¡Renovamos Goteo!

Goteo ha construido una historia única en el mundo del micromecenazgo. ¿Quieres seguir formando parte de ella?


Finished 19 / 12 / 2021
$ 161,107
$ 110,046
$ 330,137
121 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 220

    Heartfelt thanks + wallpaper

    We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your participation in this citizen's struggle! We don't have enough space here to thank you, so we will send you an email with a picture of the Sierra de la Mosca, because a picture is worth a thousand words.
    Thank you!

    Important: All rewards are tax deductible in the next income tax declaration

    > 15 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 440

    Email + Your name on our Facebook Wall! + Julián Rebollo's photograph to lesson

    In addition to expressing our excitement and gratitude to you in writing,

    • if you give us your permission, we would like to mention and thank you on our social networks.
    • We will send you one of these four photos that highlight the unique elements of the sierra that they intend to destroy. Its author is our colleague Julián Rebollo, nature lover and connoisseur of the Sierra de la Mosca. You can find him on https://facebook.com/julian.rebollo.75

    "Peonías en la alberca"

    "Desde el Portanchito Nº1"

    "Desde el Cerro del Milano"

    "Desde el Portanchito Nº2"

    Important: All the rewards are tax deductible in the next Income Tax Declaration.

    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 770

    Email + wallpaper+ T-shirt "Paisaje Protegido".

    In addition to expressing our emotion and gratitude in writing,

    we will send you a T-shirt of our great achievement "Paisaje Protegido", in one of these sizes XXXL, XXL, XL, L and M and in one of these three colours:

    • bottle green
    • worm green
    • white

    Shipping to Spain and Europe. We pay the shipping costs.
    If you live in Cáceres, we encourage you to pick up your reward in one of our friendly establishments, every euro counts. We will leave you a small gift for your trouble.
    Quantity available: bottle green 15 units, worm green 15 units, white 5 units.
    Colours may look slightly different due to different screens.

    Important: All rewards are tax deductible for the next income tax return.

    > 30 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,100

    Email + Digital design by Rubén Asenjo

    In addition to expressing our emotion and gratitude in writing,
    We will send you a file with one of these three unpublished creations by Rubén Asenjo. You can choose the one you like the most:

    • First: Egyptian Vulture, Neophron percnopterus
    • Second: Short-toed Eagle, Circaetus gallicus
    • Third: Little Owl, Athene noctua

    Rubén Asenjo is a photographer who knows every corner of the mountains and the creatures that inhabit them. He makes his designs with the fauna and flora of the Valdeflores Valley, everything you see in them is part of the identity of the people of Cáceres. You can find him at https://www.facebook.com/ruben.asenjomartin

    Important: All rewards are tax deductible in the next Income Tax Declaration.

    > 07 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 1,651

    Email+ wallpaper+ T-shirt "NO a la Mina".

    In addition to expressing our emotion and gratitude in writing,

    we will send you one of our "No a la Mina" T-shirts, in one of these sizes XXXL, XXL, XL, L and M and in one of these two colours:

    • white
    • black

    Shipping to Spain and Europe. We pay the shipping costs.

    If you live in Cáceres, we encourage you to pick up your reward in one of our friendly establishments, every euro counts. We will leave you a small gift for your trouble.
    Quantity available: white 50 units, black 50.

    Important: All rewards are tax deductible in the next Income Tax Declaration.

    > 03 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 2,201

    Email + wallpaper+ T-shirt "NO a la Mina" + cotton bag "Green Heart".

    As well as expressing our emotion and gratitude in writing,

    • We will send you one of our "NO a la Mina" T-shirts, in white or black.
    • We will send you the Greenheart bag.

    We ship to Spain and Europe. We will pay the shipping costs.

    Important: All rewards are tax deductible in the next Income Tax Declaration.

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 6,603

    T-shirt + "Greenheart" bag + Access to the report "Calerizo Aquifer".

