La ZAL als tribunals

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Finished 12 / 05 / 2019
$ 16,690
$ 10,418
$ 16,278
325 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 5


    Unless you specify the contrary, we will communicate our appreciation for your contribution on our website, on facebook, and in the calendar Fem L´horta possible 2020.

    > 18 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11

    Extra TURIA digital

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta.

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign bag

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + handmade, fair trade, organic cotton bag with image by Escif or Anna Penyas, exclusively designed for the Recuperem la Punta, aturem la ZAL campaign (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 72 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Mala Punta nunca muere (the bad Punta never dies)

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mala punta nunca muere poster by Anaïs Florin (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 27 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27

    Mataren el verd book

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mataren el verd by Carme Miquel (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 37 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Resistance packet 1

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + handmade, fair trade, organic cotton bag with image by Escif or Anna Penyas, exclusively designed for the Recuperem La Punta, aturem la ZAL campaign + pack of four fanzines designed by Anna Penyas, Elias Taño and Les Bovaes exclusively for the Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Resistance packet 2

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mala punta nunca muere poster by Anaïs Florin + pack of four fanzines designed by Anna Penyas, Elias Taño and Les Bovaes exclusively for the Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 16 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 54

    Resistance packet 3

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mataren el verd by Carme Miquel + pack of four fanzines designed by Anna Penyas, Elias Taño and Les Bovaes exclusively for the Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 23 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 109

    Resistance packet 3 + guided tour

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mataren el verd by Carme Miquel + pack of four fanzines designed by Anna Penyas, Elias Taño and Les Bovaes exclusively for the Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign + guided tour of La Punta (in groups) (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 217

    Resistance packet 3 + guided tour, level 2

    Appreciation (online and in calendar) + digital copy of Extra TURIA billboard Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta + Mataren el verd by Carme Miquel + pack of four fanzines designed by Anna Penyas, Elias Taño and Les Bovaes exclusively for the Aturem la ZAL, recuperem la Punta campaign + guided tour of La Punta (in groups) (shiping cost included -peninsula- if you cannot pick it up personally).

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 326


    Sponsor – Collaborate with the campaign without receiving a reward. Appreciation for your sponsorship – collaboration will be communicated on our website, on facebook and in the Fem l´horta possible 2020 calendar unless you specify the contrary.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 543

    Special Sponsorship

    Sponsor – Collaborate with the campaign without receiving a reward. Appreciation for your special sponsorship – collaboration will be communicated on our website, on facebook and in the Fem l´horta possible 2020 calendar unless you specify the contrary.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,085


    Patron – Collaborate with the campaign without receiving a reward. Appreciation for your sponsorship – collaboration will be communicated on our website, on facebook and in the Fem l´horta possible 2020 calendar unless you specify the contrary.

    > 00 Co-financiers

El TSJ admet a tràmit el recurs

28 | 02 | 2019
El TSJ admet a tràmit el recurs

El Tribunal Superior de Justícia valencià ha admés a tràmit el recurs contenciós administratiu presentat el passat dia 20 contra el decret del Consell que aprovava el Pla Especial de la ZAL a la Punta i contra les determinacions del Pla d'Acció Territorial de l'Horta que afecten l'àmbit de la mencionada ZAL.

Això reforça els arguments adduïts per la plataforma "Horta és Futur, no a la ZAL", representada per l'associació "Per l'Horta", per a presentar l'escrit de demanda i acudir de nou a la justícia contra la instal·lació d'aquesta infraestructura portuària als terrenys de la Punta. En aquest escenari, la prudència en l'ús de despeses públiques i la responsabilitat a l'hora d'arriscar inversions privades farien més que recomanable deixar en suspens el desenvolupament del Pla Especial de la ZAL novament qüestionat.

Us animem a participar en la campanya "La ZAL als tribunals"! Hem d'aconseguir la màxima cooperació! Moltes gràcies a qui ja hi ha participat, i ànims a tothom per a arribar als objectius. Si els governs no ho fan, ho hem de fer nosaltres!


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