¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?

Forced Renewables (Renovables forzosas)

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1Round Remaining 21 hours
Now 4 the optimum
€ 9.020
€ 8.510
€ 18.510
65 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    Anonymous support

    • -For those who want to contribute a small amount to help us cross the finish line. Every little helps!*
    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 20

    Premium access to the preview

    • -You will be able to access the preview of the documentary via the internet from home before its official release and for a whole weekend so that you can share it with your family and friends in the comfort of your own home.
    • -Your name and surname will appear in the final credits.
    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Outstanding contributor

    • - Premium access to the online preview of the documentary
    • -The official script of the documentary (here you can see an example of the script of our previous documentary work ‘Mountains in Harmony’)
    • -Your name and surname, will appear in the final credits
    > 06 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 60

    Outstanding Contributor

    • -Here you have the opportunity to get two invitations to the preview in the cities where the documentary is being shown in one of its previews.
    • -You also have access to the online preview
    • -The official script of the documentary (here you can see an example of the script of our previous documentary ‘Mountains in Harmony’)
    • -Your name and surname, will appear in the final credits
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Outstanding patron

    • -Online Masterclass Webinar on ‘Documentary Script’ given by filmmaker Dany Campos, (Populos Films) who has been a documentary script consultant
    • -Group videoconference with the Director, Producer and Producer, of the production team.
    • -You also have access to the online preview
    • -The official script of the documentary (here you can see an example of the script of our previous documentary work ‘Mountains in Harmony’)
    • -Your name and surname, will appear in the final credits
    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 250

    Great Patron of the Arts Special Mention

    • -Here's your chance to get four invitations to the preview in the cities where the documentary is being shown and before its official release.
    • -Group videoconference with the Director, Scriptwriter and Producer, from the production team.
    • -DIGITAL certificate to print with your name and surname as Grand Patron of the documentary, signed by the production team.
    • -You also have access to the online preview
    • -The official script of the documentary (here you can see an example of the script of our previous documentary work ‘Mountains in Harmony’)
    • -Your name and surname, will appear in the final credits
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Pre-sale of a private screening in your community + Director’s Q&A session

    • -Organise a private screening of the documentary in your association or town and invite the director to a discussion afterwards.
    • -The support of the Association or Community with its name and location will appear in the final credits.
    • -The official script of the documentary (here you can see an example of the script of our previous documentary work ‘Mountains in Harmony’)
      • -This is the only way to self-finance a tour of 25 locations before the premiere of the documentary in 2025 and the best way to get the message across.
    • https://www.goteo.org/calculadora-fiscal
    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.000

    Documentary Sponsor

      • 10 Invitations Official preview
    • -Your brand and company with its logo will appear in the film's opening credits.
    • -The official documentary script (here you can see an example of the script of our previous documentary work ‘Mountains in Harmony’)
      • The sponsor's support will be mentioned in media, all communications or press releases, as a brand with involvement and concern for the proper implementation of renewable energy and sustainable development.
      • Certificate of appreciation as Project Sponsor
    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 2.500

    Associate producer

      • 12 Invitations Official preview
    • -Your name and surname will appear in the opening credits of the film as Associate Producer.
    • -The official documentary script (here you can see an example of the script of our previous documentary ‘Mountains in Harmony’)
    • -Support and consultancy for the tax deduction of the contribution in support of Spanish Cinema. (Read more)
    > 01 Co-financiers

¿Tienen beneficios fiscales mis aportaciones al proyecto?

18 | 02 | 2025
¿Tienen beneficios fiscales mis aportaciones al proyecto?

Hola mecena, cofinanciador, amigos y simpatizantes del proyecto Renovables Forzosas;

Aunque sabemos que vuestra aportación no busca un retorno de inversión ni nada por el estilo, hemos elegido esta plataforma por su facilidad de uso pero tambien por la transparencia a la hora de las aportaciones y los beneficios fiscales para todos vosotros.

Os invitamos a que podais leer la seccion que tiene la plataforma al respecto y que os permitirá deducir una parte de la aportación que hagais en vuestra proxima declaración de la renta y de la que os copio algunos detalles a continuación según la plataforma:

Como ya debes saber, aportar en Goteo no sólo hace posibles un montón de proyectos que nos benefician a todos/as, sino que ¡además desgrava! Al realizar una aportación a un proyecto, y gracias al incremento en los tipos de deducción aplicables desde 2020 para las donaciones puras y simples que se realicen en favor de la Fundación Goteo, como entidad acogida al régimen fiscal especial de la Ley 49/2002, de 23 de diciembre, podrás deducirte (siempre y cuando hagas tu declaración en España):

En el caso de personas físicas a través del IRPF:

con los primeros 150€, te beneficiarás de una deducción del 80%. El resto de deducciones serán del 35%. Para donaciones mayores de 150€ a la misma entidad, durante los dos períodos impositivos inmediatos anteriores, la deducción será del 40% si mantienes o elevas tu cuota.

Más información y detalles en: https://www.goteo.org/faq/investors


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