilarious
  • So deep
  • Intellectually groundbreaking

The goals of this crowdfunding are

  • To have funds to print it.
  • To distribute it to activists in need and others who don’t identify as such.
  • To have the possibility to go to diverse climate camps and eco-social gatherings over the summer and distribute the physical copies of the comic around.
  • To capitalize on this anticapitalist artwork in a socially acceptable way (donations) and expand and make more and more until I have a monopoly over all the comics in the world.
  • To bring joy to the world.

Why this is important

First, I think it is important to share stories of activists, to make visible the struggles of being in the middle of direct actions and losing all hope facing the violence and repressive nature of the state. But I think there is too much at stake to give up on this tactic and I truly believe that direct actions can have a huge impact on different levels. This project aims to regain the hope that we lose so easily in our activist circles. But more than direct action, Is The State Noninary? adresses and emphasize the need for a diversity of tactics and strategies to bring forth change.

Second, more than the content of the comic, I believe that art is a crucial tool to vehicle ideas, experiences, and reflections. This project is inscribed into the efforts of the Degrowth movement to render theory accessible and to push for actions. Art is a way to bridge the gap between receiving information and taking action upon it. In this spirit, this comic aims to bridge this awareness/action gap, for visualization can overcome abstraction and render effects sensible through emotions.


Team and experience

Let’s start with experience cause that’s gonna go fast. It is very close to none. This is my first ever comic and the confidence that I could realize a project like this came mainly from delusion. This is not fully true because I have taken a class on how to write comics when I was 11 and i have doodle everywhere since. Still, quite a limited experience but hopefully, if you give me enough money maybe this can the start of something.

Team; To say that I have realized this project by myself would be a lie, I have created the story and drawn the whole shebang but I could not have made it without the following people.

First, my two thesis supervisors Carlo Sella and Lara Stammen have accompanied the whole creative process, both on an artistic and academic level.

Second, my father, Blaise Thiercelin has been involved in the digitalization, the edition and the setting up of this crowdfunding. Sometimes I think he is more dedicated to this project than me.

Finally, there are my peers from the Degrowth Master’s 5th edition, from which I have completely stolen their reflections and ideas to put it in this comic. They have been a source of inspiration but also of support from the beginning to the end and this project could not have happened without them. Thanks for the hivemind, hope we don’t lose this in the coming years.


Social commitment