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Quién Manda

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Finished 28 / 12 / 2013
$ 273,550
$ 229,731
$ 344,597
307 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 213


    You will be acknowledged on the website

    > 120 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 638


    Customized digital picture of Quien Manda + recognition on the web

    > 33 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,064


    Customized printed picture of Quien Manda + digital picture + recognition on the web

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,127

    Quién Manda LOGO T-SHIRT

    Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web

    > 17 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 3,191


    Civio e-magazine: analysis on issues of transparency, open data, open government and related research areas (June 2014 ) + Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web

    > 13 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,381

    Quién Manda. How did we do it?

    We are at your disposal to make a presentation (in person or by video conference) about our project development process + Civio e-magazine + Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 10,636


    Special acknowledgment (with your name or logo) + personal presentation about our project development process + Civio e-magazine + Quién Manda logo T-shirt + customized printed picture + digital picture + recognition on the web

    > 03 Co-financiers

About this project

The map of power relations in Spain. Do you want to know who sits on the most influential boards and what is their connection?

Needs Görev Minimum Optimum
Weekly articles of research and analysis and feeding the profile and relations repository
One weekly article until March 2014 + 10 profiles/month (minimum)
$ 102,103
Add automatically new data sets
Software development to add automatically new data sets, i.e. SICAV
$ 19,144
Compiling, tagging and publishing more pictures
At least 150 pictures more, showing relations between profiles
$ 25,526
Allow users to upload their own pictures and comment on them
Add this functionality, with a preious control system to ensure propoerty rights and information rigour.
$ 25,526
API development to make databases available
API development to make datasets reusable
$ 25,526
Allow user to vote their favorite pictures
Add participation functionalities
$ 12,763
Develop widget to share the pictures in other webs
A simple aplication to easily export Quien Manda contents
$ 19,144
One weekly article until June 2014 + 10 profiles/month (minimum)
$ 85,086
Create your own Quien Manda visualization
Being able to select profiles and allow the visualization to be embedded in other webpages
$ 14,890
Bookmarklet to identify QM profiles when surfing the net
Bookmarklet to identify QM profiles when surfing the net
$ 14,890
Total $ 229,731 $ 344,597

General information

Quién Manda (www.quienmanda.es) is Civio’s latest project, a data-based website untangling relationships between Spain's public & private sector. The current version of Quién Manda, a basic one, includes a database with over 2.500 key documented power relationships, over 100 tagged photographs and a series of lead articles unravelling relationships between Spanish public officials and private corporates.

Now we want to unleash the entire potential of the tool. We need to disclose more profiles, set more connections, write more stories and implement a more advanced application to show the relationships between political and economic power fully and deeply.

What for? In Spain, lobby activities are not regulated and, therefore, too many decisions are taken behind closed-doors, in secrecy. We campaign to regulate lobbying activities and to gain public access to public official’s agendas. We demand to know how decisions are taken and under whose influence.

Main features and goals of the crowdfunding campaign

The objective of this crowdfunding campaign is to develop the site, unleashing its entire potential; to continue researching and publishing weekly articles; and to attain lobby regulation.

The site (based on open source software) will help gather collaboratively pictures of meetings and events involving high profile individuals, and combine these pictures with official data sources, offering a thorough and highly visual display of the relations among social, political and economic elites. An open repository of graphical evidence for journalists and citizens, users will be able to upload their own photos (have you met a politician at a restaurant’s table together with a businessman?). Displaying theses relationships, the user will be able to build a network of relationships on a given topic and embed it in any website or blog. Besides, a bookmarklet will identify powerful profiles when surfing the web. Our plans also include developing an API to make our database available to public use, and adding automated features to gather more and more data from primary and official sources

There is much work to be done. We will publish a weekly article, always precisely documented and based on verified data, to analyse a particular topic. We have a long list of topics: public procurement, media, previous relations between political and economic elites and countless relationships to bring to light.

Why this is important

This project is crucial to reduce opacity in decision-making processes. We need a mandatory registration of every influent group of interest (their budgets, their members and their goals) and to know who do our representants meet with. We want our public officials to show that they have nothing to hide.


Goals of the crowdfunding campaign

With this campaign we intend to enhance the platform and keep all the information updated, at least, until June 2014.

If we get the minimum resources, we will:

  • Publish investigative articles every week (until March 2014)

  • Feed the profile and relationship repositories (at least 10 new profiles/week)

  • Compile, tag and publish more photos (at least 150 more)

  • Let users upload, comment on and categorize their own images

  • Add new datasets automatically (ie SICAVs)

  • Develop an API to make the whole database available

  • Add widgets and other features to share photos and relations

    If we get the optimal resources, we will:

    • Publish investigative articles every week (until June 2014)
  • Feed the profile and relationship repositories (until June 2014)

  • You will be able to create your own visualizations by selecting profiles and marking relations so that it can be embedded in other websites

  • Develop a bookmarklet to identifying profiles and relations while browsing the net

This project has been initially developed thanks to a grant from Global Integrity awarded in the context of their Testing 123 Innovation Fund, worth $ 10,000.


Team and experience

Civio is a civil society non-for-profit organization founded in Madrid in December 2011. Previous projects developed include the Spanish version of Where Does My Money Go and a Freedom of Information Q&A site –created together with Access Info Europe–, that we continue to use while campaigning to get an FOI law approved in Spain. We have also organized data-journalism seminars and training courses for institutions, journalists, developers and big media, leveraging the experience we have obtained building highly-focused sites on forest fires, governmental pardons or regularly monitoring and scraping the country’s official gazette.

Our team is multidisciplinary and consists of David Cabo, director of Civio and computer engineer, responsible all the development of the portal; Eva Belmonte, the lead journalist responsible for finding and digging relationships and stories; Javier de Vega, taking the whole issue of communication and Cristina Moreno supporting partnerships. Hugo Garrido, journalism student and intern, has supported the team in this endeavour.

Social commitment