    In addition to expressing our emotion and gratitude in writing, we will send you one of our "No a la Mina" or "Paisaje Protegido" T-shirts,

    • We will send you one of our "No a la Mina" or "Paisaje Protegido" T-shirts of your choice.
      1. we will send you the Greenheart bag
    • with your email, you will have access to the Calerizo Technical Report.
      Shipping to Spain and Europe. We will pay the shipping costs.

    *If you live in Cáceres, we encourage you to pick up your reward in one of our friendly establishments, every euro counts. We will leave you a small gift for your trouble.

    Important: All rewards are tax deductible in the next Income Tax Declaration.

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 11,005

    Mention + unpublished creation by Rubén Asenjo + "NO to the Mine" t-shirt + "Protected Landscape" t-shirt + "Green Heart" bag + access to the technical report "Calerizo Aquifer".

    In addition to expressing our emotion and gratitude in writing,

    • if you give us your permission, we would like to mention and thank you in our social networks.
    • We will send you the photograph of your choice of our colleague Julián Rebollo.
      We will send you a file with an unpublished creation by Rubén Asenjo, a photographer who knows every corner of the mountain and the beings that inhabit it.
    • We will send you our "No a la Mina" and "Paisaje Protegido" T-shirts in the size of your choice.
    • We will send you the Greenheart bag.
    • With your email, you will have access to the Technical Report on the Calerizo.

    Shipping to Spain and Europe. We will pay the shipping costs.
    If you live in Cáceres, we encourage you to pick up your reward in one of our friendly establishments, every euro counts. We will leave you a small gift for your trouble.

    Important: All rewards are tax deductible in the next Income Tax Declaration.*

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing $ 22,009

    Mention + unpublished creation by Rubén Asenjo + "NO a la Mina" t-shirt + "Paisaje Protegido" t-shirt + "Green Heart" bag + access to the technical report "Calerizo Aquifer".

    In addition to expressing our emotion and gratitude in writing,

    • if you give us your permission, we would like to mention and thank you in our social networks.
    • We will send you the photograph of your choice of our colleague Julián.
    • We will send you a file with an unpublished creation by Rubén Asenjo, a photographer who knows every corner of the mountain and the beings that inhabit it.
    • We will send you our "No a la Mina" and "Paisaje Protegido" T-shirts, with a size of your choice.
    • We will send you the Greenheart bag.
    • With your email, you will have access to the Technical Report on the Calerizo.

    Important: All rewards are tax deductible in the next Income Tax Declaration.

    > 00 Co-financiers
El retorno colectivo tras la campaña con Goteo ya es accesible desde la página del proyecto.
Wow, donación de 1.000€ a nuestra campaña en Goteo, ¡mil gracias!
¡Tres días no son nada! Si no has aportado aún, ¿a qué esperas? Mucha gente ya lo ha hecho.
A una semana de llegar al mínimo que necesitamos, si aún no has aportado, ¡ahora es el momento!
¿Ya han pasado 20 días de campaña? Momento para recordar colaboraciones no monetarias.
Casi somos 100, ¿te animas a llegar a esa cifra?
¡Olé, objetivo de financiación logrado!
Gracias al apoyo de la gente, ¡el proyecto está muy cerca de hacerse realidad!
Tras una semana de crowdfunding, te recordamos nuestros motivos (haz clic)
Haz clic para ver lo que vamos a hacer si logramos este crowdfunding.
Esto es lo que queremos hacer y est@s somos nosotr@s
Más de la mitad del camino recorrido, ¡ya está más cerca el objetivo de recaudación!

¡Primera charla! "¿Qué está pasando en Cáceres?"

Os dejamos el enlace de esta primera charla, completa, para que estéis informados.
¡Os animamos a compartir en vuestras redes!

[Read more]
Superado el 20% del objetivo de recaudación en Goteo, ¡bien!
Primer par de donaciones, ¡gracias! :)