¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

PUDENTE, first opera in Basque

  • Contributing $ 5


    Nothing can be built without a good basis that supports everything else. With your small but fundamental contribution you help us give more visibility and strength to the project and you will have our thanks on our website.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 16


    As a small but equally important contributor, we would appreciate your contribution in our social networks and on our website. In addition, and so that you have a nice souvenir of this project, we will send you a postcard with the design of the opera poster.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 27


    If you want to "stretch yourself" a little, we will thank you especially with a mention in our programmes on performance days, in addition to the rewards in the previous section.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 49


    You, who like to be close to what happens on stage, will receive a free participation in the workshop we will be holding with part of the cast of the production on the Basque operatic repertoire, as well as the acknowledgements and the postcard.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 81


    As we know that you like opera and we like you, and you support our efforts, we will offer you a seat at friend's price for your contribution. We will duly thank you in all the places we can and, specifically, in the hand programme.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 97


    For you who want to go with that special someone to an evening at the opera, we offer you two seats at friend's price. All of this, with all due thanks and mention in programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 10 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 135


    For lending us a hand, we will give you an invitation to a performance of Donostia Opera. All with thanks and a mention in the programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 04 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 248


    As a thank you for that extra effort in supporting us, we will give you two invitations to a performance of Donostia Opera. All of this, with all due thanks and a mention in the programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 540

    Dress Circle

    In addition to the above we offer you the opportunity to be close to the artists participating in our show through VIP access. All of this, with due thanks and mention in programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,080


    We will place your company logo on our rollup in a prominent position. All of this, with thanks and mention in programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,159


    We will place your company logo projected with a GOBO.
    All this, with due thanks and mention in programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,239


    To enhance that special event, we will offer you a private performance of Donostia Opera. All of this, with all due thanks and mention in the programmes.

    And remember that you can deduct an average of %30% of your contribution depending on your tax residence (check the specific section in the project information).

    > 00 Co-financiers

About this project

The project for the recovery, reconstruction, staging and dissemination of the first opera that was created entirely in Basque.

Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Compilation and recovery of the music
Research work to locate all possible fragments of the work (about 30 days of work).
$ 1,080
Transcription of the score
Transcription and digitisation of the manuscripts obtained, as well as the fragments that were printed at the end of the 19th century (about 3/4 weeks).
$ 810
Reconstruction of the voice & piano score
Generation of a coherent score, with all the fragments obtained, in the form of a guide (about 2 weeks).
$ 540
Arrangement and orchestration
Once the score has been reconstructed, generate the necessary contents for the interpretation of the score through an orchestration of the piano part (12 weeks).
$ 5,129
Design and realisation of the scenography (sets and other elements).
$ 10,451
Design and creation of the costumes for the play.
$ 9,145
Creation and realisation of the lighting for the show.
$ 5,226
Fees of the 5 solo singers. For the three weeks of work and two performances.
$ 13,064
Fees for the 3 directors involved in the performance.
$ 19,597
Subsistence allowance for the 29 members of the orchestra (one week's work and two performances).
$ 13,766
To cover travel, subsistence and other expenses of the 20 members of the choir.
$ 5,399
Dance group to assist in the choreography at various points in the play.
$ 1,306
Make-up and hairdressing.
$ 1,861
Creation and production of posters, flyers, promotional videos, photographs, hand programmes, press advertisements, Social Networks,...
$ 8,638
Needs Material Minimum Optimum
Minimum rewards
Printing of commemorative postcards and sending them by post
$ 270
Commissions (minimum)
Crowdfunding platform and bank commissions
$ 420
In addition to the fees and salaries, there are a number of people who have to move from one place to another during the days of the show.
$ 3,239
Liability insurance to cover all those involved in the production.
$ 540
Even though we think we have everything well taken care of, there are always small unforeseen events that need to be adjusted for.
$ 1,620
Commissions (optimal)
Crowdfunding platform and bank fees
$ 6,479
Needs Altyapı Minimum Optimum
Extra staff
Pianists, over-typists, props, producer, tailor's staff, assistants,...
$ 8,678
Expenditure on theatre staff, technicians and others, generated during the use of the theatre.
$ 6,532
Rehearsal room
Before the entrance to the theatre we need a rehearsal room.
$ 2,159
For the submission of the pay slips of all the workers who will be hired for the production and who will be duly registered with the social security, except for the self-employed.
$ 1,568
Total $ 8,248 $ 127,516

General information

At the end of the 19th century, two authors from San Sebastian, Serafín Baroja and José Antonio Santesteban, created what was to be the first opera entirely in Basque in history: Pudente.

Our project aims to recover this opera by carrying out musicological work with the collaboration of ERESBIL (Basque Music Archive) aimed at reconstructing it, on the basis of the fragments that have been recovered, on the one hand, and also taking into account the annotations in the libretto itself, which mention the melodies corresponding to each part, and which were arranged by the composer. We have also been helped by the many reviews that were written in the local press and that we have been able to find in digital newspaper archives and old archives.

