Contributing $ 106
Web recognition
Thank you very much for believing in us. Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 10 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
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Manual de Supervivencia Maker
Thank you very much for believing in us. Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade keyrings created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you)+ Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Receive an exclusive preview of the "Maker Survival Guide" eBook as soon as it's edited (in Spanish) to get a set of tips to start the projects that you have always dreamed about + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
"Antonia's Maker Survial Guide" (in Spanish). Gift the eBook to your friends with a personalised cover with their name on it + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your t-shirt (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included in the list of supporters on our website
Come by Makespace Madrid and get your print copy of the "Maker Survival Guide" (in Spanish) to start the projects that you have always dreamed about (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace Madrid t-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Meet our experts on open 3D printing via hangout or skype videoconference. They will answer any of your questions about this technology. The online videoconference will last 90 minutes + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
Come by Makespace Madrid to get a vinyl sample created with a technique described in the guide + one handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace madrid T-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + print copy of the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
Visit Makespace Madrid with a tour personalised just for you, meet the friendliest makers in town, learn about what's happening in the space and ask all about our projects + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
In honor of Javier Teran, the "Peta Maker" is a person who monetarily supports Makespace Madrid because for whatever reason he or she has no time to get involved in the project ... He or she is a maker-mecenas or patron! We will hang a portrait of our next "Peta Maker" (10cm x 15cm) in a prominent place in our space :)
If you are a private company or institution you can sponsor this project to become known among the makers around the world. Your name and logo will be included in the Sponsors section of the "Maker Survival Guide" (digital and print versions).
Diseño y producción de moldes y llaveros para la campaña.
Este mes de octubre hemos avanzado en varias líneas, la primera en el diseño del llavero y el imán, ambas recompensas de la campaña. Roberto, Javi, Jorge y César hicieron varias propuestas de diseño que fuimos probando con la impresora 3D. Una vez elegido el modelo final, diseñamos a partir de ahí el contramolde, lo modelamos y lo imprimimos también con la impresora.
Con el contramolde ya realizado, hicimos los moldes, vertiendo la silicona en el contramolde impreso en 3D, y dejando fraguar la misma 24 horas. Hicimos varios moldes, para que a la hora de producir los llaveros e imanes, pudiéramos rellenar varios a la vez con la resina de poliuretano. Y así como véis en la siguiente foto hemos ido sacando la producción de los llaveros e imanes en las últimas semanas.
Hemos utilizado resina de poliuretano y colorante amarillo. Este último es un poco traicionero porque disminuye el tiempo de reacción, y por tanto el tiempo que tenemos para manipular la mezcla y vertirla en los moldes. Finalmente tras varios intentos fallidos hemos conseguido que salga bien, ¡los trucos os los contaremos en el manual!
Gracias al trabajo de Javi, Sara y Jairo, tenemos ya practicamente todos los llaveros y los imanes producidos, y próximamente convocaremos una tarde a los miembros de Makespace, para que echen una mano en el encolado y la ubicación de imanes, y la colocación de las cadenas de los llaveros.
El documenta-fotomatón
El fin de semana del 17 octubre hicimos nuestro primer documenta-fotomatón, en el que nos juntamos para realizar las fotografías de las guías del libro usando equipo profesional, en buenas condiciones de ilumnación, con fondo similar, etc. Se avanzó el capítulo de moldes y de soldadura, así como los capítulos sobre Arduino. Aún así, no pudimos hacer las fotos de todos los capítulos y contenidos, así que repetiremos documenta-fotomatón, para seguir trabajando en ello.
Además ese fin de semana de duro trabajo, tuvimos visitas desde Barcelona. Cecilia de Makers of Barcelona pasó a visitarnos el viernes, y Alex Posada el sábado. Dejamos una foto del equipo del documenta-fotomatón, en compañía de Alex, en ese momento echándo una mano a Santiago y a César con el ploter xy del espacio.
Por favor, aquellos a quienes hemos preguntado la talla de camiseta y tipo y no habeis respondido todavía: estamos esperando vuestras respuestas al correo De esta forma podremos ir lanzando más temas en paralelo :)
Gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo y por vuestra comprensión, ya que como dice nuestra amiga Sabina Cuccibar del Fab Lab de Trento, "Making takes time".
¡Hasta muy pronto con más novedades! ¡Seguimos avanzando!
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Web recognition
Thank you very much for believing in us. Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 10 Co-financiers
Maker keyring and Web recognition
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade keyrings created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you)+ Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 07 Co-financiers
eBook "Maker Survival Guide"
Receive an exclusive preview of the "Maker Survival Guide" eBook as soon as it's edited (in Spanish) to get a set of tips to start the projects that you have always dreamed about + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 97 Co-financiers
"Maker Survival Guide" eBook with personalised cover
"Antonia's Maker Survial Guide" (in Spanish). Gift the eBook to your friends with a personalised cover with their name on it + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 09 Co-financiers
Makespace Madrid T-shirt and web recognition
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your t-shirt (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included in the list of supporters on our website
> 08 Co-financiers
Print copy of the "Maker Survival Guide"
Come by Makespace Madrid and get your print copy of the "Maker Survival Guide" (in Spanish) to start the projects that you have always dreamed about (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 43 Co-financiers
Mega Maker Pack
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace Madrid t-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 19 Co-financiers
Personalised videoconference support from our makers
Meet our experts on open 3D printing via hangout or skype videoconference. They will answer any of your questions about this technology. The online videoconference will last 90 minutes + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 00 Co-financiers
Giga Maker Pack
Come by Makespace Madrid to get a vinyl sample created with a technique described in the guide + one handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace madrid T-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + print copy of the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 15 Co-financiers
Tera Maker Tour: exclusive guided visit to Makespace Madrid with coffee and cake
Visit Makespace Madrid with a tour personalised just for you, meet the friendliest makers in town, learn about what's happening in the space and ask all about our projects + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 03 Co-financiers
Be our next Peta Maker
In honor of Javier Teran, the "Peta Maker" is a person who monetarily supports Makespace Madrid because for whatever reason he or she has no time to get involved in the project ... He or she is a maker-mecenas or patron! We will hang a portrait of our next "Peta Maker" (10cm x 15cm) in a prominent place in our space :)
> 00 Co-financiers
"Maker Survival Guide" Sponsor
If you are a private company or institution you can sponsor this project to become known among the makers around the world. Your name and logo will be included in the Sponsors section of the "Maker Survival Guide" (digital and print versions).
> 02 Co-financiers
To translate the generated content into English and other languages
People that want to collaborate to prepare additional content for the "Maker Survival Guide".
People that can review the content of the guide to correct errors.
People that want to help to format the notes of the content in the "Maker Survival Guide"