Contributing $ 106
Web recognition
Thank you very much for believing in us. Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 10 Co-financiers
Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?
Kullanıcı deneyiminizi ve hizmetlerimizi geliştirmek için kendi ve üçüncü kişi çerezlerini kullanırız.Web sitemize göz atın. Göz atmaya devam ederseniz, kullanımına izin verdiğinizi düşünürüz. Çerez Politikamızda daha fazla bilgiyi bulabilirsiniz.
Goteo topluluğuyla etkileşim kurmak için oturum açmanız gerekmektedir.
Manual de Supervivencia Maker
Thank you very much for believing in us. Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade keyrings created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you)+ Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Receive an exclusive preview of the "Maker Survival Guide" eBook as soon as it's edited (in Spanish) to get a set of tips to start the projects that you have always dreamed about + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
"Antonia's Maker Survial Guide" (in Spanish). Gift the eBook to your friends with a personalised cover with their name on it + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your t-shirt (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included in the list of supporters on our website
Come by Makespace Madrid and get your print copy of the "Maker Survival Guide" (in Spanish) to start the projects that you have always dreamed about (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace Madrid t-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
Meet our experts on open 3D printing via hangout or skype videoconference. They will answer any of your questions about this technology. The online videoconference will last 90 minutes + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
Come by Makespace Madrid to get a vinyl sample created with a technique described in the guide + one handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace madrid T-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + print copy of the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
Visit Makespace Madrid with a tour personalised just for you, meet the friendliest makers in town, learn about what's happening in the space and ask all about our projects + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
In honor of Javier Teran, the "Peta Maker" is a person who monetarily supports Makespace Madrid because for whatever reason he or she has no time to get involved in the project ... He or she is a maker-mecenas or patron! We will hang a portrait of our next "Peta Maker" (10cm x 15cm) in a prominent place in our space :)
If you are a private company or institution you can sponsor this project to become known among the makers around the world. Your name and logo will be included in the Sponsors section of the "Maker Survival Guide" (digital and print versions).
Hola a todos,
Hoy es un día especial: ¡Ya hemos enviado todas las recompensas de Goteo!
Puede parecer un pequeño gesto pero para nosotros es una pequeña hazaña. Durante los últimos meses hemos estado atascados, buscando alternativas para el envío, tratando de seguir cada oportunidad posible para que resultara más económico. Todas las búsquedas nos han llevado hasta un mismo punto: existe una remota posibilidad de que resulte más barato el envío, pero esto alargará los tiempos... De todas estas búsquedas posibles, las hemos seguido todas. Esto ha hecho que el envío de vuestros manuales y demás recompensas se retrasara. Los retrasos han venido acompañados de correos y quejas, de gente con ansia viva por crear, que esperaban sus libros para estas navidades.
El efecto bola de nieve no se ha hecho esperar: a más correos, menos tiempo para responderlos. A más incógnitas a futuro, más reparos para ofrecer otra fecha tentativa de entrega que fuera a retrasarse de nuevo. Ciertamente no sómos Amazon, pero ¡tampoco debería resultar el envío de los libros más complicado que la destrucción del anillo único en el monte del destino!
Mucha gente ha venido a recoger el libro, mostrando su asombro positivo respecto al resultado. Mucha otra gente nunca leyó que había que pasar a recogerlo. Asumimos este error. De hecho, ¡a quién se le ocurre hoy en día suponer que compras algo en internet y que 10 meses después alguién te pedirá que pases por Madrid a recogerlo!
Esta semana, hemos tenido la suerte de toparnos con Derek Sivers (o con su libro), en el que cuenta cómo lanzó su proyecto, CDBaby. El foco siempre estuvo en ayudar a los artistas para hacer llegar su música a más gente. El estilo de Derek es demoledor y nos llevó a pensar: ¿Por qué estamos haciendo todo esto?
El próximo día 15 de Abril es nuestro tercer aniversario. El tiempo vuela y es al reencontrarnos cada año cuando nos damos cuenta cómo ha cambiado todo. Lo que no han cambiado durante todos estos años han sido los objetivos por los que lanzamos el proyecto en 2013: queremos facilitar que la gente pueda crear, queremos ofrecer un espacio, un lugar de encuentro para gente con ganas, con un equipamiento al alcance de todos, que permita convertir las meras ideas en algo tangible. Creemos en el aprendizaje entre pares, en el apoyo mutuo que supone crear entorno a una misma mesa y, cómo no, en los contenidos abiertos que permitan a cualquier persona sin limitación aprender, disfrutar del proceso y compartirlo con otros.