**Your help is essential for us to be able to complete this important and valuable project.

The basic and main objective of Donostia Opera is to encourage the love of opera and liric singing in general, and favour the knowledge of opera among the population of Donostia and Gipuzkoa as a whole.

In order to achieve our objectives, over the last few years we have been carrying out various activities such as conferences, symposia, concerts and musical performances of all kinds, as well as any other work that could benefit these aims. We believe that, given the musical characteristics of this opera, in which there are many popular melodies that are well known in our region, the achievement of these objectives of dissemination could be really effective.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

In a first phase we want to recover the score, make a modern edition and make the necessary arrangements and orchestrations to be able to take it to the stage with our choir, Donostia Opera, which has a solid vocal and interpretative training and a long proven experience, under the stage direction of Agurtzane Intxaurraga, well known and experienced in the theatrical and audiovisual artistic world, and counting with vocal and instrumental figures from our land, in many cases, young local promises that deserve greater diffusion, as we have done on other occasions.

You will have noticed that there is an important economic difference between the minimum and the optimum budget. The explanation is simple. The first phase of the project, which is not cheap, focuses on the recovery and reconstruction, where necessary, of the opera's score. Without that score it is not possible to move on to the next phase, the production of the opera for performance in theatres.

We are generally unaware of the economic effort involved in the production of these musical-theatrical productions. To put it in perspective, we can tell you that this particular opera will involve some 130 people**, several of them are already working on it, others will join in the coming months and during the last three weeks before the premiere they will all come together to carry out the final rehearsals and finishing touches. To all this must be added the costs of the theatre, costumes, make-up, renting instruments and rooms for rehearsals, creating sets, lighting design, and a long etcetera.

The fact that so many people are involved is what makes the optimal budget so high. With your help we will achieve our goal .

Sometimes economic circumstances have made us restrict our activities practically to the capital of Gipuzkoa, but this is a great project and, as such, it deserves a great premiere in Donostia, but also that its representation and knowledge can spread throughout Gipuzkoa, the Basque Country, Navarre, Iparralde...
Over the years, we have also tried to collaborate with people and entities, both public and private, with similar aims to those of our Association. On this occasion, we will make a special effort to achieve the greatest possible dissemination and collaboration.

We encourage you to collaborate in order to recover and disseminate our artistic heritage so that we can enjoy it now and in the future .


Why this is important

We are driven by a passion for opera, we are proud of our language, Basque, and we love our land. Three powerful and sufficient reasons why Pudente seems to us to be the ideal project for achieving our objectives.

We have an enormous desire to make it known, not only to the usual audiences, those who usually go to theatres, but also to those who consider (wrongly, in our humble opinion) that opera is an elitist spectacle. We will try to show them otherwise.

We will also focus on getting young people to come to our performances and to stop considering that this type of show is only for older people.

In addition to all of the above, audiences will be surprised to find in PUDENTE a number of popular tunes that are, even for the youngest, easily recognisable and familiar.

We believe that this can help the less "knowledgeable" to appreciate this musical-theatrical genre and to enjoy a really special show that will leave no one indifferent.

What are you waiting for to lend a hand? Click on the "Co-fund this project" button and remember that, as well as supporting us in the development of this project, for which we are very grateful, you will be able to deduct your contributions from next year's Income Tax Return:

  • 35% for taxpayers in Gipuzkoa.
  • 30% for taxpayers in Bizkaia.
  • 20% for taxpayers in Araba.
  • 80% of the first 150 euros of the amount of the contributions and 40% for the rest of the amount exceeding 150 euros for taxpayers in Navarra.
  • 10% for taxpayers in other regions.

Team and experience

Donostia Opera is a non-profit organisation created in 2017 with the aim of supporting and promoting opera.

It has its origins in the choir that has regularly participated in the operas organised in Donostia since 2014.

Its members have a proven track record as singers in different prestigious choral groups in Gipuzkoa, the Basque Country and Navarre.

The achievements of recent years are the result of the work and enthusiasm with which the members of the association face the challenge of performing opera choruses.

Over the years, the members of the original Donostia Opera choir have been joined by several opera enthusiasts with the aim of promoting the taste and knowledge of opera in particular and opera in general, in Donostia and in the whole of Gipuzkoa and the Basque Country.

Donostia Opera has collaborated with its choir in the production of 11 operas in Donostia and a musical in Orio.

We have coproduced, in addition, two operas and organised annually, since 2019, concerts to disseminate the repertoire entitled "Divina Opera".

All that remains is for you to join the great Donostia Opera family and make the dream of so many come true.


Social commitment

Sustainable Development Goals

  • Quality Education

    Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development.

  • Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Sustainable economic growth will require societies to create the conditions that allow people to have quality jobs.

  • Partnerships for the Goals

    Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development