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Finished 27 / 08 / 2020
€ 4.360
€ 3.900
€ 5.180
71 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1

    Lottery ticket for a book about the project

    The book is currently in production and is an important document defining the project structure and goals. Ten books will be raffled among all participants.

    The draw has no data yet. All participants will be informed when and where it will be done.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 15

    Personalized Textmarkers

    To mark your texts with a pen bearing our logo

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada, Eixample .
    Carrer Rosselló 181 1º3ª, 08036

    -Restaurant La Ikas, Gracia.
    Carrer de la Perla 22, 08012

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Calender 2020

    Calender containing the childrens' paintings

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada, Eixample.
    Carrer Rosselló 181 1º3ª, 08036

    -Restaurant La Ikas, Gracia.
    Carrer de la Perla 22, 08012

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 35

    Eco-Cotton bags

    Handmade bags

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada, Eixample.
    Carrer Rosselló 181 1º3ª, 08036

    -Restaurant La Ikas, Gracia.
    Carrer de la Perla 22, 08012

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 40


    Handmade T-Shirts

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada, Eixample.
    Carrer Rosselló 181 1º3ª, 08036

    -Restaurant La Ikas, Gracia.
    Carrer de la Perla 22, 08012

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Super Photo

    A special photograph emitting The Big Pinya Energy

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada,

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Super Photography + Ecological Bag

    Photography Transmitter of the Great Pinya Energy + Bag with drawings made by Pinyones + T-shirt Printed by the Pinyones

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada,

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 150

    Super Photography + Ecological Bag + Pinyeras T-Shirt Description

    Photograph Transmitter of the Great Pinya Energy + Bag with drawings made by Pinyones + T-shirt Printed by the Pinyones

    • Receive this reward is optional *

    To receive the rewards you have two options:
    1) If you are from outside Barcelona, ​​by post (Rest of Catalonia and Spain)
    2) If you live in Barcelona you can pick it up at 3 points in the city:
    -La Lleteria, Poble sec.
    Carrer de Salvá 42, 08002

    -La Mainada,

    > 03 Co-financiers

Ens ajudes a difondre la nostra campanya?

11 | 06 | 2020

Amigues, en menys de 4 dies hem rebut més de 30 col.laboracions, i ens apropem al 40% del nostre objectiu.
Gràcies pel vostre suport, estem molt agraïts!
Encara ens falta una petita empenta per arribar al final. Ens ajudes difonent entre els teus amics i familiars?
Gràcies de tot cor.


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