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Película Documental: Ciudad de la Selva

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Finished 11 / 03 / 2021
$ 686,992
$ 575,978
$ 2,771,430
456 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 330

    Collaborator of a runaway (shipments to Spain)

    It’s winter. Snows. A runaway hits the door of your house trying to flee. You let him pass and he rewards you with an

    > 39 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 550

    Collaborator of a runaway (shipments to Europe)

    It’s winter. Snows. A runaway hits the door of your house trying to flee. You let him pass and he rewards you with an

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 550

    Link for the guerrilla (shipments to Spain)

    After a long walk through Teixadal de Casaio, you decide to eat. Suddenly, after a thousand-year-old yew tree, you recognize a young guerrilla and share your lunch with her. Your generosity deserves a reward: you will receive a SCREENED T-SHIRT, an EMBROIDERED PATCH, a METALLIC BADGE and PHOTOS.

    > 88 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 770

    Link for the guerrilla (shipments to Europe)

    After a long walk through Teixadal de Casaio, you decide to eat. Suddenly, after a thousand-year-old yew tree, you recognize a young guerrilla and share your lunch with her. Your generosity deserves a reward: you will receive a SCREENED T-SHIRT, an EMBROIDERED PATCH, a METALLIC BADGE and PHOTOS.

    > 05 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 770

    Informant (shipments to Spain)

    A prisoner at the Valborraz tungsten mine prison, occupied by the Nazis, sends you a celluloid tape in which a German engineer describes the mine facilities. Undoubtedly, this information can be valuable in planning an
    escape, and he decides to hand it over to the guerrillas. You've played it: you deserve a copy of the MOVIE in personalized USB card format, an EMBROIDERED PATCH, a METALLIC BADGE and PHOTOS.

    > 78 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 990

    Informant (shipments to Europe)

    A prisoner at the Valborraz tungsten mine prison, occupied by the Nazis, sends you a celluloid tape in which a German engineer describes the mine facilities. Undoubtedly, this information can be valuable in planning an
    escape, and he decides to hand it over to the guerrillas. You've played it: you deserve a copy of the MOVIE in personalized USB card format, an EMBROIDERED PATCH, a METALLIC BADGE and PHOTOS.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,100

    Arsenal Guard (shipments to Spain)

    You carry with a cache of weapons. Given the suspicions of the Civil Guard, you decide to hide the pistols and ammunition under a layer of moss between the two largest stones in Campo Cigarra. "Those from the forest"
    recognize your work and reward you with the MOVIE in personalized USB card format, a SCREEN-PRINTED T-SHIRT, an EMBROIDERED PATCH , a METALLIC BADGE and some PHOTOGRAPHS.

    > 102 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,321

    Arsenal Guard (shipments to Europe)

    You carry with a cache of weapons. Given the suspicions of the Civil Guard, you decide to hide the pistols and ammunition under a layer of moss between the two largest stones in Campo Cigarra. "Those from the forest"
    recognize your work and reward you with the MOVIE in personalized USB card format, a SCREEN-PRINTED T-SHIRT, an EMBROIDERED PATCH , a METALLIC BADGE and some PHOTOGRAPHS.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,321

    Tungsten smuggler (shipments to Spain)

    Your good relationship with the inmates of the Valborraz mine prison allows you to obtain large amounts of tungsten with which you get access to valuable material for the guerrilla. With all that you have risked, how could we not invite you to the PREMIERE of the documentary in spring 2022 in Casaio (Ourense). As a great reward, you receive a TICKET of the event and a MOVIE in a personalized USB card format.

    > 25 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,761

    Tungsten smuggler (shipments to Europe)

    Your good relationship with the inmates of the Valborraz mine prison allows you to obtain large amounts of tungsten with which you get access to valuable material for the guerrilla. With all that you have risked, how could we not invite you to the PREMIERE of the documentary in spring 2022 in Casaio (Ourense). As a great reward, you receive a TICKET of the event and a MOVIE in a personalized USB card format.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,201

    Rookie in the guerrilla (shipments to Spain)

    After months of close collaboration with the guerrilla, you receive an invitation to be part of it. This important step makes you part of the history of the Ciudad de la Selva. Said RECOGNITION is reflected with a formal thanks in the CREDITS of the film (if you consider it so) and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS along with a copy of the MOVIE in format custom USB card.

