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Finished 10 / 01 / 2020
£ 6,224
£ 5,052
£ 8,421
112 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 8

    Sand grain

    [Supporter] Grain by grain you get great things. With this grain of sand you will appear as godmother/godfather on our website.

    If you live in Spain, for every 10€ you contribute, Hacienda will return up to 7.5€ when you file your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 17

    Showing the badge

    **[Button badge + balloon + national shipment + support] No, we are not going to tell you our life, we are going to give you a brilliant badge of Pincha Tu Deuda, so that you can shake your colleagues, besides appearing on our website as a godmother/godfather. Along with your badge, we will send you a balloon so you can prick your debt. Note that your badge has a wonderful needle for the occasion. It is included the shipment to any point of Spain.

    For every 20€ you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 15€ when you make your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 21

    Showing the badge *International*

    **[Button badge + balloon + international shipment + support] No, we are not going to tell you our life, we are going to give you a brilliant badge of Pincha Tu Deuda, so that you can shake your colleagues, besides appearing on our website as a godmother/godfather. Along with your badge, we will send you a balloon so you can prick your debt. Note that your badge has a wonderful needle for the occasion. It is included the shipment to any point of the world.

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 25

    The bag or the life

    [Bag + balloon + national shipment + support] The bag, clearly. You will appear as a supporter on our website and we will send you the bag, empty. We leave the debt to those who generated it. Along with your bag, we will send you a balloon so you can prick your debt. Shipping to any point in Spain is included.

    If you live in Spain, for every 30€ you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 22.5€ when you file your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 21 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 29

    The bag or the life *International*

    [Bag + balloon + international shipment + support] The bag, clearly. You will appear as a supporter on our website and we will send you the bag, empty. We leave the debt to those who generated it. Along with your bag, we will send you a balloon so you can prick your debt. Shipping to any point in Spain is included.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 34

    The illustrated debt

    **[Illustration + badge + balloon + national shipment + support] The debt illustrated by Eduardo Luzzatti, activist and illustrator. An illustration, size A4, of the new and fresh director of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, who before was it from the willing International Monetary Fund. A fashionable celebrity. Irony? Noooo... Along with your illustration, we'll send you a button badge and a balloon so you can prick your debt. You will also appear as a godmother/godfather on our website. Shipping to anywhere in Spain is included.

    If you live in Spain, for every 40€ you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 30€ when you file your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 38

    The illustrated debt *International*

    **[Illustration + badge + balloon + international shipment + support] The debt illustrated by Eduardo Luzzatti, activist and illustrator. An illustration, size A4, of the new and fresh director of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, who before was it from the willing International Monetary Fund. A fashionable celebrity. Irony? Noooo... Along with your illustration, we'll send you a button badge and a balloon so you can prick your debt. You will also appear as a godmother/godfather on our website. Shipping to anywhere in Spain is included.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 42

    The Debt Fashion

    [T-shirt + button badge + balloon + national shipping + sponsorship] Go ahead and wear your activist t-shirt before anyone else. A new debt crisis is coming (no kidding) and you have to be prepared. You can choose size, to highlight in the demonstrations. Along with your t-shirt, we will send you a matching button badge, and you will appear as a godmother/godfather on our website. The shipment is included to any point of Spain.

    If you live in Spain, for every 50€ you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 37.5€ when you make your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 19 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 46

    The Debt Fashion *International*

    [T-shirt + button badge + balloon + international shipping + sponsorship] Go ahead and wear your activist t-shirt before anyone else. A new debt crisis is coming (no kidding) and you have to be prepared. You can choose size, to highlight in the demonstrations. Along with your t-shirt, we will send you a matching button badge, and you will appear as a godmother/godfather on our website. The shipment is included to any point of the world.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 59

    The almost entire pack

    [T-shirt + illustration + button badge + balloon + national shipment + support] You take almost everything and, in addition, you will appear as godmother/godfather in our web page and we will send you a balloon so that you can prick your debt. It is included the shipment to any point of Spain.

    If you live in Spain, for every 70€ that you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 52.5€ when you make your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 63

    The almost entire pack *International*

    [T-shirt + illustration + button badge + balloon + international shipment + support] You take almost everything and, in addition, you will appear as godmother/godfather in our web page and we will send you a balloon so that you can prick your debt. It is included the shipment to any point of the world.