Mirando hacia estos últimos meses, nos ha comido el día a día. Nos hemos centrado en cuadrar las cuentas, en poner el foco en pagar el alquiler, en optimizar si el botón tenía que ir aquí o allá. Nos habíamos quedado en lo táctico y nos olvidamos de lo verdaderamente importante: hacer que llegaran los manuales lo antes posible a vuestras manos para que pudierais compartir también esa alegría.
Cuando ha habido que hacer concesiones siempre las hemos hecho eligiendo la opción más económica, no la que resultaba más beneficiosa para todos. Nos hemos tenido que cruzar con la historia del músico payaso emprendedor, para darnos cuenta que estamos aquí por y para vosotros. Que existimos gracias al apoyo de muchísima gente que durante todos estos años ha contribuido a que Makespace sea lo que es hoy en día.
Gracias a todos vuestros mensajes hemos aprendido mucho, sobre los retos para ofrecer un buen servicio, sobre cómo frustrar y cumplir vuestras expectativas, así como cientos de cosas para nuestras próximas campañas de crowdfunding. Pero más allá que todo esto, esta campaña nos ha recordado para que estamos aquí, qué queremos lograr y que sin vuestro apoyo durante estos tres años, nada hubiera sido posible.
Esta es nuestra última actualización de este proyecto en Goteo. ¡Disfrutad creando y allí nos encontraremos!
P.D Durante estos últimos meses hemos estado publicando imágenes de la gente recogiendo su libro, mostrando su alegría. Si queréis compartir vuestras fotos, podeís mandar vuestras imágenes y sumaros a la larga lista de gente que dice: #yalotengo !
P.D 2 Queremos que el Manual llegue a tanta gente como sea posible. Por este motivo colgamos íntegramente sus contenidos online y enviamos las copias sin DRM alguno que restrinja vuestras libertades. Si creéis que algún conocido, amigo o familiar puede disfrutar leyéndolo, podéis enviarles el enlace a
P. D 3 Gracias a super Sara, Luis Alfonso, Javi, Jairo, Manuel, Samu y otra mucha gente que ha ayudado en este empujón final.
Inicia sesión para dejar un comentario
Web recognition
Thank you very much for believing in us. Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 10 Co-financiers
Maker keyring and Web recognition
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade keyrings created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you)+ Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 07 Co-financiers
eBook "Maker Survival Guide"
Receive an exclusive preview of the "Maker Survival Guide" eBook as soon as it's edited (in Spanish) to get a set of tips to start the projects that you have always dreamed about + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 97 Co-financiers
"Maker Survival Guide" eBook with personalised cover
"Antonia's Maker Survial Guide" (in Spanish). Gift the eBook to your friends with a personalised cover with their name on it + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 09 Co-financiers
Makespace Madrid T-shirt and web recognition
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your t-shirt (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included in the list of supporters on our website
> 08 Co-financiers
Print copy of the "Maker Survival Guide"
Come by Makespace Madrid and get your print copy of the "Maker Survival Guide" (in Spanish) to start the projects that you have always dreamed about (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 43 Co-financiers
Mega Maker Pack
Come by Makespace Madrid to get your handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace Madrid t-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 19 Co-financiers
Personalised videoconference support from our makers
Meet our experts on open 3D printing via hangout or skype videoconference. They will answer any of your questions about this technology. The online videoconference will last 90 minutes + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 00 Co-financiers
Giga Maker Pack
Come by Makespace Madrid to get a vinyl sample created with a technique described in the guide + one handmade fridge magnet + one handmade keyring created with a silicone rubber mould as explained in the guide + Makespace madrid T-shirt + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + print copy of the guide (Shipping and handling costs not included if we need to send it to you) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website.
> 15 Co-financiers
Tera Maker Tour: exclusive guided visit to Makespace Madrid with coffee and cake
Visit Makespace Madrid with a tour personalised just for you, meet the friendliest makers in town, learn about what's happening in the space and ask all about our projects + "Maker Survival Guide" eBook (in Spanish) + Your name will be included on the list of supporters on our website
> 03 Co-financiers
Be our next Peta Maker
In honor of Javier Teran, the "Peta Maker" is a person who monetarily supports Makespace Madrid because for whatever reason he or she has no time to get involved in the project ... He or she is a maker-mecenas or patron! We will hang a portrait of our next "Peta Maker" (10cm x 15cm) in a prominent place in our space :)
> 00 Co-financiers
"Maker Survival Guide" Sponsor
If you are a private company or institution you can sponsor this project to become known among the makers around the world. Your name and logo will be included in the Sponsors section of the "Maker Survival Guide" (digital and print versions).
> 02 Co-financiers
To translate the generated content into English and other languages
People that want to collaborate to prepare additional content for the "Maker Survival Guide".
People that can review the content of the guide to correct errors.
People that want to help to format the notes of the content in the "Maker Survival Guide"