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Finished 23 / 10 / 2022
£ 8,799
£ 7,174
£ 8,201
97 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    I want to help
    • Badge of KMS that change lives
    • Access link to online travel
    > 12 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 43

    I want to collaborate and share this experience
    • Badge of KMS that change lives
    • KMS bracelet that changes lives
    • Access link to online travel

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 86

    Let´s do it!
    • Badge of KMS that change lives
    • Vinyl sticker for the bicycle or the helmet of "KMS that change lives"
    • Access link to online travel
    • Project technical t-shirt

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 171

    I wish that Angel adds kilometers to his life again
    • "KMS that change lives" badge
    • Vinyl sticker for the bicycle or the helmet of "KMS that change lives"
    • Access link to online travel
    • Project technical t-shirt
    • PostCard dedicated by Angel et Alicia.

    > 03 Co-financiers

About this project

A documented and broadcast live journey with the main objective of funding an adapted bicycle for my father Angel

Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Bicycle adapted (easy rider model)
Easy Rider is a tricycle for adults, the "step through" type frame with a low bar allows you to get on and ride without much effort, the suspension and the forward pedaling system. The special position of the rider on this trike reduces physical strain on the back, neck, shoulders and wrists. This model must be adapted with a handbrake, walker, footrest, footrest and electric pedaling assistance, necessary for Ángel to be able to use it.
£ 7,174
Material needed to carry out the project
Bike size L Waterproof bike saddlebag Mobile with gps, high resolution camera and long battery life for live trip reproduction. Powerbank to recharge recording equipment.
£ 1,027
Total £ 7,174 £ 8,201

General information

"Kms that change lives" was born out of the need for independence and sport for my father, Angel. In Nov 2017 Angel suffered a cycling accident on an outing with his Club "el Abrojo". He trained almost every day with his bike, his passion. He spent the week talking about where they would go at the weekend or the brutal number of kilometres that he, along with his colleagues from "el Abrojo" and the Bolaños de Calatrava cycling club, cycled every weekend.

And how could it be otherwise, my father's motivation for this sport aroused curiosity in me, a super fan of all kinds of sports, a learner of everything, and an expert in nothing, I began my love for cycling and going out with him whenever I could.

My father, the much fitter than me despite his age, seemed to be inexhaustible and the most difficult and steepest climbs we did together seemed to be for him a ride where he couldn't manage to shed a drop of sweat when I barely managed to keep pedalling, gave up and wanted to get off. Those moments were when he would put his hand on my back and as if coming out of nowhere, energy would flood my body and I would feel that I was going up those slopes with hardly any effort, almost with a motor. He would say to me: "I'm pushing you so you don't give up", and "don't worry, but I'm not doing anything, you're doing it on your own". Without him I wouldn't have been able to climb those slopes, now it's my time to stop him from giving up, it's my time to put my "hand on his back" and that's why I'm here.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

Why "KMS that change lives"?

Because these kilometres on bicycle changed the life of my father Ángel (62 years old) who at the age of 41 became a fan and found in these kilometres a passion for living. Those kilometres were also the cause of his current disability: hemiplegia on the right side of his body and aphasia. That accident, those kilometres, changed the lives of all my family and my father's friends, but especially my mother, who now cannot leave his side. I want my kilometres on the bike to change our lives again, to propel us, motivate us, and above all to inspire him, my father Angel, to get back on the bike, to recover his strength, energy, and regain his will to live, I want to experience him full of life and vitality pedalling again.

How am I going to do it?

In August I will start my journey to Santiago de Compostela by bicycle, a journey of about 900 km that will be streamed through the internet, live with all those people who want to travel with me.
Ideally, I imagine my father, as well as all the people who want to participate in the trip, riding their exercise bikes at home. With the tablet in front of them, interacting and seeing what I see, living every pedal of the way.
My father currently suffers from hemiplegia on the right side of his body. Today he has recovered 30% of the mobility of his right leg, so he can pedal although he has no sensitivity. He maintains his balance by always using the left side of his body, which means it is important that the bicycle (tricycle) he uses gives him that security and stability to be able to pedal safely in the open air, together with me and his team mates who miss him so much.

An additional intention of this trip is to give visibility to people with reduced mobility, to send a message to society letting them know that there are options that adapt to everyone's needs and that we can fight for a more accessible life for all.

There are many objectives to do this and I can't think of anything not to do it:

The main objective is to obtain funding to get an adapted bicycle for my father Angel and to share kilometres physically with each other again.

The project also has a social objective that will give motivation and visibility to people who, like my father, for some reason or disability, cannot do the Camino de Santiago by bike. Through a mobile phone connected to the internet and different social networks, the journey will be documented and broadcast live, allowing people to share stories, landscapes, and moments while interacting with those who connect to the "kms that change lives" project route.

At the beginning of 2017, on one of our bike rides, my father told me that when he retired, he would like us to take the bikes and go and see the Pyrenees together with the route of the Camino de Santiago. This stuck with me, as the idea of sharing a trip with my father couldn't have made me more excited. As I have already mentioned, it was in November 2017 when the accident happened. He was 59 years old, not yet retired and this dream seemed impossible due to his new physical condition.

With this project, I intend to make part of the journey my father wanted us to create together a reality.

I will cycle the Camino de Santiago and share as many kilometres as possible with him. Thanks to a mobile phone connected to the internet, I will be able to make the journey with him from home and with the MAIN OBJECTIVE of raising funds to get him a bicycle adapted to his disability so that we can once again cycle kilometres together physically side by side.

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Why this is important

I firmly believe that this project, these kilometres, will change the lives of many people, not only my father and my family. But also, that of all the people who collaborate and empathise with the cause.

"Together another life is possible" maybe it sounds idyllic but it is, one day my parents together helped me to climb many hills in my life, they were always there for me, not letting me give up and believing in me when maybe I was not even my best friend. Now it's my turn to help them! And with this bike, I will not only give independence to my father, but also to my mother who spends her days taking care of him and has also had to give up her hobbies to adapt to the new family situation.

My dream is to see my parents independent again, with part of their life shared and at times each in their hobby. Besides along with an innumerable number of reasons, to share pedalling with my father, to see him smiling on the bike, and sharing kilometres with his cycling club again.

This project is aimed at:

  • All those people who either because of a disability or any other reason, are unable to leave home by bicycle. The aim is for them to connect from their phone, tablet, or computer while pedalling on their exercise bike.
  • All those who want to help with the integration of people with physical disabilities.
  • Children, and parents who empathise with the project.
  • People interested in solidarity sports projects who want to encourage the promotion, development, and maintenance of sport in general and cycling in particular.
  • Associations working for social integration.
  • Sports teams, associations, and foundations for the integration of the most disadvantaged.
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Team and experience

I have 35 years of experience as a daughter, what better impulse to pull with this "pa'lante" (go for it).

We have the collaboration of the peña Ciclista El abrojo, the Club Ciclista de Bolaños de Calatrava and the collaboration of the town council of Bolaños de Calatrava. We will organise charity races to support the project, as well as dissemination through cycling clubs, TV, radio, and newspapers in the province.

I count on the support of my family, several local businesses, and the community of "la bici es bella" (the bike is beautiful). (

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Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.

  • Reduced Inequalities

    To reduce inequalities, policies should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development