    > 01 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 84

    The sustainable debt and other neoliberal tales

    [Book + bag + button badge + balloon + international shipment + support] "La deuda sostenible y otros cuentos neoliberales" by Eduardo Luzzatti, is an illustrated book of stories that you won't want to read to your children. Or maybe yes, who knows. You can take the book everywhere with the bag and decorate the bag with the button badge. We will also send you a balloon so that you can prick your debt and you will appear as a godmother/godfather on our website. Shipping to anywhere in the world is included.

    If you live in Spain, for every 100€ you contribute, Hacienda will refund you up to 75€ when you file your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing £ 253

    The whole pack (now yes)

    [Book + bag + t-shirt + illustration + badge + balloon + international shipping + support + option to appear as a collaborator in all materials] This is unconditional love for Pincha Tu Deuda, no more and no less. You take everything, everything, and also, we can include your logo as a collaborator if it is of your interest. And of course, you will appear as a special godmother/godfather on our website and we will send you a balloon so that you can click on your debt. Shipping to anywhere in the world is included.

    If you live in Spain, for every 300€ you contribute, Hacienda will return up to 157.5€ when you file your income tax return. More info at: https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal

    > 02 Co-financiers

Festival Pincha Tu Deuda: ¡Inscripción abierta!

04 | 11 | 2019

Queridas y queridos co-financiadores,

Llevamos ya más de 10 días de campaña y aquí seguimos, acostumbrándonos a vivir con ese nudito en el estómago, que ya a estas alturas tenemos claro que no se va a ir hasta que no termine la campaña. Mientras, vamos avanzando con la organización del festival, y ya empezamos a ver un poco de luz al final del camino. Hoy queremos compartir con vosotras que ya está abierta la inscripción a los talleres del festival en la web de Medialab Prado y, obviamente, invitaros a participar. :)

Editatón Wikipedia Edita tu Deuda > 21 NOV de 16:00h a 21:00h [Auditorio]

El maratón de edición Edita tu Deuda tiene como objetivo mejorar el enfoque, la calidad y el número de artículos sobre deuda, tipos de deuda y contenidos relacionados con la misma, así como conceptos y jerga económica, que normalmente se describen de una manera técnica e incomprensible para la ciudadanía. Mediante el editatón se pretende aumentar el conocimiento público sobre deuda y economía con un lenguaje mucho más cercano y con una mirada más social, dada la relación directa entre la economía y el bienestar de la población. Porque sólo una población concienciada y formada puede tomar decisiones conscientes sobre su economía.

Taller de cocina colaborativa Cocina tu Deuda > 23 NOV de 11:00h a 15:00h [Lab 0 / Patio]

En este taller, dirigido por Cocinar Madrid, cocinaremos un delicioso menú entre todas las participantes, que después compartiremos y degustaremos. Mientras pelamos patatas y cortamos zanahorias iremos lanzando conceptos: soberanía alimentaria, deuda ecológica, alimentos kilométricos, deuda de género... Habláremos de cómo y en qué condiciones se producen los alimentos, de dónde vienen, qué costes sociales y ecológicos tienen. Entre todas iremos elaborando y cocinando, a la vez que cocinamos la comida, las definiciones de estos conceptos y conocimientos para compartirlos y poder debatir mientras disfrutamos de las delicias cocinadas alrededor de la mesa.

Taller interactivo El Paraíso de la Deuda > 23 NOV de 12:00h a 14:00h [Lab 1]

El Paraíso de la Deuda es a la vez un taller y un videojuego, al que jugaremos de manera colectiva e interactiva para que cualquiera, desde el público infantil hasta los más “grandes”, pueda entender los complejos términos que se manejan en la jerga económica y cómo funciona la deuda. Para ello nos pondremos en la piel de un rey gato que deberá velar por la felicidad de su pueblo teniendo que hacer frente a los gastos que ello conlleva, mientras trata de controlar la deuda. Si hacemos las cosas bien nuestros queridos súbditos serán felices, pero como la pifiemos las arcas del Estado quedarán vacías y una espiral de deuda incontrolable nos llevará al desastre. ¿Te apuntas al reto?

Esperamos veros a todas y todos en el festival Pincha Tu Deuda para debatir y pensar juntas, con alegría, nuevas maneras de enfrentarnos a ese sistema financierto que pasa por encima de las personas como una apisonadora sin importarle nada. De nuevo, mil gracias por vuestro apoyo y por acompañarnos en esta aventura. Seguimos necesitando vuestra ayuda para difundir y correr la voz, que ya hemos recorrido casi la mitad del camino. ¡Que no decaiga!

¡Sola no puedes, con amig@s sí!

Un gran abrazo de parte de todo el equipo.


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