    > 22 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,641

    Rookie in the guerrilla (shipments to Europe)

    After months of close collaboration with the guerrilla, you receive an invitation to be part of it. This important step makes you part of the history of the Ciudad de la Selva. Said RECOGNITION is reflected with a formal thanks in the CREDITS of the film (if you consider it so) and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS along with a copy of the MOVIE in format custom USB card.

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,402

    Experienced fighter (shipments to Spain)

    You're surrounded. A gang of Civil Guard patrol from the south and a group of Falangists arriving from the west. You have no escape, but your knowledge of the terrain allows you to get out of the trap. Such an achievement is rewarded with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about the Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists and cinematographers behind the project, a specific RECOGNITION making the name and/or logo of your entity or person (if they consider it so) appear in the CREDITS of the film and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 4,842

    Experienced fighter (shipments to Europe)

    You're surrounded. A gang of Civil Guard patrol from the south and a group of Falangists arriving from the west. You have no escape, but your knowledge of the terrain allows you to get out of the trap. Such an achievement is rewarded with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about the Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists and cinematographers behind the project, a specific RECOGNITION making the name and/or logo of your entity or person (if they consider it so) appear in the CREDITS of the film and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33,014

    Member of the Major Staff of the Guerrilla Federation (shipments to Spain)

    With your name and prestige, you have brought many people with you to the Ciudad de la Selva. What was a humble informative project, achieves with you a dimension that will make our history go very far. For the people and entities that collaborate with this important reward, a specific RECOGNITION of said help will be made, making the name and/or logo of their entity or person (if they consider it so) appear on the POSTER of the film, in the CREDITS of the same and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. We will also appreciate your help with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists
    and cinematographers behind the project. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a LIMITED EDITION OF THE POSTER in B1 size.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 33,454

    Member of the Major Staff of the Guerrilla Federation (shipments to Europe)

    With your name and prestige, you have brought many people with you to the Ciudad de la Selva. What was a humble informative project, achieves with you a dimension that will make our history go very far. For the people and entities that collaborate with this important reward, a specific RECOGNITION of said help will be made, making the name and/or logo of their entity or person (if they consider it so) appear on the POSTER of the film, in the CREDITS of the same and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. We will also appreciate your help with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists
    and cinematographers behind the project. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a LIMITED EDITION OF THE POSTER in B1 size.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 66,027

    Ambassador of the Guerrilla Federation (shipments to Spain)

    Inside and outside the mountains of Casaio, different personalities and organizations have made a great
    effort to make this film succeed. We want to thank your contribution, the people and/or organizations that participate with this reward, will obtain a RECOGNITION specific to said help at the START OF THE FILM together with the entities that have created the project and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. We will also appreciate your help with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about the Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists and cinematographers behind the project. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a LIMITED EDITION OF THE POSTER in B1 size.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 66,467

    Ambassador of the Guerrilla Federation (shipments to Europe)

    Inside and outside the mountains of Casaio, different personalities and organizations have made a great
    effort to make this film succeed. We want to thank your contribution, the people and/or organizations that participate with this reward, will obtain a RECOGNITION specific to said help at the START OF THE FILM together with the entities that have created the project and in our SOCIAL NETWORKS. We will also appreciate your help with a TICKET for a special archaeological and cinematographic CONFERENCE about the Ciudad de la Selva with the scientists and cinematographers behind the project. In addition, you will be given a MOVIE in personalized USB card format and a LIMITED EDITION OF THE POSTER in B1 size.

    > 00 Co-financiers

456 Co-financiers

0 collaborators

Show donors

Pablo Naya Seoane

$ 1,100


$ 4,842


$ 770
$ 770
$ 550
$ 550
$ 550
Support message:
"Si puedes soñarlo puedes hacerlo" Ánimoooooo!!! Xuntas sumamos mais
$ 1,100
$ 770

Sergio Lago

$ 550
$ 330
Support message:
Gracias por llevar a cabo algo tan importante y necesario. Memoria y recuerdo.


$ 33,014
$ 1,321


$ 550
$ 770
Support message:
Gran proyecto y muy necesario!! Todo mi apoyo!✊