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Finished 09 / 07 / 2022
€ 8.100
€ 5.000
€ 9.000
126 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 10

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you a photo/screen saver of our Dehesa, made by one member of the Platform. We would like you to enjoy our Dehesa as we hope we will thanks to your contribution.

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    > 14 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 30

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our badges and a sticker with our logo, so that you can make us visible wherever you go.

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    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 09 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 50

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts with its unmistakable green tone that will help us make our struggle visible thanks to you.

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 20 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 100

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts and a photo/screen saver of our Dehesa made by one member of the Platform.
    Help us make our struggle visible!

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 08 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 200

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts and a badge.
    Help us make our struggle visible!

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 300

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts, a badge and a photo/screen saver of our Dehesa.
    Help us make our struggle visible!

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 02 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 500

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts, a badge and a photo/screen saver of our Dehesa.
    Help us make our struggle visible!

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 00 Co-financiers
  • Contributing € 1.000

    Thanks for your contribution!

    Thank you very much for participating in the defense of the Dehesa and its future.

    If you wish, we will send you one of our T-shirts, a badge and a photo/screen saver of our Dehesa.
    Help us make our struggle visible!

    Remember that donate discounts. For more information click here
    Consult the Goteo tax calculator here

    > 00 Co-financiers


28 | 06 | 2022


The ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) proposes to the European Commission the classification and labelling of lithium products.

It's funny how we humans trip over the same stone. We have a global warming problem that has been caused by over-burning fossil fuels. It was supposed to be what we needed. In doing so, we caused a serious planetary problem.
Now the solutions are changing the type of material: instead of wasting fossil fuels, we are going to waste land: we are going to devastate ground both above and below searching for "critical" materials. The same philosophy underlies the problem: "economic growth" and "infinite resources' planet".

ANSES, a French state agency, monitors and assesses risks related to food, environment and health at work.
ANSES' proposal to ECHA was to classify three products (Lithium Hydroxide, Lithium Carbonate and Lithium Cloride) as A1 hazardous substances.
Of the four ANSES substances, two have been reported negatively because there is not yet conclusive evidence that it is either carcinogenic or mutilation-causing. However, there is evidence for its classification and labelling for risks to reproductive health and affections to infants through breastfeeding.

In the speech we will share with you tomorrow, Luis Palomo, Physician in Primary Care, will talk about chronic serious affections derived from mining, the conditions caused in children by coltan, which includes the minerals Niobium and Tantalum. These minerals are associated in rocks with traces of Thorium and Uranium (radioactive). If the toxicity of lithium is serious and yet they plan to manufacture lithium hydroxide, no less so is the presence of another extractive target, coltan, in the projected Cañaveral mine (Dehesa de Las Navas).

There is so much at stake that accepting the sale of our villages, the health of their people and the future of generations to come requires that we reconsider and analyse all these facts in depth.

To our Dehesa.
Yes to life, no to mining.


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